FUCK YOU GOOGLEZILLA WHORES - KILLER OF CUSTOMIZABILITY IN FAVOUR OF YOUR CHROME ADDICTION; YOU ARE ALL FUCKING GAYLORDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Ads-Whore and the death of customizability This is partly a true story of what will happening onwards Firefox Version 29, go on, read it and feel the bone biting pain! User: Who the hell disturbs the peace inside my customizability nation? Trashbin Porno-Dolske answers: "We, from the mighty Australis Chrome clone invasion!" Gaywin Ass-harp: "Beware User, we are visiting now your precious home, we're going to rape your 4 years old mountain goat and later... your Mom!" Gaywin and Trashbin grab the under-aged innocent child, they put it on their satanic Google-Worshiping-Table and rape it merciless and wild. They put their 300 Million Dollars caricature of a dick inside it's mouth, they penetrate the innocent goat pussy, they are laughing out loud! They cum inside the child until their maximum mark, the user lets out an angry, "Stop raping my goat!" dangerous bark! Trashbin licks it's nose, Gaywin cums right inside the goat child's face while the user pleads: "Please stop it finally, show mercy for fucks grace!" The users goat is as planned traumatized and cries while in the background Firefox customizability is killed off and dies. Asshole Dotzler is meanwhile filming the scene from behind, wrong move Rapezilla - because that guy is both stupid and blind. Also in background: Fake Winton, Dao Faggotwald, FattN and the MSUJEWS, all are members of the 2013 built Mozdolf Hitler youth! Oh... Not to forget Mr. McPornley who is in general lame, he is a sucker of cocks and therefor a shame! Now the Devil enters the scene in disguise of a disgusting hag - it's Mitchell Baker the ads-whore, that butt-ugly transvestite fag! She grabs the User with force on his neck, pins him down, does the "From Behind Ads-Strap-On-Attack". Mitchell: "Valued user, our plan is to track you, we need more wealth for our wallet so we're going to fuck you!" The User is paralyzed and blank is his mind, as Mitchell Baker enters the tracking ads trough her Latex-Dildo into his butt from behind! But suddenly a goddess arrives, screams at the Rapezilla guys "Who does Dare!!!!!" She uses her glorious magic and slowly but steadily drops Rapezilla Firechrome's market-share! ChiliConCarne1, 2014, February FUCK YOU GOOGLEZILLA WHORES - KILLER OF CUSTOMIZABILITY IN FAVOUR OF YOUR CHROME ADDICTION; YOU ARE ALL FUCKING GAYLORDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Ads-Whore and the death of customizability This is partly a true story of what will happening onwards Firefox Version 29, go on, read it and feel the bone biting pain! User: Who the hell disturbs the peace inside my customizability nation? Trashbin Porno-Dolske answers: "We, from the mighty Australis Chrome clone invasion!" Gaywin Ass-harp: "Beware User, we are visiting now your precious home, we're going to rape your 4 years old mountain goat and later... your Mom!" Gaywin and Trashbin grab the under-aged innocent child, they put it on their satanic Google-Worshiping-Table and rape it merciless and wild. They put their 300 Million Dollars caricature of a dick inside it's mouth, they penetrate the innocent goat pussy, they are laughing out loud! They cum inside the child until their maximum mark, the user lets out an angry, "Stop raping my goat!" dangerous bark! Trashbin licks it's nose, Gaywin cums right inside the goat child's face while the user pleads: "Please stop it finally, show mercy for fucks grace!" The users goat is as planned traumatized and cries while in the background Firefox customizability is killed off and dies. Asshole Dotzler is meanwhile filming the scene from behind, wrong move Rapezilla - because that guy is both stupid and blind. Also in background: Fake Winton, Dao Faggotwald, FattN and the MSUJEWS, all are members of the 2013 built Mozdolf Hitler youth! Oh... Not to forget Mr. McPornley who is in general lame, he is a sucker of cocks and therefor a shame! Now the Devil enters the scene in disguise of a disgusting hag - it's Mitchell Baker the ads-whore, that butt-ugly transvestite fag! She grabs the User with force on his neck, pins him down, does the "From Behind Ads-Strap-On-Attack". Mitchell: "Valued user, our plan is to track you, we need more wealth for our wallet so we're going to fuck you!" The User is paralyzed and blank is his mind, as Mitchell Baker enters the tracking ads trough her Latex-Dildo into his butt from behind! But suddenly a goddess arrives, screams at the Rapezilla guys "Who does Dare!!!!!" She uses her glorious magic and slowly but steadily drops Rapezilla Firechrome's market-share! ChiliConCarne1, 2014, February FUCK YOU GOOGLEZILLA WHORES - KILLER OF CUSTOMIZABILITY IN FAVOUR OF YOUR CHROME ADDICTION; YOU ARE ALL FUCKING GAYLORDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Ads-Whore and the death of customizability This is partly a true story of what will happening onwards Firefox Version 29, go on, read it and feel the bone biting pain! User: Who the hell disturbs the peace inside my customizability nation? Trashbin Porno-Dolske answers: "We, from the mighty Australis Chrome clone invasion!" Gaywin Ass-harp: "Beware User, we are visiting now your precious home, we're going to rape your 4 years old mountain goat and later... your Mom!" Gaywin and Trashbin grab the under-aged innocent child, they put it on their satanic Google-Worshiping-Table and rape it merciless and wild. They put their 300 Million Dollars caricature of a dick inside it's mouth, they penetrate the innocent goat pussy, they are laughing out loud! They cum inside the child until their maximum mark, the user lets out an angry, "Stop raping my goat!" dangerous bark! Trashbin licks it's nose, Gaywin cums right inside the goat child's face while the user pleads: "Please stop it finally, show mercy for fucks grace!" The users goat is as planned traumatized and cries while in the background Firefox customizability is killed off and dies. Asshole Dotzler is meanwhile filming the scene from behind, wrong move Rapezilla - because that guy is both stupid and blind. Also in background: Fake Winton, Dao Faggotwald, FattN and the MSUJEWS, all are members of the 2013 built Mozdolf Hitler youth! Oh... Not to forget Mr. McPornley who is in general lame, he is a sucker of cocks and therefor a shame! Now the Devil enters the scene in disguise of a disgusting hag - it's Mitchell Baker the ads-whore, that butt-ugly transvestite fag! She grabs the User with force on his neck, pins him down, does the "From Behind Ads-Strap-On-Attack". Mitchell: "Valued user, our plan is to track you, we need more wealth for our wallet so we're going to fuck you!" The User is paralyzed and blank is his mind, as Mitchell Baker enters the tracking ads trough her Latex-Dildo into his butt from behind! But suddenly a goddess arrives, screams at the Rapezilla guys "Who does Dare!!!!!" She uses her glorious magic and slowly but steadily drops Rapezilla Firechrome's market-share! ChiliConCarne1, 2014, February F U C K Y O U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!