Why not just create a command line handler for -calendar inside of lightning and then handle the odd issues with Thunderbird wanting to load the mailbox within the command handler code? This is From IRC: [12:08pm] bienvenu_ joined the chat room. [12:16pm] ctalbert|afk: bienvenu_: ping [12:16pm] You are now known as ctalbert. [12:16pm] bienvenu_: ctalbert - pong [12:17pm] ctalbert: bienvenu_: Do you know what would need to be changed on the Thunderbird side for a -calendar option to work? (bug 359807, comments 29-31) [12:18pm] bienvenu_: ctalbert - I don't know. I like the idea of lightning having its own command line handler [12:18pm] bienvenu_: I don't know if there needs to be some change to Thunderbird for that to happen (I doubt it would, though) [12:18pm] bienvenu_: and I'm not sure if any changes to TB would be needed if Lightning did have its own command line handler... [12:19pm] bienvenu_: sorry, that's not very helpful [12:19pm] Wolf joined the chat room. [12:20pm] ctalbert: Ok. Thanks bienvenu_ From the earlier comments, I thought there was something that would have be modified in Tbird. Maybe I misread. [12:20pm] bienvenu_: I'm not sure which approach that comment referred to... [12:20pm] Fallen: bienvenu_: What do you think about comment #30 ? Sven suggests its about preventing the biff [12:21pm] Fallen: the problem is that calendar is shown initially, but the biff selects the inbox, which switches back to mail view [12:23pm] bienvenu_: Fallen - that's not exactly biff, but rather check for new messages on startup... [12:23pm] Fallen: Yes, thats what I meant. [12:24pm] bienvenu_: but yes, I understand what you mean... [12:25pm] bienvenu_: I'm a little unclear how that forces things back to the mail view - does Lightning do that somehow? [12:25pm] bienvenu_: or is there some side effect of selecting a folder that switches back to the mail folder pane? [12:27pm] Fallen: Let me take a look how it works exactly. I believe selecting a folder is somehow observed and the view switches back. This is definitely ltn specific [12:28pm] bienvenu_: so in ttheory if you had your own command line handler, you could supress the behavior for the startup folder, in the -calendar case? [12:31pm] Fallen: bienvenu_: sorry, was disconnected. SelectFolder and SelectMessage are overridden. http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/calendar/lightning/content/messenger-overlay-sidebar.js#580 [12:34pm] MarcoZ joined the chat room. [12:34pm] MarcoZ: Fallen: *ping*? [12:35pm] Fallen: busy, whats up? [12:36pm] MarcoZ: Fallen, a question regarding the gdataprovider extension. I'm always getting a 404 error when trying to update an appointment or create a new one from Lightning. Reading events is OK, though. But if you're busy, we can talk some other time. [12:37pm] Fallen: I'll look into it later, maybe they changed something. [12:41pm] MarcoZ: Does anybody know if there's a way to switch the tabs (Mail, Calendar, Tasks) via the keyboard? [12:41pm] davida left the chat room. (Quit: davida) [12:49pm] bienvenu_: Fallen - so I think you could supress that behavior on startup just in the Lightning code, with your own command line handler [12:49pm] ctalbert: MarcoZ: If there isn't a way, then that should be a bug. [12:49pm] • ctalbert doesn't see one, but I'm using an old build atm [12:50pm] Ramosa joined the chat room. [12:50pm] Fallen: Ctrl 1, 3 and maybe 4 [12:51pm] Fallen: not sure if task mode got a key [12:51pm] Wolf left the chat room. (Ping timeout) [12:52pm] Fallen: bienvenu_: I guess that could work. I wonder why the others didn't come up with that... [12:52pm] ctalbert: yeah ctrl 1 -> mail [12:52pm] ctalbert: ctrl 3 -> calendar [12:53pm] Fallen: ctalbert: any other implications? Do you think bienvenu's suggestion will work as expected? [12:53pm] ctalbert: Fallen: None that I know of. That sounds like a good solution. [12:53pm] Mc left the chat room. (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.79 [Firefox 3.0b1/2007110904]) [12:54pm] ctalbert: We just need to make sure that -calendar gets to us in our code, and then take it from there.