timonin@spb9:~$ system-config-printer --debug + Connected as user timonin + : Operation += 'obtaining queue details' Authentication pass: 1 Authentication: password callback set Authentication pass: 1 Authentication: password callback set Authentication pass: 1 Authentication: password callback set : Operation ended + refresh Created subscription 30, events=['printer-added', 'printer-deleted', 'printer-state-changed'] Next notifications fetch in 1s Deferred populateList by 200ms update_jobs : Operation += 'obtaining queue details' Authentication pass: 1 Authentication: password callback set Authentication pass: 1 Authentication: password callback set Authentication pass: 1 Authentication: password callback set : Operation ended get_notifications update_jobs Next notifications fetch in 60s Connected as user timonin Authentication pass: 1 Authentication: password callback set Authentication pass: 1 Authentication: password callback set Examining firewall D-Bus exception examining firewall Using polkit-1 connection class + New IPPConnection +<_IPPConnectionThread(Thread-1, initial daemon)> + Awaiting further instructions Exception assessing DevicesGet API: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.opensuse.CupsPkHelper.Mechanism was not provided by any .service files + + fetchDevices + Converted ()/{'exclude_schemes': ['dnssd', 'snmp', 'bluetooth'], 'reply_handler': >, 'error_handler': >, 'auth_handler': >} to (0, [], ['dnssd', 'snmp', 'bluetooth']) +_PK1AsyncMethodCall: Calling PK method DevicesGet D-Bus call failed: DBusException('The name org.opensuse.CupsPkHelper.Mechanism was not provided by any .service files',) + Next task: (, (), {'exclude_schemes': ['dnssd', 'snmp', 'bluetooth']}, >, >, >) - Call ...success Awaiting further instructions DESTROY: fetchDevices + Converted ()/{'reply_handler': >, 'include_schemes': ['dnssd', 'snmp', 'bluetooth'], 'auth_handler': >, 'error_handler': >} to (0, ['dnssd', 'snmp', 'bluetooth'], []) +_PK1AsyncMethodCall: Calling PK method DevicesGet D-Bus call failed: DBusException('The name org.opensuse.CupsPkHelper.Mechanism was not provided by any .service files',) + Next task: (, (), {'include_schemes': ['dnssd', 'snmp', 'bluetooth']}, >, >, >) - Call Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/asyncipp.py", line 197, in send_reply handler (self._conn, result) File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/asyncpk1.py", line 140, in _ipp_reply_handler self._client_reply_handler (self._conn, *args) File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/asyncconn.py", line 93, in reply_handler self._reply_handler (self, self._reply_data, *args) File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/asyncconn.py", line 204, in _subst_reply_handler reply_handler (self, *args) File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/cupshelpers/cupshelpers.py", line 602, in _reply_handler self._client_reply_handler (connection, devices) File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/newprinter.py", line 1375, in current_uri)) File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/newprinter.py", line 1405, in local_devices_reply self.add_devices (result, current_uri) File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/newprinter.py", line 1804, in add_devices physdev = model.get_value (iter, 1) TypeError: iter must be a GtkTreeIter ...success Awaiting further instructions