* feature #44271 [Notifier] add Vonage bridge to replace the Nexmo one (nicolas-grekas) * feature #44125 Add a setter on DateTimeNormalizer to change the default context at runtime (Seldaek) * feature #43181 Allow AbstractDoctrineExtension implementations to support the newer bundle structure (mbabker) * feature #44015 [Cache] Decrease the probability of invalidation loss on tag eviction (nicolas-grekas) * feature #43985 [HttpClient] Implement ResetInterface for all http clients (rmikalkenas) * feature #43983 [HttpKernel] allow ignoring kernel.reset methods that don't exist (nicolas-grekas) * feature #43916 [PropertyInfo] Support the list pseudo-type (derrabus) * feature #43850 Add completion for DebugConfig name and path arguments (eclairia, Adrien Jourdier) * feature #43838 feat: add completion for DebugAutowiring search argument (eclairia, Adrien Jourdier) * feature #38464 [Routing] Add support for aliasing routes (Lctrs) * feature #43923 [Console] Open CompleteCommand for custom outputs (wouterj) * feature #43663 [Messenger] Add command completion for failed messages (scyzoryck) * feature #43857 [Framework] Add completion to debug:container (GromNaN) * feature #43891 [Messenger] Add completion to command messenger:consume (GromNaN) * feature #42471 Add generic types to traversable implementations (derrabus) * feature #43898 [Security] Make the abstract Voter class implement CacheableVoterInterface (javiereguiluz) * feature #43848 [FrameworkBundle] Add completion for workflow:dump (StaffNowa) * feature #43837 [Finder] Add .gitignore nested negated patterns support (julienfalque) * feature #43754 Determine attribute or annotation type for directories (cinamo) * feature #43846 Add completion for debug:twig (StaffNowa) * feature #43138 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Add the ability to enable the profiler using a parameter (dunglas) * feature #40457 [PropertyInfo] Add `PhpStanExtractor` (Korbeil) * feature #40262 [DoctrineBridge] Param as connection in `*.event_subscriber/listener` tags (wbloszyk) * feature #43354 [Messenger] allow processing messages in batches (nicolas-grekas) * feature #43788 [DependencyInjection][FrameworkBundle][SecurityBundle][TwigBundle] Require Composer's runtime API to be present (derrabus) * feature #43835 [SecurityBundle] Deprecate not configuring explicitly a provider for custom_authenticators when there is more than one registered provider (lyrixx) * feature #43598 [Console] add suggestions for debug commands: firewall, form, messenger, router (IonBazan) * feature #41993 [Security] Prevent `FormLoginAuthenticator` from responding to requests that should be handled by `JsonLoginAuthenticator` (abunch) * feature #43751 [WebProfilerBundle] Add a "preview" tab in mailer profiler for HTML email (lyrixx) * feature #43644 [FrameworkBundle] Add completion to debug:translation command (alexandre-daubois) * feature #43653 [PasswordHasher] Add autocompletion for security commands (noniagriconomie) * feature #43676 [FrameworkBundle] Add completion feature on translation:update command (stephenkhoo) * feature #43672 [Translation] Add completion feature on translation pull and push commands (welcoMattic) * feature #43060 [RateLimiter] Add support for long intervals (months and years) (alexandre-daubois) * feature #42177 [Security][SecurityBundle] Implement ADM strategies as dedicated classes (derrabus) * feature #43804 [DependencyInjection][FrameworkBundle][SecurityBundle][TwigBundle] Deprecate Composer 1 (derrabus) * feature #43796 [Filesystem] Add third argument `$lockFile` to `Filesystem::appendToFile()` (fwolfsjaeger) * feature #42414 [Notifier] Add Expo bridge (zairigimad) * feature #43066 [Security] Cache voters that will always abstain (jderusse) * feature #43758 [FrameworkBundle] Rename translation:update to translation:extract (welcoMattic) * feature #41414 Support `statusCode` default param when loading template directly via route (dayallnash) * feature #42238 [DependencyInjection] Add `SubscribedService` attribute, deprecate current `ServiceSubscriberTrait` usage (kbond) * feature #38542 [FrameworkBundle][Serializer] Allow serializer default context configuration (soyuka) * feature #43755 [Dotenv] Add $overrideExistingVars to bootEnv() and loadEnv() and dotenv_overload to SymfonyRuntime (fancyweb) * feature #43671 add ResponseIsUnprocessable (garak) * feature #43682 [FrameworkBundle] Add completion for config:dump-reference (StaffNowa) * feature #43588 [Messenger] Autoconfigurable attributes (alirezamirsepassi) * feature #43593 [Validator] Add CidrValidator to allow validation of CIDR notations (popsorin) * feature #43683 [VarDumper] Add completion to server:dump command (alexandre-daubois) * feature #43677 [RateLimiter] bug #42194 fix: sliding window policy to use microtime (jlekowski) * feature #43679 [VarDumper] Add support for Fiber (lyrixx) * feature #43680 Add suggestions for the option 'format' of lints commands: twig, yaml and xliff (makraz) * feature #43621 Add completion for cache:pool:clear and cache:pool:delete commands (andyexeter) * feature #43639 [Uid] Allow use autocompletion (StaffNowa) * feature #43626 [Console] [Framework] Add completion to secrets:set and fix secrets:remove (GromNaN) * feature #43640 [Console] Add completion to messenger:setup-transports command (Tayfun74) * feature #43615 feat: add completion for CompletionCommand "shell" argument (dkarlovi) * feature #43595 [Console] `SymfonyStyle` enhancements (kbond) * feature #41268 [HttpFoundation] Allow setting session options via DSN (makraz) * feature #43596 [Console] Add completion to help & list commands (GromNaN) * feature #43587 [Lock] Remove support of Doctrine DBAL in PostgreSqlStore (GromNaN) * feature #43576 [Messenger] subtract handling time from sleep time in worker (nicolas-grekas) * feature #43585 [Lock] Remove support of Doctrine DBAL in PdoStore (GromNaN) * feature #43386 [DependencyInjection] Extend TaggedIterator and TaggedLocator Attributes with able to specify defaultIndexMethod for #[TaggerIterator] and #[TaggedLocator] (fractalzombie) * feature #42251 [Console] Bash completion integration (wouterj) * feature #39402 [Notifier] Add push channel to notifier (norkunas) * feature #43332 [Lock] Split PdoStore into DoctrineDbalStore (GromNaN) * feature #43362 [Cache] Split PdoAdapter into DoctrineDbalAdapter (GromNaN) * feature #43550 [HttpFoundation] Remove possibility to pass null as $requestIp in IpUtils (W0rma) * feature #42580 [Console][FrameworkBundle] Add DotenvDebugCommand (chr-hertel) * feature #43411 [HttpFoundation] Deprecate passing null as $requestIp in IpUtils (W0rma) * feature #43526 Add a warning in WDT when using symfony/symfony (fabpot) * feature #43481 [String] Add `trimSuffix()` and `trimPrefix()` methods (nicolas-grekas) * feature #43497 [Notifier] [Twilio] Ensure from/sender is valid via regex (OskarStark) * feature #43492 Lower log level in case of retry (jderusse) * feature #43479 [DependencyInjection] autowire union and intersection types (nicolas-grekas) * feature #43134 [Notifier] Add sms77 Notifier Bridge (matthiez) * feature #43378 [HttpFoundation] Deprecate upload_progress.* and url_rewriter.tags session options (Matthew Covey) * feature #43405 [Bridge][Monolog] Remove ResetLoggersWorkerSubscriber (lyrixx) * feature #42582 [Security] Add authenticators info to the profiler (chalasr) * feature #42723 [Messenger] Log when worker should stop and when `SIGTERM` is received (ruudk) * feature #40168 [Validator] Added `CssColor` constraint (welcoMattic) * feature #43328 [MonologBridge] Deprecate the Swiftmailer handler (fabpot) * feature #43322 [MonologBridge] Deprecates ResetLoggersWorkerSubscriber (lyrixx) * feature #43108 [HttpKernel] Add basic support for language negotiation (GregoireHebert) * feature #41265 [Messenger] Add a middleware to log when transaction has been left open (lyrixx) * feature #43280 [HttpClient] Add method to set response factory in mock client (greeflas) * feature #42610 [Dotenv] Reimplementing symfony/flex' dump-env as a Symfony command (abdielcs, nicolas-grekas) * feature #42244 [HttpKernel] Add support for configuring log level, and status code by exception class (lyrixx) * feature #43236 [Security] Add alias for FirewallMapInterface to `@security`.firewall.map (lyrixx) * feature #43150 [Finder] Add recursive .gitignore files support (julienfalque) * feature #41608 [Runtime] Possibility to define the env and/or debug key (maxhelias) * feature #42257 [Messenger] Allow using user's serializer for message do not fit the expected JSON structure (welcoMattic) * feature #43148 [Cache] Throw ValueError in debug mode when serialization fails (nicolas-grekas) * feature #43139 [Notifier] Mattermost Notifier option to post in an other channel (nathanaelmartel) * feature #42335 [Messenger] Add `WorkerMetadata` to `Worker` class. (okwinza) * feature #42712 [Serializer] Save missing arguments in MissingConstructorArgumentsException (BafS) * feature #43004 [Serializer] Throw NotNormalizableValueException when type is not known or not in body in discriminator map (lyrixx) * feature #43118 [FrameworkBundle] Remove deprecated code (IonBazan) * feature #43121 [Notifier] [GoogleChat] remove support for deprecated "threadKey" parameter (IonBazan) * feature #42338 [DomCrawler] Added Crawler::innerText() method (Bilge) * feature #43095 [Form] Add the EnumType (derrabus) * feature #43094 [Console] Add support of RGB functional notation (alexandre-daubois) * feature #43098 [Validator] Add error's uid to `Count` and `Length` constraints with "exactly" option enabled (VladGapanovich) * feature #42668 [Yaml] Use more concise float representation in dump (dev97) * feature #43017 [HttpFoundation] Map `multipart/form-data` as `form` Content-Type (keichinger) * feature #43015 [DependencyInjection] Allow injecting tagged iterator as service locator arguments (IonBazan) * feature #42991 [FrameworkBundle] Add configureContainer(), configureRoutes() and getConfigDir() to MicroKernelTrait (nicolas-grekas) * feature #43018 [Mailer] Adding support for TagHeader and MetadataHeader to the Sendgrid API transport (gnito-org) * feature #43010 Remove remaining support for Doctrine Cache (derrabus) * feature #42988 [ErrorHandler] Add helper script to patch type declarations (wouterj) * feature #42982 Add Session Token to Amazon Mailer (Jubeki) * feature #42959 [DependencyInjection] Make auto-aliases private by default (nicolas-grekas) * feature #42957 [RateLimiter][Runtime][Translation] remove ``@experimental`` flag (nicolas-grekas) * feature #41163 [Mesenger] Add support for reseting container services between 2 messages (lyrixx) * feature #42967 [Cache] Remove support for Doctrine Cache (derrabus) * feature #41858 [Translation] Translate translatable parameters (kylekatarnls) * feature #42941 Implement Message Stream for Postmark Mailer (driesvints) * feature #42532 [DependencyInjection] Sort services in service locator according to priority (BoShurik) * feature #42502 [Serializer] Add support for collecting type error during denormalization (lyrixx) * feature #40120 [Cache] Add CouchbaseCollectionAdapter compatibility with sdk 3.0.0 (ajcerezo) * feature #42965 [Cache] Deprecate support for Doctrine Cache (derrabus) * feature #41615 [Serializer] Add option to skip uninitialized typed properties (vuryss) * feature #41566 [FrameworkBundle] Introduced new method for getting bundles config path (a-menshchikov) * feature #42925 [DoctrineBridge] Remove DoctrineTestHelper and TestRepositoryFactory (derrabus) * feature #42881 [Console] Add more context when CommandIsSuccessful fails (yoannrenard) * feature #41321 [FrameworkBundle] Remove deprecate session service (jderusse) * feature #42900 [HttpFoundation] Add a flag to hasSession to distinguished session from factory (jderusse) * feature #41390 [HttpKernel] Add session cookie handling in cli context (alexander-schranz, Nyholm) * feature #42800 Display the roles of the logged-in user in the Web Debug Toolbar (NicoHaase) * feature #42872 [Mime] Update mime types (fabpot) * feature #42039 [DependencyInjection] Autoconfigurable attributes on methods, properties and parameters (ruudk) * feature #42710 [Mailer] Added OhMySMTP Bridge (paul-oms) * feature #40987 [Config] Handle ignoreExtraKeys in config builder (HypeMC) * feature #42426 [Notifier] Autoconfigure chatter.transport_factory (ismail1432) * feature #42748 [Notifier] Add Esendex message ID to SentMessage object (benr77) * feature #42526 [FrameworkBundle] Add BrowserKitAssertionsTrait::assertThatForBrowser (koenreiniers) * feature #41527 [Ldap] Fixing the behaviour of getting LDAP Attributes (mr-sven) * feature #42623 [ErrorHandler] Turn return-type annotations into deprecations by default + add mode to turn them into native types (nicolas-grekas) * feature #42695 [Mailer] Restore Transport signatures (derrabus) * feature #42698 Notifier final transport (fabpot) * feature #42696 [Notifier] Mark Transport as final (fabpot) * feature #42433 [Notifier] Add more explicit error if a SMSChannel doesn't have a Recipient (ismail1432) * feature #42619 [Serializer] Deprecate support for returning empty, iterable, countable, raw object when normalizing (lyrixx) * feature #42662 [Mailer] Consume a PSR-14 event dispatcher (derrabus) * feature #42625 [DependencyInjection] Add service_closure() to the PHP-DSL (HypeMC) * feature #42650 [Security] make TokenInterface::getUser() nullable to tell about unauthenticated tokens (nicolas-grekas) * feature #42644 [Security] Make `AuthenticationTrustResolverInterface::isAuthenticated()` non-virtual (chalasr) * feature #42634 [Console] Remove `HelperSet::setCommand()` and `getCommand()` (derrabus) * feature #42632 [Console] Deprecate `HelperSet::setCommand()` and `getCommand()` (derrabus) * feature #41994 [Validator] Add support of nested attributes (alexandre-daubois) * feature #41613 [Security] Remove everything related to the deprecated authentication manager (wouterj) * feature #42595 Fix incompatibilities with upcoming security 6.0 (wouterj) * feature #42578 [Security] Deprecate legacy remember me services (wouterj) * feature #42516 [Security] Deprecate built-in authentication entry points (wouterj) * feature #42387 [Form] Deprecate calling FormErrorIterator::children() if the current element is not iterable (W0rma) * feature #39641 [Yaml] Add --exclude and negatable --parse-tags option to lint:yaml command (christingruber) * feature #42510 [Security] Deprecate remaining anonymous checks (wouterj) * feature #42423 [Security] Deprecate AnonymousToken, non-UserInterface users, and token credentials (wouterj) * feature #41954 [Filesystem] Add the Path class (theofidry) * feature #42442 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate AbstractController::get() and has() (fabpot) * feature #42422 Clarify goals of AbstractController (fabpot) * feature #42420 [Security] Deprecate legacy signatures (wouterj) * feature #41754 [SecurityBundle] Create a smooth upgrade path for security factories (wouterj) * feature #42198 [Security] Deprecate `PassportInterface` (chalasr) * feature #42332 [HttpFoundation] Add `litespeed_finish_request` to `Response` (thomas2411) * feature #42286 [HttpFoundation] Add `SessionFactoryInterface` (kbond) * feature #42392 [HttpFoundation] Mark Request::get() internal (ro0NL) * feature #39601 [Notifier] add `SentMessageEvent` and `FailedMessageEvent` (ismail1432) * feature #42188 [Notifier] Add FakeChat Logger transport (noniagriconomie) * feature #41522 [Notifier] Add TurboSms Bridge (fre5h) * feature #42337 [Validator] Remove internal from `ConstraintViolationAssertion` (jordisala1991) * feature #42333 [Security] Remove deprecated logout handlers (chalasr) * feature #42123 [Notifier] Add FakeSMS Logger transport (noniagriconomie) * feature #42297 [Serializer] Add support for serializing empty array as object (lyrixx) * feature #42326 [Security] Deprecate remaining `LogoutHandlerInterface` implementations (chalasr) * feature #42219 [Mailer] Add support of ping_threshold to SesTransportFactory (Tyraelqp) * feature #40052 [ErrorHandler] Add button to copy the path where error is thrown (lmillucci) * feature #38495 [Asset] [DX] Option to make asset manifests strict on missing item (GromNaN) * feature #39828 [Translation] XliffLintCommand supports Github Actions annotations (YaFou) * feature #39826 [TwigBridge] LintCommand supports Github Actions annotations (YaFou) * feature #39141 [Notifier] Add Amazon SNS bridge (adrien-chinour) * feature #42240 [Serializer] Add support for preserving empty object in object property (lyrixx) * feature #42239 [Notifier] Add Yunpian Notifier Bridge (welcoMattic) * feature #42195 [WebProfilerBundle] Redesigned the log section (javiereguiluz) * feature #42176 [Console][HttpKernel] Implement `psr/log` 3 (derrabus) * feature #42163 [Messenger] [Redis] Prepare turning `delete_after_ack` to `true` in 6.0 (chalasr) * feature #42180 [Notifier] Add bridge for smsc.ru (kozlice) * feature #42172 [Finder] Remove deprecated code (derrabus) * feature #42137 [Finder] Make Comparator immutable (derrabus) * feature #42142 [Security] Remove CSRF deprecations (derrabus) * feature #42133 [FrameworkBundle] Remove deprecated options in translation:update command (javiereguiluz) * feature #42127 [ExpressionLanguage] Store compiler and evaluator as closures (derrabus) * feature #42088 [Contracts] add return types and bump to v3 (nicolas-grekas) * feature #42094 [Notifier] [Slack] Throw error if maximum block limit is reached for slack message options (norkunas) * feature #42050 [Security] Deprecate `TokenInterface::isAuthenticated()` (chalasr) * feature #42090 [Notifier] [Slack] Include additional errors to slack notifier error message (norkunas) * feature #41319 [Messenger] Removed deprecated code (Nyholm) * feature #41982 [Security] Remove getPassword() and getSalt() from UserInterface (chalasr) * feature #41989 [Cache] make `LockRegistry` use semaphores when possible (nicolas-grekas) * feature #41965 [Security] Deprecate "always authenticate" and "exception on no token" (wouterj) * feature #41290 [Cache] Implement psr/cache 3 (derrabus) * feature #41962 add ability to style doubles and integers independently (1ma) * feature #40830 [Serializer] Add support of PHP backed enumerations (alexandre-daubois) * feature #41976 [Cache] Remove DoctrineProvider (derrabus) * feature #40908 [Cache] Deprecate DoctrineProvider (derrabus) * feature #41717 Allow TranslatableMessage object in form option 'help' (scuben) * feature #41963 [HttpKernel] remove deprecated features (nicolas-grekas) * feature #41960 [PasswordHasher][Security] Remove legacy password encoders (chalasr) * feature #41705 [Notifier] add Mailjet SMS bridge (jnadaud) * feature #41657 [Serializer] Remove deprecation layer (derrabus) * feature #41937 [EventDispatcher] Remove ability to configure tags on RegisterListenersPass (derrabus) * feature #41932 [DependencyInjection] Remove deprecated code (derrabus) * feature #41851 Add TesterTrait::assertCommandIsSuccessful() helper (yoannrenard) * feature #39623 [Messenger] Added StopWorkerException (lyrixx) * feature #41292 [Workflow] Add support for getting updated context after a transition (lyrixx) * feature #41154 [Validator] Add support for `ConstraintViolationList::createFromMessage()` (lyrixx) * feature #41874 [SecurityBundle] Hide security toolbar if no firewall matched (wouterj) * feature #41375 [Notifier] Add MessageMedia Bridge (vuphuong87) * feature #41923 [EventDispatcher] Deprecate configuring tags on RegisterListenersPass (derrabus) * feature #41802 [Uid] Add NilUlid (fancyweb) * feature #40738 [Notifier] Add options to Microsoft Teams notifier (OskarStark) * feature #41172 [Notifier] Add Telnyx notifier bridge (StaffNowa) * feature #41770 [HttpClient] Add default base_uri to MockHttpClient (nicolas-grekas) * feature #41205 [TwigBridge] Add `encore_entry_*_tags()` to UndefinedCallableHandler, as no-op (nicolas-grekas) * feature #41786 [FrameworkBundle] Add commented base64 version of secrets' keys (nicolas-grekas) * feature #41432 [WebProfilerBundle] Improved the light/dark theme switching (javiereguiluz) * feature #41743 [Form] remove remaining deprecation layers (xabbuh) * feature #41692 [Form] remove deprecated constants (xabbuh) * feature #41540 [VarDumper] Add casters for Symfony UUIDs and ULIDs (fancyweb) * feature #41530 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate the public `profiler` service to private (nicolas-grekas) * feature #41392 [Validator] Remove deprecated code (jschaedl) * feature #41318 [Form] Remove deprecated code (yceruto) * feature #41308 [Mailer] Remove deprecated code (jderusse) * feature #41299 Remove Serializable implementations (derrabus) * feature #41350 [Inflector] Remove the component (fancyweb) * feature #41361 [Intl] Removed deprecated code (malteschlueter) * feature #41365 [PropertyAccess] Remove deprecated code (malteschlueter) * feature #41371 [Routing] Remove deprecation layer (derrabus) * feature #41199 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate the `AdapterInterface` autowiring alias, use `CacheItemPoolInterface` instead (nicolas-grekas) * feature #41304 [EventDispatcher] Remove LegacyEventDispatcherProxy (derrabus) * feature #41302 [PhpUnitBridge] Remove SetUpTearDownTrait (derrabus) * feature #41363 [Ldap] Removed deprecated code (malteschlueter) * feature #41364 [Mime] Remove deprecated code (malteschlueter) * feature #41359 [HttpClient] Removed deprecated code (malteschlueter) * feature #41360 [Yaml] Remove deprecated code (fancyweb) * feature #41358 [EventDispatcher] Removed deprecated code (malteschlueter) * feature #41357 [Dotenv] Remove deprecated code (malteschlueter) * feature #41355 [DomCrawler] Removed deprecated code (malteschlueter) * feature #41353 [Cache] Removed depreacted code (malteschlueter) * feature #41351 [FrameworkBundle][SecurityBundle][TwigBundle] Turn deprecated public services to private (fancyweb) * feature #41334 [HttpFoundation] remove deprecated code (azjezz) * feature #41316 [OptionsResolver] Remove deprecated code (yceruto) * feature #41314 [Messenger] Remove dependency on bridge packages (Nyholm) * feature #41284 [Lock] Remove deprecated classes in Lock (jderusse) * feature #41312 [Console] Remove console deprecations (jschaedl) * feature #41303 [Config] Remove deprecated code (derrabus) * feature #41301 [MonologBridge] Remove deprecated code (derrabus) * feature #41300 [Asset] Remove deprecated RemoteJsonManifestVersionStrategy (mbabker) * feature #41298 [Notifier] Remove deprecation in slack-notifier (jschaedl) * feature #41203 [FrameworkBundle] Add autowiring alias for `HttpCache\StoreInterface` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #41282 Bump Symfony 6 to PHP 8 (nicolas-grekas) * feature #46335 [Form][FrameworkBundle][TwigBundle] Add Twig filter, form-type extension and improve service definitions for HtmlSanitizer (nicolas-grekas) * feature #41676 [Console] Table vertical rendering (yoannrenard) * feature #46153 [MonologBridge] Add support for Monolog 3 (Seldaek) * feature #45282 [Serializer] Support canners in object normalizer (rmikalkenas) * feature #46157 [Routing] Remove variadic constructor signature (wouterj) * feature #46112 [DependencyInjection] Rename `#[InnerService]` to `#[MapDecorated]` (chalasr) * feature #45989 [FrameworkBundle] deprecate not setting http_method_override (Tobion) * feature #46042 [Routing] Add params variable to condition expression (HypeMC) * feature #46115 [FrameworkBundle] Add support for route attributes in kernel controller methods (dunglas) * feature #45834 [DependencyInjection] add AsDecorator class attribute and InnerService parameter attribute (Jean-Beru) * feature #46056 [PropertyInfo] Add support for promoted properties in PhpStanExtractor (simPod) * feature #46047 [Notifier] smsapi - send messages in test mode (Patryk Kozłowski) * feature #46052 [TwigBundle] Deprecate option "autoescape", use "autoescape_service[_method]" instead (nicolas-grekas) * feature #45528 [Routing] Add Requirement, a collection of universal regular-expressions constants to use as route parameter requirements (fancyweb) * feature #44798 [FrameworkBundle] Integrate the HtmlSanitizer component (tgalopin, wouterj) * feature #46045 [Translation] Improve LocaleSwitcher a bit (nicolas-grekas) * feature #42403 [Validator] Define which collection keys should be checked for uniqueness (wkania) * feature #44405 [Routing] Allow using services in the route condition (renanbr) * feature #46009 [FrameworkBundle] Add support for first-class callable route controller in MicroKernelTrait (fancyweb) * feature #44155 [FrameworkBundle] Add semaphore configuration (jderusse) * feature #45803 [Routing] Add EnumRequirement to help generate route requirements from a \BackedEnum (fancyweb) * feature #45724 [FrameworkBundle] Add support to set BinaryFileResponse::trustXSendfileTypeHeader over config (alexander-schranz) * feature #45092 [HttpFoundation] Send `Content-Length` when calling `Response::send()` and the content is a non-empty string (nicolas-grekas) * feature #45967 [Messenger] Consume a PSR-14 dispatcher for dispatching events (derrabus) * feature #45951 [Notifier] [OvhCloud] Add `no_stop_clause` to DSN (alamirault) * feature #45795 [ExpressionLanguage] Add support for null-safe operator (mytuny) * feature #45605 [Form] Add prototype_options to CollectionType (michaelKaefer) * feature #45912 [ExpressionLanguage] Add some more operators (fabpot) * feature #45656 [Serializer] Add serializer profiler (mtarld) * feature #45072 [Validator] Allow creating constraints with required arguments (norkunas) * feature #43239 [Finder] Look for gitignore patterns up to git root (julienfalque) * feature #45845 [TwigBundle]  Pre-compile only *.twig files in cache warmup (GromNaN) * feature #44446 [Mailer] Improve extensibility of `EsmtpTransport` (ampaze) * feature #45226 [PhpUnitBridge] Add option `ignoreFile` to configure a file that lists deprecation messages to ignore (mondrake) * feature #43163 [Messenger] Add Redis Sentinel support (norbertschultheisz) * feature #43701 [HttpKernel] Simplifying Bundle/Extension config definition (yceruto) * feature #45873 [HttpFoundation] Allow dynamic session "ttl" when using a remote storage (nicolas-grekas) * feature #45878 [DependencyInjection] Add argument type `closure` to help passing closures to services (nicolas-grekas) * feature #44898 [Ldap] LDAP authentication should return a meaningful error when the LDAP server is unavailable (Jayfrown) * feature #45090 [Validator] Improve Image constraint invalid mime type message (fancyweb) * feature #42997 [Cache] Improve reliability and performance of `TagAwareAdapter` by making tag versions an integral part of item value (Sergey Belyshkin, nicolas-grekas) * feature #45512 [DependencyInjection] Allow using expressions as service factories (nicolas-grekas, jvasseur) * feature #45273 [Messenger] Allow AsMessageHandler attribute on methods (mjpvandenberg, fabpot) * feature #44284 [SecurityBundle] Display the inherited roles of the logged-in user in the WDT (jmsche) * feature #44303 Add Engagespot bridge (danut007ro) * feature #44532 Handle CSV DSN in ZookeeperStore (qkdreyer) * feature #45047 [Notifier] Use Importance level to set flash message type (benr77, fabpot) * feature #45166 [HttpFoundation] add stale while revalidate cache header (remieuronews) * feature #45195 [Notifier] Add Sendberry notifier bridge (StaffNowa) * feature #45793 [FrameworkBundle][Translation] add `LocaleSwitcher` service (kbond) * feature #45833 [HttpKernel] Add Http Status 423 LockedHttpException (xosofox) * feature #45705 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate the messenger.reset_on_message config option (upyx) * feature #45812 [HttpClient] Improve default content-type handling (nicolas-grekas) * feature #45783 [DependencyInjection] adjust `Autowire` attribute implementation (kbond) * feature #44171 [Config] Add comment on array methods (jderusse) * feature #45657 [DependencyInjection] add `Autowire` parameter attribute (kbond) * feature #45725 [Finder] Fix SplFileInfo PHPDoc (InvisibleSmiley) * feature #44948 [Console] Add completion values to input definition (GromNaN) * feature #45745 [ErrorHandler][HttpKernel] Read SYMFONY_IDE to render exception in case of fatal error (GromNaN) * feature #45765 Mailer - Display email recipients in Profiler (raziel057) * feature #45094 Add generics to ArgumentMetadata::getAttributes (Seldaek) * feature #45761 Throw access denied if CurrentUser cannot be resolved instead of a 500 (Seldaek) * feature #45680 [DependencyInjection] use `#[Required]` for `ServiceSubscriberTrait::setContainer()` (kbond) * feature #45624 [Config] Allow using environment variables in `EnumNode` (ecourtial) * feature #45484 Make constraint violation interfaces stringable (HypeMC) * feature #43931 [HttpClient][WebProfilerBundle] Add button to copy a request as a cURL command (Deuchnord) * feature #45515 [BrowserKit] Add `toArray` to `Response` (HypeMC) * feature #45658 [Routing] Avoid double encoded slashes in query parameters (usu) * feature #45062 [PropertyInfo] Add PHP 8.0 promoted properties `@param` mutation support to PhpDocExtractor (raphaelvoisin) * feature #44522 [Messenger] add TransportMessageIdStamp to RedisSender (GaryPEGEOT) * feature #45623 [Validator] Deprecate constraint "ExpressionLanguageSyntax", use "ExpressionSyntax" instead (mpiot) * feature #45563 Deprecate requiring the "symfony/symfony" package (nicolas-grekas) * feature #45616 [HttpClient] Remove credentials from requests redirected to same host but different port (GromNaN) * feature #45377 Bump minimum version of PHP to 8.1 (nicolas-grekas) * feature #45421 [Translation] Add the possibilty to export xliff translation with the .xliff suffix (DanielBadura) * feature #45152 Ability to customize payload when sending mail through mailjet+api (gam6itko) * feature #44665 [HttpKernel] Add the UidValueResolver argument value resolver (fancyweb) * feature #44073 [ExpressionLanguage] Support lexing numbers with underscores and decimals with no leading zero (fancyweb) * feature #44721 [Serializer] Deprecate support for abstract uid denormalization in UidNormalizer (fancyweb) * feature #44615 [Routing] Support the "attribute" type (alias of "annotation") in annotation loaders (fancyweb) * feature #45265 [HttpKernel] Add Profiler::isEnabled() method (Bilge) * feature #45449 [Mime] Added getter for "TextPart::$name" (MasterRO94) * feature #45402 make Message classes extensible (bitgandtter) * feature #45476 [HttpKernel] Deprecate StreamedResponseListener, it serves no purpose anymore (nicolas-grekas) * feature #45436 [Messenger] Support setting `connection_name` for AMQP (a.dmitryuk) * feature #45450 [DependencyInjection] Add an env function to DI expression language (jvasseur) * feature #45388 [Mailer] Allow manually start() of SmtpTransport (jannick-holm) * feature #45376 [Mime] Fix embed logic for background attributes (flack) * feature #45360 [ErrorHandler] trigger deprecations for ``@final`` properties (nicolas-grekas, fancyweb) * feature #45371 [Validator] Deprecate `Constraint::$errorNames` in favor of `Constraint::ERROR_NAMES` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #44692 [Cache][FrameworkBundle] add `cache:pool:invalidate-tags` command (kbond) * feature #45361 [Console] Deprecate the `$defaultName` property (derrabus) * feature #45313 [Cache] Add support for ACL auth in RedisAdapter (gam6itko) * feature #45303 [ErrorHandler] Report overridden @final constants (fancyweb) * feature #44484 [Translation] [Loco] Send `If-Modified-Since` header when possible (Kocal) * feature #45307 [Mailer] Allow manually stop() of SmtpTransport (dvaeversted) * feature #43973 [Serializer] Add context builders (mtarld) * feature #45222 [Mailer] Implement EmailTags for Amazon Mailer (driesvints, kbond) * feature #44670 [SecurityBundle] Allow to specify a RequestMatcher directly in an ACL definition (TristanPouliquen) * feature #45139 [Notifier] smsapi-notifier `fast` option to sending message with the highest priority (marphi) * feature #45155 [Serializer] Set context annotation as not final (benjaminmal) * feature #44503 [FrameworkBundle] Allow PHP configuration in config/packages by default (dreadnip) * feature #45101 [Form] Add inputmode attribute on NumberType (welcoMattic) * feature #45075 [Routing] Enrich MissingMandatoryParametersException (adrienlucas) * feature #45064 [Messenger] Add sessionToken option to SQS transport (filkaris) * feature #44917 [Mailer] Add downloadable attachments to profiler (dbrekelmans) * feature #45054 [Routing] Allow using UTF-8 parameter names (nicolas-grekas) * feature #44360 [Notifier] [Bridge] [KazInfoTeh] added the bridge (taranovegor) * feature #44874 [Notifier] Added 46elks notifier bridge (jongotlin) * feature #44913 [Notifier] Add Orange SMS bridge (enigma972) * feature #44971 [Messenger] Resolve handled classes when only method in tag is provided (angelov) * feature #43982 [Messenger][Serializer] Deprecate "context aware" interfaces (mtarld) * feature #44790 [Serializer] Give more hints when an attribute is not correctly used (lyrixx) * feature #44831 [HttpKernel] Add a controller argument resolver for backed enums (ogizanagi) * feature #44589 [Messenger] add SerializedMessageStamp (nikophil) * feature #41750 [Yaml] Double-quote strings with single quote marks (Ostrzyciel) * feature #44774 Add `exclude` to `TaggedIterator` and `TaggedLocator` (ruudk) * feature #44681 [HtmlSanitizer] Introduce HtmlSanitizer component (tgalopin) * feature #44311 [Mime] add DraftEmail (kbond) * feature #44746 [Console] Add method `__toString()` to `InputInterface` (boesing) * feature #44568 [HttpClient] Allow yielding Exception from MockResponse's $body to mock transport errors (fancyweb) * feature #44672 [Translation] Translatable parameters (sylfabre) * feature #44451 [PropertyInfo] Add support for phpDocumentor and PHPStan pseudo-types (EmilMassey) * feature #44575 [Framework] Read env var SYMFONY_IDE by default for framework.ide (GromNaN) * feature #43641 [Console] Issue 43602 : Add fish completion (guillaume-a) * feature #44150 [Assets] Accept empty `base_url`, in order to simplify local dev configuration. (GromNaN) * feature #44137 [Mailer] [Mailgun] Allow multiple TagHeaders with MailgunApiTransport (starred-gijs) * feature #44543 [HttpFoundation] Update cookie date time format (chapterjason) * feature #44483 [HttpKernel][WebProfilerBundle] adding xdebug_info page to webprofilerbundle (chr-hertel) * feature #50838 [DoctrineBridge] Remove outdated comment (HeahDude) * feature #48189 [Clock] Provide `modify()` in MockClock (dbrumann) * feature #48045 [DependencyInjection] Allow enum as service parameter in php config files (alexndlm) * feature #47976 Add padding to HIBP check (rullzer) * feature #47364 [DependencyInjection] Allow array attributes for service tags (aschempp) * feature #44166 [Config] Use better typehint in PHP Configuration (jderusse) * feature #47956 [Notifier] Add support for editing Telegram messages (chr-hertel) * feature #43534 [Serializer] Add `SerializedPath` annotation to flatten nested attributes (boenner) * feature #47943 [Config][Routing] Nicer config syntax for PSR-4 route loading (derrabus) * feature #46224 [Form] Add `hash_property_path` option to `PasswordType` (Seb33300) * feature #47950 [HttpClient] Add support for "friendsofphp/well-known-implementations" (nicolas-grekas) * feature #47936 [HttpClient] Add `withOptions()` to `HttplugClient` and `Psr18Client` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #46053 [Messenger] Add option `allow_no_senders` to enable throwing when a message doesn't have a sender (babeuloula) * feature #45907 [SecurityBundle] Allow specifying attributes for `RequestMatcher` (freiondrej-lmc) * feature #47483 [HttpKernel] Make Logger implement DebugLoggerInterface (MatTheCat) * feature #46161 [Translation] Add `PhpAstExtractor` (welcoMattic) * feature #47872 [Validator] new email validation option to match with w3c official specification (guillemfondin) * feature #47916 [Routing] PSR-4 directory loader (derrabus) * feature #47890 [SecurityBundle] Deprecate the `enable_authenticator_manager` option (chalasr) * feature #47906 [DependencyInjection] Allow injecting the current env into php config closures (HypeMC) * feature #47902 [DependencyInjection] Add support for tagged iterators/locators exclude option to xml and yaml (HypeMC) * feature #47801 [DependencyInjection] Allow array for the value of Autowire attribute (willemverspyck) * feature #47864 [DoctrineBridge] Deprecate calling `ContainerAwareEventManager::getListeners()` without event name (derrabus) * feature #47711 [Mime] deprecate attach/embed methods in favor of Email::addPart() (fabpot) * feature #47832 [HttpClient] Make HttplugClient implement PSR-17 factories instead of Httplug's (nicolas-grekas) * feature #47817 [Security] TraceableAccessDecisionManager: fix inspecting voters of custom access decision managers (sarbanha) * feature #47750 [Console] Show available commands in namespace when running namespace as command (wouterj) * feature #47730 Ban DateTime from the codebase (WebMamba) * feature #47496 [FrameworkBundle] Make the Router `cache_dir` configurable (mpdude) * feature #47511 [Form][PropertyAccess] Allow optional property accesses (fsoedjede) * feature #47068 [Messenger] Deprecate MessageHandlerInterface and MessageSubscriberInterface (alamirault) * feature #47460 [Messenger] add dedicated method for disabling instead of passing boolean flags (xabbuh) * feature #47643 [WebProfilerBundle] Update the mailer panel (javiereguiluz) * feature #47710 [Validator] File: add option to check extension (dunglas) * feature #47734 [Validator] add the getCause() to the ConstraintViolationInterface (xabbuh) * feature #47308 [Console] Allow limiting the height of a console section (wouterj) * feature #47243 Add context option to configure the indentation of nested nodes for `YamlEncoder` (dbu) * feature #47462 [Mime] Simplify adding Parts to an Email (fabpot) * feature #47683 [DependencyInjection] Deprecate numeric parameter names (HeahDude) * feature #47377 [HttpKernel] Use Accept-Language header even if there are no enabled locales (MatTheCat) * feature #47588 Add warning for possibly truncated inputs in QuestionHelper (#47586) (pbek) * feature #47665 [WebProfilerBundle] [WebProfilerPanel] Update the configuration panel (javiereguiluz) * feature #47630 [FrameworkBundle] Add semantic config for new terminate_on_cache_hit HttpCache option (wouterj) * feature #47595 [HttpFoundation] Extract request matchers for better reusability (fabpot) * feature #47535 [TwigBridge] Expose current route in `AppVariable` (HeahDude) * feature #47536 [TwigBundle] add option for configuring custom HTML to text converter services (xabbuh) * feature #46064 [Security] Add a `ChainUserChecker` to allow calling multiple user checkers for a firewall (mbabker) * feature #47445 [FrameworkBundle] Allow secrets vaults to be used directly outside Symfony (AndreasA) * feature #47148 [WebProfilerBundle] Profiler redesign (javiereguiluz) * feature #38996 Remove the default values from setters with a nullable parameter (derrabus, nicolas-grekas) * feature #42593 [Validator] Add the `When` constraint and validator (wuchen90) * feature #47525 [Uid] Add UuidV7 and UuidV8 (nicolas-grekas) * feature #47515 [Uid] Add MaxUuid and MaxUlid (nicolas-grekas) * feature #47407 [Console] Terminal Color Mode refactoring and force Color Mode (julien-boudry) * feature #47507 [Uid] Add interface for `getDateTime()` and apply to relevant UIDs (shrikeh) * feature #47236 [DependencyInjection][VarExporter] Generate lazy-loading virtual proxies for non-ghostable lazy services (nicolas-grekas) * feature #39622 [Messenger] Be able to get raw data when a message in not decodable by the PHP Serializer (lyrixx) * feature #47311 [FrameworkBundle] Update ContainerDebugCommand to add parial search for tags (vshevelev, BOB41K1987) * feature #47367 [DependencyInjection] Handle INI arrays (MatTheCat) * feature #47373 [Notifier] Add Chatwork Notifier Bridge (Ippey) * feature #47363 [HttpKernel] Replace ArgumentValueResolverInterface by ValueResolverInterface (nicolas-grekas) * feature #47101 [DependencyInjection] Allow service subscribers to return `SubscribedService[]` (kbond) * feature #40152 [Messenger] Pass sender details to SendMessageToTransportsEvent (Jeroeny) * feature #41171 [Messenger] Add simple transport based rate limiter to Messenger (bobvandevijver) * feature #47295 [PhpUnitBridge] add ability to mock the hrtime() function (xabbuh) * feature #47264 [String] Add support for emoji in AsciiSlugger (lyrixx) * feature #47263 [Intl] Update EmojiTransliterator to translate emoji to github and slack short code (lyrixx) * feature #45418 [Messenger] Add HandlerArgumentsStamp (enumag) * feature #47094 [HttpKernel] Use xxh128 algorithm instead of sha256 for http cache store key (Pascal Woerde) * feature #46000 [Workflow] Mark registry as internal and deprecate the service (lyrixx) * feature #46428 [Security] Access Token Authenticator (Spomky) * feature #47225 [Mime] Re-allow addIdHeader to be used for 'In-Reply-To' and 'References' headers (AlbinoDrought) * feature #47190 [Mailer] Add a way to change the Bus transport dynamically (fabpot) * feature #47201 [Mime] Add a way to control the HTML to text conversion (fabpot) * feature #47202 [Serializer] enable JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION by default (dbu) * feature #39306 [Messenger] Add `TransportNamesStamp` to change the transport while dispatching a message (asilelik, fabpot) * feature #47196 Allow extending `#[When]` attribute (ruudk) * feature #47191 [Mailer] Add a way to inject Stamps when sending an email via Messenger (fabpot) * feature #47170 [Mailer] Use better error code when auth fails (fabpot) * feature #46978 [Security] Allow using expressions with the #[IsGranted] attribute (HypeMC) * feature #46571 [Messenger] Add new `messenger:count` command that return a list of transports with their "to be processed" message count. (ktherage, ogizanagi, EXT - THERAGE Kevin) * feature #43865 [TwigBridge] Add support for toggle buttons in Bootstrap 5 form theme (ker0x) * feature #46683 [Ldap] Deprecate '{username}' parameter use in favour of '{user_identifier}' in LDAP configuration (EXT - THERAGE Kevin) * feature #46514 [HttpKernel] Add option to render Surrogate fragment with absolute URIs (Kern046) * feature #46715 [Clock] A new component to decouple applications from the system clock (nicolas-grekas) * feature #42355 [HttpKernel] Bugfix/last modified response strategy (aschempp) * feature #47080 [Mailer] Add new events (fabpot) * feature #47075 [Mime] Change the way we avoid rendering an email twice (fabpot) * feature #46755 [Intl] Add `EmojiTransliterator` to translate emoji to many locales (lyrixx, nicolas-grekas) * feature #47062 [Console] Don't cut Urls wrapped in SymfonyStyle block (fchris82, GromNaN) * feature #45987 [Notifier] Add `from` in `SmsMessage` (alamirault) * feature #46142 [ExpressionLanguage] Add support for null coalescing syntax (mytuny) * feature #47050 [Form] Allow TranslatableInterface to the FormType help option (alamirault) * feature #46110 [RateLimiter][Security] Improve performance of login/request rate limiter (Seldaek, wouterj) * feature #46895 [Notifier] Introduce PHPUnit constraints and assertions for the Notifier (ismail1432) * feature #47049 [Mailer] Throw a more specific exception when a BodyRendererInterface is needed but not configured (fabpot) * feature #47040 Add a mailer:test command (fabpot) * feature #46242 [Console] Add support for resuming a ProgressBar (yivi) * feature #46962 [Mime] Add DataPart::setContentId() (fabpot) * feature #47038 [Notifier] Add Notification::exception() (fabpot) * feature #46944 [Console] Add Ansi8 (256 color) support, improve true color (Ansi24) support detection (julien-boudry) * feature #47034 [Mime] Simplify code (fabpot) * feature #47018 [Console] Zsh shell autocompletion (adhocore, GromNaN) * feature #46591 [Finder] Add methods to sort by extension & size (sandoba) * feature #46126 [Finder] Case insensitive file sort (hmoreau) * feature #45034 [HttpFoundation] Rename Request::getContentType to getContentTypeFormat (MarkPedron) * feature #46806 [Cache][WebProfilerBundle] Add adapter class to Cache `DataCollector` (Jean-Beru) * feature #44902 Add visibility context option in PropertyNormalizer (alamirault) * feature #46567 [Security] [LoginLink] Set custom lifetime for login link (mbrodala, fabpot) * feature #46599 Add "negate" option to Expression constraint (fmata) * feature #46821 [FrameworkBundle] Add `resolve-env` option to debug:config command (alexandre-daubois) * feature #46580 [SecurityBundle] Add shortcut option to enable logout CSRF protection (wouterj) * feature #46814 [FrameworkBundle] Add service and alias deprecation message to debug:container output (94noni) * feature #47008 [Messenger] Add options to `FailedMessagesShowCommand` (Florian Guimier, fabpot) * feature #45977 [Validator] Add the match option to the Choice constraint (fancyweb) * feature #46338 [Security] Allow configuring a target url when switching user (94noni) * feature #46326 SMTP Transport to provide the (final) Message-ID if available (Raphaël Droz) * feature #43854 [DoctrineBridge] Add an Entity Argument Resolver (jderusse, nicolas-grekas) * feature #46315 [Mailer] `max_per_second` option configurable via DSN (gassan) * feature #46118 [Security] Don't allow empty username or empty password (bikalbasnet) * feature #46229 [Messenger] Make Redis messages countable (Jean-Beru) * feature #41406 [Security] Add a method in the security helper to ease programmatic logout (johnkrovitch, chalasr) * feature #45404 [Mailer] allow custom hosts for ses+smtp with amazon mailer (jrushlow) * feature #45945 [Uid] Added toHexString method to AbstractUid class (aurimasniekis) * feature #46642 [DoctrineBridge] Add `NAME` const for UID types (marcelsiegert) * feature #46502 [Dotenv] Variable filter added to debug command (rmikalkenas) * feature #46211 [Mailer] Add Infobip bridge (B-Galati) * feature #46773 [VarDumper] Add `FFI\CData` and `FFI\CType` types (SerafimArts) * feature #46946 [Form] ChoiceType choices must support TranslatableInterface (alamirault) * feature #38903 [FrameworkBundle] Add "Usages" to debug:container output (Bert ter Heide, bertterheide) * feature #46901 [Console] Be explicit about the completion API version (wouterj) * feature #46752 [DependencyInjection] Use lazy-loading ghost object proxies out of the box (nicolas-grekas) * feature #46880 [HttpKernel] Add `#[Cache()]` to describe the default HTTP cache headers on controllers (nicolas-grekas) * feature #46751 [VarExporter] Add trait to help implement lazy loading ghost objects (nicolas-grekas) * feature #46906 [TwigBridge] Add `#[Template()]` to describe how to render arrays returned by controllers (nicolas-grekas) * feature #46907 [Security] Add `#[IsGranted()]` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #46183 Hide sensitive information with `SensitiveParameter` attribute (GromNaN) * feature #46896 Console/SymfonyStyle: Add Multiselect to choice() (julien-boudry) * feature #46883 [DependencyInjection] Add `shuffle` env processor (ostrolucky) * feature #46846 [Notifier] Add Zendesk Notifier Bridge (stloyd) * feature #46001 [HttpKernel] Add `ControllerEvent::getAttributes()` to handle attributes on controllers (nicolas-grekas) * feature #46854 [FrameworkBundle] Make `AbstractController::render()` able to deal with forms and deprecate `renderForm()` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #41274 [Security] Add a method in the security helper to ease programmatic login (#40662) (johnkrovitch, chalasr) * feature #46831 Add deprecation when the session is not FlashBagAware (VincentLanglet) * feature #46491 Introduce FlashBagAwareSessionInterface (VincentLanglet) * feature #46813 [Form] Provide string keys when iterating on a form (VincentLanglet) * feature #46680 [Serializer] Provide context information from attribute for promoted properties (DanielBadura) * feature #46564 [DependencyInjection] Add Enum Env Var Processor (jack-worman) * feature #46763 [HttpCache] Do not call terminate() on cache hit (Toflar) * feature #45997 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Add deprecation warning to show `HttpKernel::handle()` will catch throwables (Nyholm) * feature #46714 [Mailer] Deprecate OhMySmtp Transport, Create MailPace transport (Holicz) * feature #46771 [Yaml] Add support for `!php/enum *->value` syntax (nicolas-grekas) * feature #46395 [Notifier] Add Contact Everyone Bridge (franckranaivo) * feature #46724 [Notifier] Add SMSFactor bridge (Gwemox) * feature #46741 [DependencyInjection] Allow using ghost objects for lazy loading services (nicolas-grekas) * feature #46675 [Serializer] Add support of true built-in type (from PHP 8.2) (bobahvas, alexandre-daubois) * feature #46663 [Serializer] Deprecate autowiring aliases pointing to concrete normalizers (chalasr) * feature #46584 [Security] Enforce maximum username length in UserBadge (wouterj) * feature #46066 [Security] Add an easier way to get the current firewall configuration (Kocal) * feature #46614 Remove Debug component leftovers (chalasr) * feature #46566 [Serializer][WebProfilerBundle] Show serializer collector info in toolbar (ogizanagi) * feature #46569 [Serializer][WebProfilerBundle] Collect & show caller source code (ogizanagi) * feature #46094 [Security][SecurityBundle] Move the `Security` helper to SecurityBundle (chalasr) * feature #46518 [Validator] deprecate the loose e-mail validation mode (xabbuh) * feature #45985 [TwigBridge] Add form_label_content and form_help_content block to form_div_layout (alexander-schranz) * feature #46430 [Routing] Add `Requirement::POSITIVE_INT` for common ids and pagination (HeahDude) * feature #46279 [DependencyInjection] Optimize autowiring logic by telling it about excluded symbols (nicolas-grekas) * feature #46452 [DependencyInjection] Add Hydrator::hydrate() and preserve PHP references when using it (nicolas-grekas) * feature #50838 [DoctrineBridge] Remove outdated comment (HeahDude) * feature #50445 [AssetMapper] Add "=alias" syntax to importmap:require (weaverryan) * feature #50363 [AssetMapper] Adding "path" option to importmap:require (weaverryan) * feature #48852 [Validator] Allow to use translation_domain false for validators and to use custom translation domain by constraints (VincentLanglet) * feature #49293 [DoctrineBridge] Allow to ignore specific nullable fields in UniqueEntity (VincentLanglet) * feature #50286 [AssetMapper] Add cached asset factory (weaverryan) * feature #50291 [AssetMapper] Adding "excluded_patterns" option (weaverryan) * feature #48496 [Notifier] Add Smsmode bridge (gnito-org) * feature #48494 [Notifier] Add ClickSend notifier bridge (gnito-org) * feature #48572 [Notifier] Add SMS options to AllMySms notifier (gnito-org) * feature #48592 [Notifier] Add SMS options to OrangeSms notifier (gnito-org) * feature #48579 [Notifier] Add SMS options to GatewayApi notifier (gnito-org) * feature #48586 [Notifier] Add SMS options to MessageMedia notifier (gnito-org) * feature #48585 [Notifier] Add SMS options to MessageBird notifier (gnito-org) * feature #48584 [Notifier] Add SMS options to ContactEveryone notifier (gnito-org) * feature #48577 [Notifier] Add SMS options to FortySixElks notifier (gnito-org) * feature #48575 [Notifier] Add SMS options to Esendex notifier (gnito-org) * feature #48573 [Notifier] Add SMS options to Clickatell notifier (gnito-org) * feature #50274 [HttpClient] Add option `crypto_method` to set the minimum TLS version and make it default to v1.2 (nicolas-grekas) * feature #50264 [AssetMapper] Flexible public paths + relative path imports + possibility of "building" assets (weaverryan) * feature #49838 [Scheduler] add `RecurringMessage::getId()` and prevent duplicates (kbond) * feature #50270 [Scheduler] add `JitterTrigger` (kbond) * feature #49553 [Serializer] Add flag to require all properties to be listed in the input (Christian Kolb) * feature #50232 [AssetMapper] Better public without digest (weaverryan) * feature #49608 [OptionsResolver] add `ignoreUndefined()` method to allow skip not interesting options (Constantine Shtompel) * feature #50219 [AssetMapper] Adding debug:assetmap command + normalize paths (weaverryan) * feature #49729 [Scheduler] Add a simple Scheduler class for when the component is used standalone (fabpot) * feature #49725 [Messenger] Add support for the DelayStamp in InMemoryTransport (fabpot) * feature #47112 [Messenger] Add a scheduler component (upyx, fabpot) * feature #49691 [FrameworkBundle] Add scoped httplug clients and deprecate httplugs use like psr18 client (simonberger) * feature #48542 [Webhook][RemoteEvent] Add the components (fabpot) * feature #49620 [ErrorHander] Display exception properties in the HTML error page (lyrixx) * feature #48128 [HttpFoundation] Add support for the 103 status code (Early Hints) and other 1XX statuses (dunglas) * feature #48990 [DependencyInjection] deprecate the ``@required`` annotation (alexislefebvre) * feature #49306 [Security] Add logout configuration for Clear-Site-Data header (maxbeckers) * feature #49596 [Validator] Add the `exclude` option to the `Cascade` constraint (alexandre-daubois) * feature #49291 [Serializer] Add methods `getSupportedTypes` to allow better performance (tucksaun, nicolas-grekas) * feature #49642 [DependencyInjection] Deprecate `#[MapDecorated]` in favor of `#[AutowireDecorated]` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #49539 [Messenger] make StopWorkerOnSignalsListener listen by default on SIGTERM and SIGINT (lyrixx) * feature #49628 [DependencyInjection] Add support for autowiring services as closures using attributes (nicolas-grekas) * feature #48992 [HttpKernel] Introduce pinnable value resolvers with `#[ValueResolver]` and `#[AsPinnedValueResolver]` (MatTheCat) * feature #49121 [DomCrawler] Give choice of used parser (victor-prdh) * feature #49610 [DoctrineBridge] deprecate doctrine schema subscribers in favor of listeners (alli83) * feature #48821 [Serializer] add a context to allow invalid values in BackedEnumNormalizer (nikophil) * feature #49529 [Console] Add support for managing exit code while handling signals (lyrixx) * feature #49015 [Security] Added condition to always return the real Authenticator from security events (florentdestremau) * feature #48899 [Security] Add remember me option for JSON logins (baumerdev, nicolas-grekas) * feature #49302 [HttpClient] Add `UriTemplateHttpClient` (fancyweb) * feature #49013 [Serializer] Replace the MissingConstructorArgumentsException class with MissingConstructorArgumentException (HypeMC) * feature #49454 [Notifier] Add Pushover bridge (mocodo) * feature #49461 [Mailer] Add MailerSend bridge (doobas) * feature #49492 [DependencyInjection] Add support for Exclude attribute (lyrixx) * feature #49139 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Display warmers duration on debug verbosity for `cache:clear` command (alexandre-daubois) * feature #49417 [Validator] Add the option filenameMaxLength to the File constraint (Kevin Auvinet) * feature #49487 [FrameworkBundle] Allow disabling dumping of container to XML to improve performance (ruudk) * feature #49275 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Configure `ErrorHandler` on boot (HypeMC) * feature #49464 [Validator] Implement countUnit option for Length constraint (spackmat) * feature #49300 [Validator] Add a `NoSuspiciousCharacters` constraint to validate a string is not suspicious (MatTheCat) * feature #49318 [HttpKernel] Add `skip_response_headers` to the `HttpCache` options (Toflar) * feature #49428 [Messenger] Allow to define batch size when using `BatchHandlerTrait` with `getBatchSize()` (alexandre-daubois) * feature #49429 [Mailer] Add option to enable Sandbox via dsn option sandbox=true (mdawart) * feature #49433 [DependencyInjection] allow extending `Autowire` attribute (kbond) * feature #49412 [DependencyInjection] Allow trimming service parameters value in XML configuration files (alexandre-daubois) * feature #49442 [TwigBundle] Add alias deprecation for `Twig_Environment` (94noni) * feature #49331 [PropertyAccess] Allow escaping in PropertyPath (alanpoulain) * feature #49411 [DependencyInjection] Add AsAlias attribute (alanpoulain) * feature #49343 [HtmlSanitizer] Remove experimental status (tgalopin) * feature #49261 Smsapi - Make "from" optional (szal1k) * feature #49327 [Notifier] Introduce FromNotificationInterface for MessageInterface implementations (fabpot) * feature #49270 [Messenger] Allow passing a string instead of an array in `TransportNamesStamp` (alexandre-daubois) * feature #49193 [Security] Return 403 instead of 500 when no firewall is defined (nicolas-grekas) * feature #49098 [Config] Allow enum values in EnumNode (fancyweb) * feature #49164 [Yaml] Feature #48920 Allow milliseconds and microseconds in dates (dustinwilson) * feature #48981 [Console] Add ReStructuredText descriptor (danepowell) * feature #48748 [VarDumper] Display invisible characters (alamirault) * feature #48250 [Cache] Compatible with aliyun redis instance (tourze) * feature #47066 [DependencyInjection] Allow attribute autoconfiguration on static methods (alex-dev) * feature #49021 [SecurityBundle] Make firewalls event dispatcher traceable on debug mode (MatTheCat) * feature #48930 [Cache] Add Redis Relay support (ostrolucky) * feature #49102 [FrameworkBundle][Workflow] Register alias for argument for workflow services with workflow name only (lyrixx) * feature #49064 [ExpressionLanguage] Deprecate loose comparisons when using the "in" operator (nicolas-grekas) * feature #48999 [Lock] create migration for lock table when DoctrineDbalStore is used (alli83) * feature #49011 [WebProfilerBundle] Close profiler settings on escape (norkunas) * feature #48997 [WebProfilerBundle] Mailer panel tweaks (javiereguiluz) * feature #49012 [WebProfilerBundle] Display date/time elements in the user local timezone (javiereguiluz) * feature #48957 [Config] Do not array_unique EnumNode values (fancyweb) * feature #48976 [ErrorHandler] try to read SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS from superglobal arrays too (xabbuh) * feature #48938 [FrameworkBundle] Allow setting private services with the test container (nicolas-grekas) * feature #48959 [Messenger] Allow password in redis dsn when using sockets (PhilETaylor) * feature #48940 [DomCrawler] Add argument `$normalizeWhitespace` to `Crawler::innerText()` and make it return the first non-empty text (otsch) * feature #48762 [WebProfilerBundle] Improve accessibility of tabs and some links (javiereguiluz) * feature #48945 [WebProfilerBundle] Use a dynamic SVG favicon in the profiler (javiereguiluz) * feature #48901 Allow Usage of ContentId in html (m42e) * feature #48669 [ExpressionLanguage] Add `enum` expression function (alexandre-daubois) * feature #48678 [FrameworkBundle] Rename service `notifier.logger_notification_listener` to `notifier.notification_logger_listener` (ker0x) * feature #48516 [PhpUnitBridge] Add `enum_exists` mock (alexandre-daubois) * feature #48855 [Notifier] Add new Symfony Notifier for PagerDuty (stloyd) * feature #48876 [HttpKernel] Rename HttpStatus attribute to WithHttpStatus (fabpot) * feature #48797 [FrameworkBundle] Add `extra` attribute for HttpClient Configuration (voodooism) * feature #48747 [HttpKernel] Allow using `#[WithLogLevel]` for setting custom log level for exceptions (angelov) * feature #48820 [HttpFoundation] ParameterBag::getEnum() (nikophil) * feature #48685 [DependencyInjection] Exclude referencing service (self) in `TaggedIteratorArgument` (chalasr) * feature #48409 [Mailer] add reject to `MessageEvent` to stop sending mail (Thomas Hanke, fabpot) * feature #47709 [HttpFoundation] Add `StreamedJsonResponse` for efficient JSON streaming (alexander-schranz) * feature #48810 Drop v1 contracts packages everywhere (derrabus) * feature #48802 [DependencyInjection] Cut compilation time (nicolas-grekas) * feature #48707 [DependencyInjection] Target Attribute must fail if the target does not exist (rodmen) * feature #48387 [SecurityBundle] Rename `firewalls.logout.csrf_token_generator` to `firewalls.logout.csrf_token_manager` (MatTheCat) * feature #48671 [Validator] Add `getConstraint()` method to `ConstraintViolationInterface` (syl20b) * feature #48665 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate `framework:exceptions` XML tag (MatTheCat) * feature #48686 [DependencyInjection] Deprecate integer keys in "service_locator" config (upyx) * feature #48616 [Notifier] GoogleChat CardsV1 is deprecated we must use cardsV2 instead (daifma) * feature #48396 [Intl] Add a special locale to strip emojis easily with `EmojiTransliterator` (fancyweb) * feature #48098 [HttpKernel]  Resolve DateTime value using the Clock (GromNaN) * feature #48642 [Clock] Add `Clock` class and `now()` function (nicolas-grekas) * feature #48531 [FrameworkBundle][Messenger] Add support for namespace wildcard in Messenger routing (brzuchal) * feature #48121 [Messenger] Do not return fallback senders when other senders were already found (wouterj) * feature #48582 [Security] Make login redirection logic available to programmatic login (hellomedia) * feature #48352 [HttpKernel] Allow using `#[HttpStatus]` for setting status code and headers for HTTP exceptions (angelov) * feature #48710 [DependencyInjection] Add support for nesting autowiring-related attributes into `#[Autowire(...)]` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #48127 [Yaml] Add flag to dump numeric key as string (alamirault) * feature #48696 [WebProfilerBundle] Add a title and img role to svg of the web debug toolbar (Monet Emilien) * feature #48594 [SecurityBundle] Improve support for authenticators that don't need a user provider (wouterj) * feature #48457 [FrameworkBundle] Improve UX ConfigDebugCommand has not yaml component (alamirault) * feature #48044 [SecurityBundle] Set request stateless when firewall is stateless (alamirault) * feature #48200 [Security] Allow custom user identifier for X509 authenticator (Spomky) * feature #47352 [HttpKernel] FileProfilerStorage remove expired profiles mechanism (alamirault) * feature #48614 [Messenger] Move Transport/InMemoryTransport to Transport/InMemory/InMemoryTransport (lyrixx) * feature #48059 [HttpFoundation] Create migration for session table when pdo handler is used (alli83) * feature #47349 [Notifier] Allow to update Slack messages (maxim-dovydenok-busuu) * feature #48432 [VarDumper] Add support of named arguments to `dd()` and `dump()` to display a label (alexandre-daubois) * feature #48275 [FrameworkBundle] Allow to avoid `limit` definition in a RateLimiter configuration when using the `no_limit` policy (alexandre-daubois) * feature #39353 [FrameworkBundle][Notifier] Allow to configure or disable the message bus to use (jschaedl, fabpot) * feature #48565 [Notifier] [FakeChat] Allow missing optional dependency (Benjamin Schoch) * feature #48503 [Notifier] Add options to `SmsMessage` (gnito-org) * feature #48164 [Serializer] Add encoder option for saving options (ihmels) * feature #48206 [Console] Add placeholder formatters per ProgressBar instance (GromNaN) * feature #48232 [Validator] Add `{{pattern}}` to `Regex` constraint violations (alamirault) * feature #48299 [Console] #47809 remove exit() call in last SignalHandler (akuzia) * feature #48424 [DomCrawler][FrameworkBundle] Add `assertSelectorCount` (curlycarla2004) * feature #48546 [Notifier] [FakeSms] Allow missing optional dependency (Benjamin Schoch) * feature #48484 [ProxyManagerBridge] Deprecate the package (nicolas-grekas) * feature #48101 [Notifier] Add Mastodon Notifier (qdequippe) * feature #48362 [Clock] Add ClockAwareTrait to help write time-sensitive classes (nicolas-grekas) * feature #48478 [VarDumper] Add caster for WeakMap (nicolas-grekas) * feature #47680 [DependencyInjection][HttpKernel] Introduce build parameters (HeahDude) * feature #48374 [Notifier] [Telegram] Add support to answer callback queries (alexsoft) * feature #48466 [Notifier] Add Line bridge (kurozumi) * feature #48381 [Validator] Add `Uuid::TIME_BASED_VERSIONS` to match that a UUID being validated embeds a timestamp (alexandre-daubois) * feature #48379 [HttpKernel] Set a default file link format when none is provided to FileLinkFormatter (alexandre-daubois) * feature #48389 [Notifier] Add Bandwidth bridge (gnito-org) * feature #48394 [Notifier] Add Plivo bridge (gnito-org) * feature #48397 [Notifier] Add RingCentral bridge (gnito-org) * feature #48398 [Notifier] Add Termii bridge (gnito-org) * feature #48399 [Notifier] Add iSendPro bridge (leblanc-simon) * feature #48084 [Notifier] Add Twitter notifier (nicolas-grekas) * feature #48053 [Messenger] Improve DX (Nommyde) * feature #48043 [SecurityBundle] Deprecate enabling bundle and not configuring it (alamirault) * feature #48147 [DependencyInjection] Add `env` and `param` parameters for Autowire attribute (alexndlm) * feature #53150 [Contracts] Allow psr/container 1.1 again (derrabus) * feature #52712 [AssetMapper] Exclude dot files (weaverryan) * feature #52568 [VarExporter] Deprecate per-property lazy-initializers (nicolas-grekas) * feature #52560 [Mailer] Update default Mailjet port (Katario) * feature #52471 [HttpKernel] Add `ControllerResolver::allowControllers()` to define which callables are legit controllers when the `_check_controller_is_allowed` request attribute is set (nicolas-grekas) * feature #52449 [TwigBridge] Mark CodeExtension as `@internal` (fabpot) * feature #52336 [HttpFoundation][Lock] Makes MongoDB adapters usable with `ext-mongodb` only (GromNaN) * feature #52193 [PhpUnitBridge] Allow setting the locale using SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_LOCALE env var (VincentLanglet) * feature #51847 [AssetMapper] Allowing for files to be written to some non-local location (weaverryan) * feature #52079 [HttpKernel] Add parameters `kernel.runtime_mode` and `kernel.runtime_mode.*`, all set from env var `APP_RUNTIME_MODE` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #51348 [FrameworkBundle][Validator] Allow implementing validation groups provider outside DTOs (Yonel Ceruto) * feature #51577 [Notifier][Novu] Implement overrides (wouter-toppy) * feature #51211 [Workflow] List place and transition listeners in profiler (lyrixx) * feature #51220 [Workflow] Add a `TraceableWorkflow` (lyrixx) * feature #52120 [AssetMapper] Split ImportmapManager into 2 (weaverryan) * feature #51849 [AssetMapper] Warn of missing or incompat dependencies (weaverryan) * feature #52032 [FrameworkBundle][Routing][Translation][Workflow] Move some compiler passes from FrameworkBundle to components (fancyweb) * feature #52166 [HtmlSanitizer] Add support for sanitizing unlimited length of HTML document (lyrixx) * feature #48095 [Messenger] [Sqs] Add `AddFifoStamp` middleware (tyx) * feature #52160 [DoctrineBridge] Change argument `$lastUsed` of `DoctrineTokenProvider::updateToken()` to accept `DateTimeInterface` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #52140 [Translation] Add argument `$buildDir` to `DataCollectorTranslator::warmUp()` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #52047 [HttpFoundation][Runtime] Add $flush parameter to Response::send() (fancyweb) * feature #51470 [FrameworkBundle][Serializer] Deprecate annotations (alexandre-daubois) * feature #51483 [FrameworkBundle][Routing] Deprecate annotations (alexandre-daubois) * feature #47416 [Console][FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel][WebProfilerBundle] Enable profiling commands (HeahDude) * feature #50391 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Introduce `$buildDir` argument to `WarmableInterface::warmup` to warm read-only artefacts in `build_dir` (Okhoshi) * feature #52087 [Scheduler] Add `FailureEvent` (alli83) * feature #51828 [AssetMapper] Put importmap in polyfill so it can be hosted locally easily (weaverryan) * feature #52024 [AssetMapper] Add a "package specifier" to importmap in case import name != package+path (weaverryan) * feature #50734 [ErrorHandler] Improve fileLinkFormat handling (nlemoine) * feature #52002 [HttpFoundation] Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) (fabricecw) * feature #51805 [Scheduler] pre_run and post_run events (alli83) * feature #51926 [Mime] Forbid messages that are generators to be used more than once (fabpot) * feature #50946 [Routing][SecurityBundle] Add `LogoutRouteLoader` (MatTheCat) * feature #52038 [Console] Dispatch `ConsoleTerminateEvent` when exiting on signal (HeahDude) * feature #49893 [Serializer] Add `XmlEncoder::CDATA_WRAPPING` context option (AndoniLarz) * feature #50877 [Finder] Add early directory prunning filter support (mvorisek) * feature #51829 [AssetMapper] Automatically preload CSS files if WebLink available (weaverryan) * feature #51011 [FrameworkBundle] Add parameters deprecations to the output of `debug:container` command (HeahDude) * feature #51888 [WebProfiler] Profiler improvements / extract Font from stylesheet (smnandre) * feature #51058 [FrameworkBundle] Add `--exclude` option to the `cache:pool:clear` command (MatTheCat) * feature #51845 [AssetMapper] Add outdated command (Maelan LE BORGNE) * feature #51976 [Workflow] Revert deprecation about Registry (lyrixx) * feature #50537 [Console] Add placeholders to ProgressBar for exact times (maxbeckers) * feature #51717 [Notifier] [Telegram] Extend options for `location`, `document`, `audio`, `video`, `venue`, `photo`, `animation`, `sticker` & `contact` (igrizzli) * feature #49044 [Messenger] Mention the transport which failed during the setup command (thePanz) * feature #51786 [AssetMapper] Always downloading vendor files (weaverryan) * feature #51832 [DependencyInjection] Add `#[AutowireIterator]` attribute and improve `#[AutowireLocator]` (nicolas-grekas, kbond) * feature #50934 [Form] Add `duplicate_preferred_choices` option to `ChoiceType` (arnaud-deabreu) * feature #51650 [AssetMapper] Add audit command (Jean-Beru) * feature #51800 [DoctrineBridge] Pass `Request` to `EntityValueResolver`'s expression (HypeMC) * feature #51848 [Messenger] Resend failed retries back to failure transport (ro0NL) * feature #51811 Add "dev" keyword to symfony/symfony package (nicolas-grekas) * feature #51276 [Notifier] Transport possible to have null (StaffNowa) * feature #50662 [FrameworkBundle] Add `HttpClientAssertionsTrait` which provide shortcuts to assert HTTP calls was triggered (welcoMattic) * feature #50392 Move UriSigner from HttpKernel to HttpFoundation package (alexander-schranz) * feature #51804 [Security] Make `impersonation_path()` argument mandatory and add `impersonation_url()` (alexandre-daubois) * feature #50127 [TwigBridge] Add `FormLayoutTestCase` class (ker0x) * feature #50030 Add new twig bridge function to generate impersonation path (PhilETaylor) * feature #50109 [FrameworkBundle] Add --show-aliases option to debug:router command (fancyweb) * feature #50141 Allow sending scheduled messages through the slack API (Insanfly) * feature #50321 [TwigBridge] Add `AppVariable::getEnabledLocales()` (jmsche) * feature #51676 [RateLimiter] Add SlidingWindowLimiter::reserve() (Jeroeny) * feature #51538 [HttpFoundation] Support root-level Generator in StreamedJsonResponse (Jeroeny) * feature #51653 [Messenger] Add WrappedExceptionsInterface for nested exceptions (Jeroeny) * feature #51690 [Mime] Add `TemplatedEmail::locale()` to set the locale for the email rendering (alexander-schranz) * feature #51525 [Messenger][Scheduler] Add AsCronTask & AsPeriodicTask attributes (valtzu) * feature #51795 [Scheduler] Make debug:scheduler output more useful (fabpot) * feature #51793 [FrameworkBundle] Change BrowserKitAssertionsTrait::getClient() to be protected (fabpot) * feature #44629 [FrameworkBundle] Allow BrowserKit relative URL redirect assert (julienfalque) * feature #51756 [Messenger] RejectRedeliveredMessageException should not be retried (nikophil) * feature #51779 [Serializer] Make `ProblemNormalizer` give details about Messenger’s `ValidationFailedException` (MatTheCat) * feature #51772 [WebProfilerBundle] Support `!` negation operator in url filter (SzymonKaminski) * feature #51729 [AssetMapper] Allow simple, relative paths in importmap.php (weaverryan) * feature #51697 [PropertyInfo] Make isWriteable() more consistent with isReadable() when checking snake_case properties (jbtronics) * feature #51543 [AssetMapper] Add support for CSS files in the importmap (weaverryan) * feature #51593 [Messenger] Add the `--all` option to the `messenger:failed:remove` command (alexandre-daubois) * feature #51542 [Scheduler] Trigger unique messages at runtime (Jeroeny) * feature #51415 [Clock] Add `DatePoint`: an immutable DateTime implementation with stricter error handling and return types (nicolas-grekas) * feature #51553 [Scheduler] Allow modifying the schedule at runtime and recalculate heap (Jeroeny) * feature #51712 Deprecate `Kernel::stripComments()` (alamirault) * feature #51687 [Messenger] Add support for multiple Redis Sentinel hosts (digilist) * feature #51153 [Translation] Add `--as-tree` option to `translation:pull` command (syffer) * feature #51601 [Mime] Allow to add some headers as a strings (Oipnet) * feature #51684 [Translation] Give current locale to `LocaleSwitcher::runWithLocale()`'s callback (alexander-schranz) * feature #51651 [Scheduler] Fix stateful scheduler (valtzu) * feature #51638 [FrameworkBundle] [Test] add token attributes in `KernelBrowser::loginUser()` (Valmonzo) * feature #51558 [HttpClient] Enable using EventSourceHttpClient::connect() for both GET and POST (wivaku) * feature #51476 [Serializer] Allow Context to target classes (mtarld) * feature #50438 [Validator] Add is_valid function to Expression constraint (verdet23, DEVizzent) * feature #51585 [Security] Add badge resolution to profiler (Jean-Beru) * feature #51523 [AssetMapper] Allow specifying packages to update with importmap:update (jmsche) * feature #50705 [Mailer][Webhook] Add Sendgrid webhook support (WoutervanderLoopNL) * feature #51450 [Mailer] [Smtp] Add DSN param `peer_fingerprint` for fingerprint verification (xdavidwu) * feature #51484 [Workflow] deprecate `GuardEvent::getContext` method (hhamon) * feature #51351 [AssetMapper] Add command to download missing downloaded packages (jmsche) * feature #51454 [Validator] Un-deprecate passing an annotation reader to AnnotationLoader (derrabus) * feature #51434 [Security] [Throttling] Hide username and client ip in logs (Spomky) * feature #51425 [FrameworkBundle][Validator] Deprecate annotation occurrences (alexandre-daubois) * feature #51392 [DependencyInjection] add `#[AutowireLocator]` attribute (kbond) * feature #51365 [Clock] Add $modifier argument to the now() helper (nicolas-grekas) * feature #51327 [FrameworkBundle] Add `AbstractController::renderBlock()` and `renderBlockView()` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #51357 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate not setting some options (uid, validation) (Jean-Beru) * feature #51325 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate not setting some options (Jean-Beru) * feature #51412 [Clock] Throw `DateMalformedStringException`/`DateInvalidTimeZoneException` when appropriate (nicolas-grekas) * feature #51368 [DomCrawler] Added argument `$default` to method `Crawler::attr()` (Rastishka) * feature #51315 [Notifier][Webhook] Add Vonage support (smnandre) * feature #51349 [Notifier] Add GoIP bridge (ahmedghanem00) * feature #51332 [SecurityBundle] Deprecate the `require_previous_session` config option (alamirault) * feature #51284 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel][MonologBridge] Revisit wiring of debug loggers (nicolas-grekas) * feature #50306 [DomCrawler][FrameworkBundle] Add `assertAnySelectorText*` (SVillette) * feature #51263 [Scheduler] Add --all to debug:schedule (fabpot) * feature #50939 [SecurityBundle] Add `$badges` argument to `Security::login` (MatTheCat) * feature #50951 [FrameworkBundle] Support APP_BUILD_DIR (ro0NL) * feature #51264 [RemoteEvent][Webhook] Add Brevo support (blaugueux) * feature #50502 [RemoteEvent][Webhook] Add Mailjet support (blaugueux) * feature #51250 Remove remaining experimental classes (fabpot) * feature #51249 [RemoteEvent] Mark component as non experimental (fabpot) * feature #51248 [Webhook] Mark component as non experimental (fabpot) * feature #51247 [AssetMapper] Mark component as non experimental (fabpot) * feature #51246 [Scheduler] Mark component as non experimental (fabpot) * feature #51245 [Scheduler] Only use toString if defined for message (fabpot) * feature #51244 [Scheduler] Add --date to schedule:debug (fabpot) * feature #51210 [Workflow] Add PHP attributes to register listeners and guards (lyrixx) * feature #48485 [Process] Introducing a new `PhpSubprocess` handler (Toflar) * feature #51215 [FrameworkBundle] Enable `json_decode_detailed_errors` in dev by default (ostrolucky) * feature #51004 [HttpKernel] Support backed enums in `#[MapQueryParameter]` (andersmateusz) * feature #51230 [Scheduler] add `ScheduledStamp` to `RedispatchMessage` (kbond) * feature #51218 [Workflow] Support multiline descriptions in PlantUML (valtzu) * feature #51073 [Intl] Add support for ISO 3166-1 numeric codes (benr77) * feature #51191 [Mime] Update mimetypes (fabpot) * feature #47422 [Process] Support using `Process::findExecutable()` independently of `open_basedir` (BlackbitDevs) * feature #48907 [Validator] Validate time without seconds (xepozz) * feature #51204 [Workflow] Add a profiler (lyrixx) * feature #47715 [Form] Removing self-closing slash from `` (ThomasLandauer) * feature #50212 [FrameworkBundle][Serializer] Add TranslatableNormalizer (Jean-Beru) * feature #50767 [HttpKernel] RequestPayloadValueResolver Add support for custom http status code (zim32) * feature #51172 [Serializer] Add support for seld/jsonlint (ostrolucky) * feature #49231 [Translation] Phrase translation provider (wickedOne) * feature #50974 [Workflow] Add support for storing the marking in a property (lyrixx) * feature #51092 [Scheduler] make `ScheduledStamp` "send-able" (kbond) * feature #51197 [PsrHttpMessageBridge] Support `php-http/discovery` for auto-detecting PSR-17 factories (derrabus) * feature #48841 [BrowserKit] Add argument $serverParameters to click() and clickLink() (syl20b) * feature #49594 [Serializer] Groups annotation/attribute on class (Brajk19) * feature #50879 [Notifier] support local development for sns by adding sslmode option (Ferror) * feature #51152 [Scheduler] Add `AbstractTriggerDecorator` (kbond) * feature #49814 [Console][Messenger] add `RunCommandMessage` and `RunCommandMessageHandler` (kbond) * feature #50978 [Messenger] Allow accessing all options on a handler descriptor (ruudk) * feature #50911 [HttpKernel] Enhance exception if possible (lyrixx) * feature #50136 [Notifier] [SpotHit] Support `smslong` and `smslongnbr` API parameters (camillebaronnet) * feature #50907 [Validator] Update `Type` constraint, add `number`, `finite-float` and `finite-number` validations (guillaume-a) * feature #51130 [VarDumper] Dump uninitialized properties (nicolas-grekas) * feature #51144 [Templating] deprecate the component (kbond) * feature #51014 [Mailer] Add Scaleway bridge (MrMicky-FR) * feature #51167 [PsrHttpMessageBridge] Remove ArgumentValueResolverInterface from PsrServerRequestResolver (derrabus) * feature #51100 [PsrHttpMessageBridge] Import the bridge into the monorepo (fabpot, dunglas, KorvinSzanto, xabbuh, aimeos, ahundiak, Danielss89, rougin, csunolgomez, Jérôme Parmentier, mtibben, Nyholm, ajgarlag, uphlewis, samnela, grachevko, nicolas-grekas, tinyroy, danizord, Daniel Degasperi, rbaarsma, Ekman, 4rthem, derrabus, mleczakm, iluuu1994, Tobion, chalasr, lemon-juice, franmomu, cidosx, erikn69, AurelienPillevesse) * feature #49815 [HttpClient][Messenger] add `PingWebhookMessage` and `PingWebhookMessageHandler` (kbond) * feature #49813 [Messenger][Process] add `RunProcessMessage` and `RunProcessMessageHandler` (kbond) * feature #51148 [FrameworkBundle] Simplify marking store configuration (nicolas-grekas) * feature #51128 [SecurityBundle] Allow an array of `pattern` in firewall configuration (lyrixx, chalasr) * feature #119 Implement ValueResolverInterface (derrabus) * feature #117 Leverage `Request::getPayload()` to populate the parsed body of PSR-7 requests (AurelienPillevesse) * feature #50931 [Form] Support Translatable Enum (Seb33300) * feature #49358 [Routing] Deprecate annotations in favor of attributes (derrabus) * feature #50982 [Validator] Deprecate annotations in favor of attributes (derrabus) * feature #50983 [Serializer] Deprecate annotations in favor of attributes (derrabus) * feature #51043 [Form] Deprecate `FormEvent::setData()` for events that do not allow it (HeahDude) * feature #50888 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate doctrine/annotations integration (derrabus) * feature #50997 [Messenger] Deprecate `StopWorkerOnSignalsListener` (HypeMC) * feature #50290 [Security] Make `PersistentToken` immutable and tell `TokenProviderInterface::updateToken()` implementations should accept `DateTimeInterface` (nicolas-grekas) * feature #50883 [TwigBundle] Allow omitting the `autoescape_service_method` option when `autoescape_service` is set to an invokable service id (nicolas-grekas) * feature #50718 [DependencyInjection] Improve reporting named autowiring aliases (nicolas-grekas) * feature #50295 [PropertyAccess] Auto-cast from/to DateTime/Immutable when appropriate (nicolas-grekas) * feature #50420 [Console] add support for catching `\Throwable` errors (lyrixx) * feature #50148 [Mailer] Add X-Infobip-Track header to be able to disable tracking (ndousson) * feature #50200 [Mailer] Adds `assertEmailSubjectContains` and `assertEmailSubjectNotContains` methods (johanadivare) * feature #50302 [Mailer] New Brevo mailer bridge (formerly Sendinblue) (PEtanguy) * feature #50296 [Notifier] Add Brevo bridge (formerly Sendinblue) (PEtanguy) * feature #50842 Add missing return types to magic methods (wouterj) * feature #50868 [SecurityBundle] Deprecate `Security::*` consts and other cleanups (nicolas-grekas) * feature #50770 [TwigBridge] Allow to change element for `form_help` block (seb-jean) * feature #50814 [HttpClient] Allow custom working directory in TestHttpServer (ro0NL) * feature #46426 [Form] deprecate using the date and time types with date objects with not-matching timezones (xabbuh) * feature #50791 [DependencyInjection] Add `defined` prefix for env var processor (GaryPEGEOT) * feature #50754 [HttpKernel] when configuring the container add services_{env} with php extension (helyakin) * feature #50425 [Validator] Allow single constraint to be passed to the `constraints` option of the `When` constraint (alexandre-daubois) * feature #50396 [Validator] Allow single integer for the `versions` option of the `Uuid` constraint (alexandre-daubois) * feature #50621 [FrameworkBundle][Workflow] Add metadata dumping support for `GraphvizDumper` (Louis-Proffit) * feature #50170 [Notifier] Added redlink notifier (plotkabytes) * feature #50615 [DependencyInjection] Deprecate `ContainerAwareInterface`, `ContainerAwareTrait` and `ContainerAwareLoader` (alexandre-daubois) * feature #50084 [Routing] Add FQCN and FQCN::method aliases when applicable (fancyweb) * feature #50691 [Console] Aligned multiline text in vertical table (jaytaph) * feature #50131 [Notifier] add Ntfy bridge (mikaelkael) * feature #50663 [Console] Add `SignalMap` to map signal value to its name (lyrixx) * feature #50414 [Notifier] Add Novu bridge (wouter-toppy) * feature #50240 [HttpClient] Add `max_retries` option to `RetryableHttpClient` (danielburger1337) * feature #50572 [Scheduler] Allow setting cron expression next run date timezone (danielburger1337) * feature #50579 [DoctrineBridge] Deprecate using the old DBAL logger system (derrabus) * feature #50335 [HttpKernel] Add optional `$className` param to `ControllerEvent::getAttributes()` (HypeMC) * feature #113 Bump psr/http-message version (erikn69) * feature #114 Drop support for Symfony 4 (derrabus) * feature #100 Allow Symfony 6 (chalasr) * feature #89 PSR HTTP message converters for controllers (derrabus) * feature #75 Remove deprecated code (fabpot) * feature #66 Add support for streamed Symfony request (Ekman) * feature #50 Add support for streamed response (danizord) * feature #62 bump to PHP 7.1 (nicolas-grekas) * feature #43 Create PSR-7 messages using PSR-17 factories (ajgarlag) * feature #45 Fixed broken build (Nyholm) * feature #1 Initial support (dunglas)