* New upstream bugfix release.
- Fix DTD conformance in fontconfig file. (LP: #387872)
- More thinkness for bold faces of TlwgTypo and TlwgTypist families.
- Fix spline direction in several fonts. (LP: #313427)
- Add variation faces to Purisa.
- Improve hints for diagonal stems.
- Improve building system.
This bug was fixed in the package thaifonts-scalable - 1:0.4.13-1ubuntu1
thaifonts-scalable (1:0.4.13-1ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
* Use quilt patching system patches/ 01_remove_ tahoma_ fallback. diff
* Remove fallback from Tahoma to Waree (LP: #434054)
- debian/
thaifonts-scalable (1:0.4.13-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream bugfix release.
- Fix DTD conformance in fontconfig file. (LP: #387872)
- More thinkness for bold faces of TlwgTypo and TlwgTypist families.
- Fix spline direction in several fonts. (LP: #313427)
- Add variation faces to Purisa.
- Improve hints for diagonal stems.
- Improve building system.
-- Felix Geyer <email address hidden> Tue, 22 Sep 2009 10:16:46 +0200