#0 g_logv (log_domain=0x0, log_level=G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, format=, args=args@entry=0x7fff1e4c4418) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./glib/gmessages.c:974 domain = 0x0 data = depth = log_func = 0x428a50 domain_fatal_mask = masquerade_fatal = test_level = was_fatal = was_recursion = msg = 0x16ba850 "unable to create file '/run/user/diegogehm/dconf/user': Permission denied. dconf will not work properly." msg_alloc = 0x16ba850 "unable to create file '/run/user/diegogehm/dconf/user': Permission denied. dconf will not work properly." i = 3 #1 0x00007fca8c138e42 in g_log (log_domain=log_domain@entry=0x0, log_level=log_level@entry=G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, format=) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./glib/gmessages.c:1003 args = {{gp_offset = 40, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fff1e4c44f0, reg_save_area = 0x7fff1e4c4430}} #2 0x00007fca86ecd717 in dconf_shm_open (name=0x16be8c0 "user") at dconf-shm.c:87 shmdir = filename = 0x16bea20 "/run/user/diegogehm/dconf/user" memory = 0x0 fd = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "dconf_shm_open" #3 0x00007fca86ecb59b in dconf_engine_source_user_reopen (source=0x16be870) at dconf-engine-source-user.c:76 user_source = 0x16be870 #4 0x00007fca86ecb3ed in dconf_engine_source_refresh (source=0x16be870) at dconf-engine-source.c:57 was_open = 0 is_open = #5 0x00007fca86ec9c9d in dconf_engine_acquire_sources (engine=engine@entry=0x16155a0) at dconf-engine.c:201 i = #6 0x00007fca86eca556 in dconf_engine_get_state (engine=engine@entry=0x16155a0) at dconf-engine.c:311 state = #7 0x00007fca86ecaa8e in dconf_engine_watch_fast (engine=0x16155a0, path=0x16bb360 "/system/proxy/") at dconf-engine.c:762 ow = 0x16bb330 i = #8 0x00007fca8c5fbcc3 in g_object_newv (object_type=1, object_type@entry=23829104, n_parameters=n_parameters@entry=1, parameters=parameters@entry=0x16ba520) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gobject/gobject.c:1746 cparams = oparams = 0x16ba750 nqueue = object = 0x7fca80003940 class = 0x16bc280 unref_class = 0x0 slist = n_total_cparams = n_cparams = n_oparams = 0 n_cvalues = cvalues = clist = newly_constructed = i = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_object_newv" #9 0x00007fca8c5fc040 in g_object_new_valist (object_type=object_type@entry=23829104, first_property_name=first_property_name@entry=0x7fca8c93fb6b "schema-id", var_args=var_args@entry=0x7fff1e4c4738) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gobject/gobject.c:1835 class = 0x16bc280 params = 0x16ba520 name = 0x0 object = n_params = n_alloced_params = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_object_new_valist" #10 0x00007fca8c5fc374 in g_object_new (object_type=23829104, first_property_name=first_property_name@entry=0x7fca8c93fb6b "schema-id") at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gobject/gobject.c:1550 object = var_args = {{gp_offset = 32, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fff1e4c4820, reg_save_area = 0x7fff1e4c4750}} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_object_new" #11 0x00007fca8c8e0485 in g_settings_new (schema_id=schema_id@entry=0x7fca870d4126 "org.gnome.system.proxy") at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gio/gsettings.c:869 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_settings_new" #12 0x00007fca870d30cc in g_proxy_resolver_gnome_init (resolver=0x161bbe0) at gproxyresolvergnome.c:179 No locals. #13 0x00007fca8c61598f in g_type_create_instance (type=) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gobject/gtype.c:1890 node = 0x16b9f70 instance = 0x161bbe0 class = 0x16b9de0 i = total_size = #14 0x00007fca8c5fa288 in g_object_constructor (type=, n_construct_properties=0, construct_params=0x0) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gobject/gobject.c:1854 object = #15 0x00007fca8c5fbd41 in g_object_newv (object_type=object_type@entry=23830384, n_parameters=n_parameters@entry=0, parameters=parameters@entry=0x0) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gobject/gobject.c:1637 cparams = 0x0 oparams = 0x0 nqueue = 0x0 object = class = 0x16b9de0 unref_class = 0x16b9de0 slist = 0x0 n_total_cparams = n_cparams = 0 n_oparams = 0 n_cvalues = cvalues = clist = newly_constructed = i = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_object_newv" #16 0x00007fca8c5fc38c in g_object_new (object_type=object_type@entry=23830384, first_property_name=first_property_name@entry=0x0) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gobject/gobject.c:1547 object = var_args = {{gp_offset = 0, fp_offset = 0, overflow_arg_area = 0x1698500, reg_save_area = 0x7fca870d390f}} __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_object_new" #17 0x00007fca8c88ff11 in try_implementation (extension=, verify_func=verify_func@entry=0x7fca8c89cc20 ) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gio/giomodule.c:645 type = 23830384 impl = #18 0x00007fca8c8900a0 in _g_io_module_get_default (extension_point=0x7fca8c9258a6 "gio-proxy-resolver", envvar=0x7fca8c92f496 "GIO_USE_PROXY_RESOLVER", verify_func=0x7fca8c89cc20 ) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gio/giomodule.c:742 use_this = l = 0x16b1b80 ep = extension = preferred = 0x0 impl = 0x16228f0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_g_io_module_get_default" #19 0x00007fca8c8ae0c5 in g_proxy_address_enumerator_next_async (enumerator=0x16b1760, cancellable=0x0, callback=0x1, user_data=0x16b1800) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gio/gproxyaddressenumerator.c:548 resolver = 0x0 priv = 0x164f2f0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_proxy_address_enumerator_next_async" #20 0x00007fca8c8a9c6e in g_socket_client_connect_to_uri_async (client=0x16b0940, uri=uri@entry=0x16afa20 "xmpp-client://chat.facebook.com", default_port=default_port@entry=5222, cancellable=cancellable@entry=0x0, callback=callback@entry=0x7fca8d4b2ac0 , user_data=user_data@entry=0x16228f0) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gio/gsocketclient.c:1741 connectable = 0x1688f80 error = 0x0 #21 0x00007fca8d4b1e8c in connect_to_host_async (connector=0x16228f0, host_and_port=, default_port=5222) at wocky-connector.c:836 uri_format = uri = 0x16afa20 "xmpp-client://chat.facebook.com" priv = 0x1622910 #22 0x00007fca8d4b50a3 in connector_connect_async (self=0x16228f0, source_tag=source_tag@entry=0x7fca8d4b51d0, cancellable=0x7fca80009190, cb=cb@entry=0x46ef80 , user_data=user_data@entry=0x1646010) at wocky-connector.c:2364 port = 5222 srv = 0x16b7cf0 "chat.facebook.com" priv = node = 0x0 host = 0x16b85b0 "chat.facebook.com" uniq = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "connector_connect_async" #23 0x00007fca8d4b51e5 in wocky_connector_connect_async (self=, cancellable=, cb=cb@entry=0x46ef80 , user_data=user_data@entry=0x1646010) at wocky-connector.c:2396 No locals. #24 0x000000000046ca8b in _gabble_connection_connect (base=, error=) at connection.c:2266 conn = 0x1646010 priv = 0x1646200 tls_handler = 0x1615240 jid = interactive_tls = 1 user_certs_dir = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "_gabble_connection_connect" #25 0x00007fca8d0de9b8 in tp_base_connection_connect (iface=, context=0x1612b50) at base-connection.c:1997 self = 0x1646010 cls = 0x163d5e0 error = 0x0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "tp_base_connection_connect" #26 0x00007fca8a5e9bb8 in ffi_call_unix64 () at ../src/x86/unix64.S:75 No locals. #27 0x00007fca8a5e95c0 in ffi_call (cif=cif@entry=0x7fff1e4c4e80, fn=fn@entry=0x7fca8d1e61b0 , rvalue=0x7fff1e4c4de0, avalue=avalue@entry=0x7fff1e4c4d80) at ../src/x86/ffi64.c:492 classes = {X86_64_INTEGER_CLASS, X86_64_NO_CLASS, 508317184, 32767} stack = 0x7fff1e4c4bd0 "\200\357F" argp = 0x7fff1e4c4c80 "" arg_types = gprcount = 3 ssecount = ngpr = 1 nsse = 0 i = avn = ret_in_memory = reg_args = 0x7fff1e4c4bd0 #28 0x00007fca8c5f5a9b in g_cclosure_marshal_generic (closure=0x7fff1e4c5060, return_gvalue=0x0, n_param_values=, param_values=, invocation_hint=, marshal_data=0x7fca8d1e61b0) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./gobject/gclosure.c:1454 rtype = rvalue = 0x7fff1e4c4de0 n_args = 3 atypes = 0x7fff1e4c4db0 args = 0x7fff1e4c4d80 i = cif = {abi = FFI_UNIX64, nargs = 3, arg_types = 0x7fff1e4c4db0, rtype = 0x7fca8a5e9fa0, bytes = 0, flags = 0} cc = 0x7fff1e4c5060 enum_tmpval = 0x7fff1e4c4e00 tmpval_used = 0 #29 0x00007fca8d95376d in invoke_object_method (message=0x163a620, connection=0x1610000, method=0x7fca8d487c00, object_info=0x7fca8d485980, object=0x1646010) at dbus-gobject.c:1899 had_error = value_array = 0x169a420 gerror = 0x0 closure = {ref_count = 0, meta_marshal_nouse = 0, n_guards = 0, n_fnotifiers = 0, n_inotifiers = 0, in_inotify = 0, floating = 0, derivative_flag = 0, in_marshal = 0, is_invalid = 0, marshal = 0, data = 0x0, notifiers = 0x0} out_param_pos = have_retval = 0 send_reply = 1 in_signature = 0x168b030 "" out_param_count = out_param_gvalue_pos = retval_signals_error = 0 arg_metadata = is_async = out_param_values = 0x0 return_value = {g_type = 0, data = {{v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}, {v_int = 0, v_uint = 0, v_long = 0, v_ulong = 0, v_int64 = 0, v_uint64 = 0, v_float = 0, v_double = 0, v_pointer = 0x0}}} out_param_gvalues = 0x0 reply = 0x0 retval_is_synthetic = 0 retval_is_constant = 0 #30 object_registration_message (connection=0x1610000, message=message@entry=0x163a620, user_data=user_data@entry=0x165e380) at dbus-gobject.c:2161 pspec = object = 0x1646010 setter = getter = getall = s = requested_propname = wincaps_propiface = iter = {dummy1 = 0x0, dummy2 = 0x0, dummy3 = 0, dummy4 = 0, dummy5 = 23153072, dummy6 = 0, dummy7 = 23159104, dummy8 = 0, dummy9 = 0, dummy10 = 0, dummy11 = 0, pad1 = 0, pad2 = 0, pad3 = 0x1615c90} method = 0x7fca8d487c00 object_info = 0x7fca8d485980 ret = o = 0x165e380 #31 0x00007fca8d71e995 in _dbus_object_tree_dispatch_and_unlock (tree=0x160fcb0, message=message@entry=0x163a620, found_object=found_object@entry=0x7fff1e4c5284) at ../../dbus/dbus-object-tree.c:862 message_function = 0x7fca8d952b00 user_data = 0x165e380 next = 0x0 path = 0x163a5d0 exact_match = 0 list = 0x163a250 link = result = DBUS_HANDLER_RESULT_NOT_YET_HANDLED subtree = #32 0x00007fca8d710c30 in dbus_connection_dispatch (connection=connection@entry=0x1610000) at ../../dbus/dbus-connection.c:4672 message = 0x163a620 link = filter_list_copy = 0x0 message_link = 0x163a328 result = pending = reply_serial = status = found_object = __FUNCTION__ = "dbus_connection_dispatch" #33 0x00007fca8d950c25 in message_queue_dispatch (source=source@entry=0x1612fa0, callback=, user_data=) at dbus-gmain.c:90 connection = 0x1610000 #34 0x00007fca8c131ab5 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x1612e80) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./glib/gmain.c:2715 dispatch = 0x7fca8d950c10 was_in_call = 0 user_data = 0x0 callback = 0 cb_funcs = 0x0 cb_data = 0x0 current_source_link = {data = 0x1612fa0, next = 0x0} need_destroy = source = 0x1612fa0 current = 0x16221a0 i = #35 g_main_context_dispatch (context=context@entry=0x1612e80) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./glib/gmain.c:3219 No locals. #36 0x00007fca8c131de8 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x1612e80, block=block@entry=1, dispatch=dispatch@entry=1, self=) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./glib/gmain.c:3290 max_priority = 0 timeout = 0 some_ready = 1 nfds = allocated_nfds = fds = 0x161cb50 #37 0x00007fca8c1321e2 in g_main_loop_run (loop=0x1619450) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.34.0/./glib/gmain.c:3484 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "g_main_loop_run" #38 0x00007fca8d1c4e62 in tp_run_connection_manager (prog_name=prog_name@entry=0x4be9a7 "telepathy-gabble", version=version@entry=0x4cb467 "0.16.1", construct_cm=construct_cm@entry=0x428a30 , argc=argc@entry=1, argv=argv@entry=0x7fff1e4c5538) at run.c:285 connection = 0x1610000 bus_daemon = 0x1615090 error = 0x0 ret = 1 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "tp_run_connection_manager" #39 0x0000000000428d2c in gabble_main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff1e4c5538) at gabble.c:182 loader = 0x160c860 out = fatal_mask = #40 0x00007fca8bb3176d in __libc_start_main (main=0x428900
, argc=1, ubp_av=0x7fff1e4c5538, init=, fini=, rtld_fini=, stack_end=0x7fff1e4c5528) at libc-start.c:226 result = unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {0, -7765404963646748428, 4360480, 140733701707056, 0, 0, 7765755848798226676, 7759326340714055924}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x4be8a0, 0x7fff1e4c5538}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 4974752}}} not_first_call = #41 0x0000000000428949 in _start () No symbol table info available.