Activity log for bug #1656790

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2017-01-16 10:47:54 jorno bug added bug
2017-01-18 19:41:03 Martin Wimpress  bug task added mate-settings-daemon (Ubuntu)
2017-01-18 19:41:15 Martin Wimpress  summary [mate-settings-daemon] print-notifications: Don't show error for job in progress print-notifications: Don't show error for job in progress
2017-01-19 12:06:52 jorno bug watch added
2017-08-24 03:14:03 Launchpad Janitor mate-settings-daemon (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2017-08-24 03:33:22 kolya bug task added system-config-printer (Ubuntu)
2017-08-25 21:50:55 Till Kamppeter system-config-printer (Ubuntu): status New Fix Committed
2017-08-25 22:37:18 Till Kamppeter system-config-printer (Ubuntu): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2017-09-04 11:06:43 Vlad Orlov mate-settings-daemon (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Invalid
2017-09-04 11:06:58 Vlad Orlov ubuntu-mate: status New Invalid
2018-10-24 08:32:25 JerryFu bug added subscriber JerryFu
2018-11-03 09:55:14 JerryFu attachment added Error information when install system-config-printer 1.5.9
2018-11-07 07:12:41 JerryFu attachment added New Error information when install system-config-printer 1.5.9
2018-11-12 06:00:21 JerryFu attachment added InstallErrorInfo-20181111.txt
2018-11-13 08:57:14 JerryFu attachment added The notification [Waiting for job to complete] is displayed in CUPS page (localhost:631) -> [Printers] tab -> [Status] column.