Activity log for bug #2028023

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2023-07-18 02:35:17 Aristo Chen bug added bug
2023-07-18 02:40:02 Aristo Chen bug task added oem-priority
2023-07-18 02:40:19 Aristo Chen oem-priority: importance Undecided Critical
2023-07-18 02:40:23 Aristo Chen oem-priority: assignee Aristo Chen (aristochen)
2023-07-18 02:45:46 Aristo Chen description [Summary] In jammy server image, when we use NetworkManager as netplan renderer, we may have DNS issue after executing command "udevadm trigger --subsystem-nomatch=input" as super user, the udevadm command may also be executed when we use "apt install XXXXXX" or "snap install XXXXXX". [Steps to reproduce] 1. Login to a jammy server(jammy desktop environment works fine) image environment with Vagrant 2. execute command "apt install network-manager" 3. modify netplan config to use NetworkManager as renderer """ # Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this system network: version: 2 renderer: NetworkManager """ 4. reboot 5. execute command "ping" first to make sure DNS works fine 6. execute command "udevadm trigger --subsystem-nomatch=input" as super user 7. execute command "ping" to check if DNS still works fine 8. if DNS works fine, then repeat step 6-7, the fail rate is around 20-30% [Other info] I have tested the above mentioned steps for the following scenarios, which work fine without DNS issue 1. Using focal server environment with Vagrant, there is no DNS issue 2. Using jammy server environment with Vagrant which has DNS issue, then add the kinetic/kinetic-updates source list, install systemd(version: 251.4-1ubuntu7.3) from kinetic, and there is no DNS issue If using focal server environment with Vagrant, then add the jammy/jammy-updates source list, install systemd(version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.9) from jammy, then I will have DNS issue as well by following the steps mentioned in [Steps to reproduce] [Fail rate] 20-30% [Test script] The following is the script that I used to test. Ideally it should run forever """ #!/bin/bash set -ex counter=1 while true; do echo "$(date): test round ${counter}" counter=$((counter + 1)) sudo udevadm trigger --subsystem-nomatch=input ping -c 2 sleep 0.5 done """ [Summary] In jammy server image, when we use NetworkManager as netplan renderer, we may have DNS issue after executing command "udevadm trigger --subsystem-nomatch=input" as super user, the udevadm command may also be executed when we use "apt install XXXXXX" or "snap install XXXXXX". [Steps to reproduce] 1. Login to a jammy server(jammy desktop environment works fine) image environment with Vagrant 2. execute command "apt install network-manager" 3. modify netplan config to use NetworkManager as renderer """ # Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this system network:   version: 2   renderer: NetworkManager """ 4. reboot 5. execute command "ping" first to make sure DNS works fine 6. execute command "udevadm trigger --subsystem-nomatch=input" as super user 7. execute command "ping" to check if DNS still works fine 8. if DNS works fine, then repeat step 6-7, the fail rate is around 20-30% [Other info] I have tested the above mentioned steps for the following scenarios, which work fine without DNS issue 1. Using focal server environment with Vagrant, there is no DNS issue 2. Using jammy server environment with Vagrant which has DNS issue, then add the kinetic/kinetic-updates source list, install systemd(version: 251.4-1ubuntu7.3) from kinetic, and there is no DNS issue If using focal server environment with Vagrant, then add the jammy/jammy-updates source list, install systemd(version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.9) from jammy, then I will have DNS issue as well by following the steps mentioned in [Steps to reproduce] [Other info - Vagrantfile] The following content is for the Vagrantfile that I used to test """ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-timezone") config.timezone.value = :host end config.vm.define "test" do |test| = "ubuntu/jammy64" test.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| = "test2" vb.memory = "4096" vb.cpus = 4 config.disksize.size = "50GB" end end end """ [Fail rate] 20-30% [Test script] The following is the script that I used to test. Ideally it should run forever """ #!/bin/bash set -ex counter=1 while true; do  echo "$(date): test round ${counter}"  counter=$((counter + 1))  sudo udevadm trigger --subsystem-nomatch=input  ping -c 2  sleep 0.5 done """
2023-07-18 04:32:44 Aristo Chen tags oem-priority oem-priority originate-from-2012231
2023-08-18 18:46:09 Nick Rosbrook tags oem-priority originate-from-2012231 oem-priority originate-from-2012231 systemd-sru-next
2023-08-18 18:48:01 Nick Rosbrook nominated for series Ubuntu Jammy
2023-08-18 18:48:01 Nick Rosbrook bug task added systemd (Ubuntu Jammy)
2023-08-18 18:48:06 Nick Rosbrook systemd (Ubuntu Jammy): importance Undecided High
2023-08-18 18:48:14 Nick Rosbrook systemd (Ubuntu): status New Fix Released
2023-08-18 19:09:18 Nick Rosbrook systemd (Ubuntu Jammy): status New Incomplete
2023-08-21 21:13:45 Nick Rosbrook tags oem-priority originate-from-2012231 systemd-sru-next oem-priority originate-from-2012231