E [31/Oct/2010:18:33:22 +0200] [CGI] Bad SNMP packet from variable-bindings uses indefinite length E [31/Oct/2010:18:39:46 +0200] [CGI] Bad SNMP packet from variable-bindings uses indefinite length E [31/Oct/2010:18:41:56 +0200] [CGI] Bad SNMP packet from variable-bindings uses indefinite length E [31/Oct/2010:19:01:47 +0200] [CGI] Bad SNMP packet from variable-bindings uses indefinite length E [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Print file was not accepted (server-error-not-accepting-jobs)! D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] The following messages were recorded from 19:18:29 to 19:18:30 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Adding start banner page "none". D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Adding end banner page "none". D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] File of type application/postscript queued by "kit". D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] hold_until=0 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Queued on "Xerox-Phaser-3420" by "kit". D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] job-sheets=none,none D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] argv[0]="Xerox-Phaser-3420" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] argv[1]="8" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] argv[2]="kit" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] argv[3]="Test Page" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] argv[4]="1" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] argv[5]="PageSize=A4 job-uuid=urn:uuid:2c0b4897-ce1d-37cf-4b69-2b4c00a4bd55 job-originating-host-name=localhost" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00008-001" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc-root" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[9]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@phaeton" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.4.4" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[13]="USER=root" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[14]="CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[15]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[17]="CHARSET=utf-8" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[18]="LANG=en_GB.UTF-8" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[19]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/Xerox-Phaser-3420.ppd" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[20]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=auto" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[21]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[22]="DEVICE_URI=dnssd://Xerox%20Phaser%203420%20(XRX0000f0a98133)._ipp._tcp.local/" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[23]="PRINTER_INFO=Xerox Phaser 3420" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[24]="PRINTER_LOCATION=Corridor 1" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[25]="PRINTER=Xerox-Phaser-3420" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[26]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] envp[27]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=application/vnd.cups-postscript" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 9228) D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/dnssd (PID 9229) D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Resolving "Xerox Phaser 3420 (XRX0000f0a98133)._ipp._tcp.local"... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: +connecting-to-device D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Resolving "Xerox Phaser 3420 (XRX0000f0a98133)", regtype="_ipp._tcp", domain="local."... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Page = 595x842; 12,12 to 582,830 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] slow_collate=0, slow_duplex=0, slow_order=0 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Before copy_comments - %!PS-Adobe-3.0 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] %!PS-Adobe-3.0 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] %%Title: PPR Test Page D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] %%Pages: 1 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] %%BoundingBox: 0 0 595 842 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] %%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] %%EndComments D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Before copy_prolog - %%BeginProlog D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Before copy_setup - %%BeginSetup D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Before page loop - %%Page: 1 1 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Copying page 1... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] PAGE: 1 1 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] pagew = 570.0, pagel = 817.0 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] bboxx = 0, bboxy = 0, bboxw = 595, bboxl = 842 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] PageLeft = 12.5, PageRight = 582.5 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] PageTop = 829.5, PageBottom = 12.5 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Resolved as "ipp://"... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -connecting-to-device D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Executing backend "/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp"... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: +connecting-to-device D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Looking up ""... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Copying print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] backendRunLoop(print_fd=-1, device_fd=6, snmp_fd=5, addr=0x2147b064, use_bc=0, side_cb=0x2a02a0) D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] hrDeviceDesc="Xerox Phaser 3450" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] prtMarkerColorantValue.1.1 = "Black" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] ATTR: marker-colors=none D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] ATTR: marker-names="Samsung" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] ATTR: marker-types=toner D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] ATTR: marker-levels=-1 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -media-low-report D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -media-empty-warning D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -toner-low-report D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -toner-empty-warning D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -door-open-report D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -media-jam-warning D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -input-tray-missing-warning D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -output-tray-missing-warning D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -marker-supply-missing-warning D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -output-area-almost-full-report D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -output-area-full-warning D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 1 pages... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 8192 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Read 3103 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Wrote 3103 bytes of print data... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] 1 files to send in job... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: +connecting-to-device D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Connecting to D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Connecting to printer... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: -connecting-to-device D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Connected to printer... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Connected to (IPv4)... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] prtMarkerSuppliesLevel.1.1 = -3 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] ATTR: marker-levels=-1 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Getting supported attributes... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] document-format-supported (4 values) D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] [0] = "application/octet-stream" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] [1] = "application/PCL" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] [2] = "application/x-HEXDUMP" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] [3] = "application/x-Epson" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Stopped. Printer is warming up .... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: none D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] printer-uri = "ipp://" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] requesting-user-name = "kit" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] job-name = "Test Page" D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Set job-printer-state-message to "Print file was not accepted (server-error-not-accepting-jobs)!", current level=ERROR D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Stopped. Printer is warming up .... D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] STATE: none D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] prtMarkerSuppliesLevel.1.1 = -3 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] ATTR: marker-levels=-1 D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] ATTR: auth-info-required=none D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] Backend returned status 1 (failed) D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] End of messages D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] printer-state=3(idle) D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] printer-state-message="Stopped. Printer is warming up ...." D [31/Oct/2010:19:18:30 +0200] [Job 8] printer-state-reasons=none E [31/Oct/2010:19:19:34 +0200] [CGI] Bad SNMP packet from variable-bindings uses indefinite length E [01/Nov/2010:13:07:51 +0200] [CGI] Bad SNMP packet from variable-bindings uses indefinite length