tools-analyzer-clojure 1.1.1-1 source package in Ubuntu


tools-analyzer-clojure (1.1.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.

  [ Louis-Philippe Véronneau ]
  * d/control: New email for the Clojure Team.

  [ Jérôme Charaoui ]
  * New upstream version 1.1.1
  * d/control: remove redundant binary Depends
  * d/control: bump Standards-Version, no changes needed
  * d/patches: refresh patches for new upstream version
  * d/rules: replace jh_installlibs override
  * d/rules: honor nocheck flag in build options
  * d/tests: run upstream testsuite with bultitude
  * d/watch: fix tag pattern
  * remove obsolete README.source
  * run wrap-and-sort -bastk

 -- Jérôme Charaoui <email address hidden>  Wed, 01 Feb 2023 21:41:55 -0500

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Debian Clojure Maintainers
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Debian Clojure Maintainers
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Oracular release universe misc
Noble release universe misc
Mantic release universe misc
Lunar release universe misc


Lunar: [FULLYBUILT] amd64


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
tools-analyzer-clojure_1.1.1-1.dsc 1.6 KiB 4dd1dc5fc690e3ba83043bb16c9f89f243786e45d2affbc79a004ac0bb41c08a
tools-analyzer-clojure_1.1.1.orig.tar.xz 34.2 KiB 691daa7175baa4ebfa43abddc6a7fc11e5ef2704e233176e2974d12580f5f55e
tools-analyzer-clojure_1.1.1-1.debian.tar.xz 7.2 KiB c0f45b3e74855afc6b394a114b439feaafb0d387064897752da8cede39e75ca8

Available diffs

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

libtools-analyzer-clojure: analyzer for host agnostic Clojure code

 An analyzer for host agnostic Clojure code, written in Clojure and producing
 AST in EDN.
 The analyzer in this library should not to be used directly as it lacks any
 knowledge about host-specific special forms and it should only be considered
 as a building platform for host-specific analyzers