// Filename: SystemInfo.cs // Contains functions to extract information displayed in System category using System; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; namespace Sysinfo { public class SystemInfo { //global variables public String system_release = "unknown"; public String system_gnomev = "unknown"; public String system_gnomeo = "unknown"; public String system_kernelv = "unknown"; public String system_kernelb = "unknown"; public String system_uptime = "unknown"; public String system_ostype = "unknown"; public String system_gcc = "unknown"; public String system_xorg = "unknown"; public String system_hostname = "unknown"; public String distro = ""; //read release info public void Release() { try { if (File.Exists("/etc/redhat-release")) { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/etc/redhat-release")) { distro = "RedHat"; system_release = textread.ReadLine(); } } if (File.Exists("/etc/fedora-release")) { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/etc/fedora-release")) { distro = "Fedora Core"; system_release = textread.ReadLine(); } } if (File.Exists("/etc/SuSE-release")) { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/etc/SuSE-release")) { distro = "SuSE"; system_release = textread.ReadLine(); } } if (File.Exists("/etc/slackware-version")) { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/etc/slackware-version")) { distro = "Slackware"; system_release = textread.ReadLine(); } } if (File.Exists("/etc/debian_version")) { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/etc/debian_version")) { if (Directory.Exists("/usr/share/ubuntu-docs") || File.Exists("/usr/share/pixmaps/splash/ubuntu-splash.png")) distro = "Ubuntu"; else distro = "Debian"; system_release = textread.ReadLine(); } } if (File.Exists("/etc/mandrake-release")) { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/etc/mandrake-release")) { distro = "Mandrake"; system_release = textread.ReadLine(); } } if (File.Exists("/etc/mandrive-release")) { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/etc/mandrive-release")) { distro = "Mandriva"; system_release = textread.ReadLine(); } } if (File.Exists("/etc/yellowdog-release")) { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/etc/yellowdog-release")) { distro = "Yellowdog"; system_release = textread.ReadLine(); } } if (File.Exists("/etc/sun-release")) { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/etc/sun-release")) { distro = "Sun"; system_release = textread.ReadLine(); } } if (File.Exists("/etc/gentoo-release")) { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/etc/gentoo-release")) { distro = "Gentoo"; system_release = textread.ReadLine(); } } if (File.Exists("/etc/release")) { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/etc/release")) { distro = "Generic"; system_release = textread.ReadLine(); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine( ex ); } } //read GNOME version public void Gnome() { String temp; Boolean gnomeB = false; //Fedora,RedHat,Debian,Ubuntu,... String gnome_about = "/usr/share/gnome-about/gnome-version.xml"; //SuSE if (File.Exists("/opt/gnome/share/gnome-about/gnome-version.xml")) gnome_about = "/opt/gnome/share/gnome-about/gnome-version.xml"; try { using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText(gnome_about)) { while ( gnomeB == false ) { temp = textread.ReadLine(); //get version from xml if ( temp.EndsWith("platform>")) { temp = temp.Remove(0, 12); temp = temp.Remove(temp.IndexOf(""), 11); system_gnomev = temp; } if ( temp.EndsWith("minor>")) { temp = temp.Remove(0, 9); temp = temp.Remove(temp.IndexOf(""), 8); system_gnomev = system_gnomev + "." + temp; } if ( temp.EndsWith("micro>")) { temp = temp.Remove(0, 9); temp = temp.Remove(temp.IndexOf(""), 8); system_gnomev = system_gnomev + "." + temp; } //get distributor if ( temp.EndsWith("distributor>")) { temp = temp.Remove(0, 15); temp = temp.Remove(temp.IndexOf(""), 14); system_gnomeo = temp; } //get build date if ( temp.EndsWith("date>")) { temp = temp.Remove(0, 8); temp = temp.Remove(temp.IndexOf(""), 7); system_gnomeo = system_gnomeo + " " + temp; gnomeB = true; } } } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine( ex ); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine( ex ); } } //read kernel version public void Kernel() { try { //get kernel version using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease")) { system_kernelv = textread.ReadLine(); } //get kernel build date using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/proc/sys/kernel/version")) { system_kernelb = textread.ReadLine(); } }catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine( ex ); } } //read uptime public void Uptime() { Int32 days, hours, minutes; String temp = ""; try { //get uptime using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/proc/uptime")) { temp = textread.ReadLine(); } }catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine( ex ); } //I need just the first number from uptime temp = temp.Remove(temp.IndexOf("."), temp.Length - temp.IndexOf(".") ); //string to int conversion - days days = Int32.Parse(temp); days = days / 86400; //hours hours = Int32.Parse(temp); hours = (hours / 3600) - (days * 24); //minutes minutes = Int32.Parse(temp); minutes = (minutes / 60) - ((days * 1440) + (hours * 60)); system_uptime = days + " days " + hours + " h " + minutes + " min"; } //read ostype public void Ostype() { try { //get ostype using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/proc/sys/kernel/ostype")) { system_ostype = textread.ReadLine(); } }catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine( ex ); } } //read gcc version public void Gccv() { try { //run command and read output //gcc version Process proc1 = new Process(); proc1.StartInfo.FileName = "gcc"; proc1.StartInfo.Arguments = "-dumpversion"; proc1.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc1.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proc1.Start(); proc1.WaitForExit(); system_gcc = proc1.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); system_gcc = system_gcc.Remove(system_gcc.Length - 1, 1); proc1.Close(); //gcc distibutor machine Process proc2 = new Process(); proc2.StartInfo.FileName = "gcc"; proc2.StartInfo.Arguments = "-dumpmachine"; proc2.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc2.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proc2.Start(); proc2.WaitForExit(); system_gcc = system_gcc + " (" + proc2.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); system_gcc = system_gcc.Remove(system_gcc.Length - 1, 1) + ")"; proc2.Close(); } catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ex) { system_gcc = "no gcc detected"; Console.WriteLine( ex ); } } //read xorg version public void Xorg() { String temp; Boolean xorgB = false; try { //get xorg version using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/var/log/Xorg.0.log")) { while ( xorgB == false ) { temp = textread.ReadLine(); //version if ( temp.StartsWith("X Window System Version")) { system_xorg = temp.Remove(0, 24); } //build date if ( temp.StartsWith("Build Date")) { system_xorg = system_xorg + " (" + temp.Remove(0, 12) + ")"; xorgB = true; } } } }catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine( ex ); } } //read hostname public void Hostname() { try { //get hostname using (TextReader textread = File.OpenText("/proc/sys/kernel/hostname")) { system_hostname = textread.ReadLine(); } }catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine( ex ); } } } } //ghaefb