From deb source (and I compiled it) However I need to change the version number because an apt-get update/upgrade will upgrade to the latest version and you'll need to apt-get remove/purge the latest and install the older one. Until I hear a better compelling reason to change the permissions/ownership (to how they suggest) "workaround" (aka all files on web server in question are to be owned by ROOT or the switched user account suPHP uses)... I'm used to a different ownership model when using suPHP. Doesn't make sense because in order to make the parent folder owned by root.root the user/group/world -- the world permissions must be open to anybody on the system.. where I like to have the parent folders owned by the same person the apache httpd is running as... so ONLY people that are that user (or in a particular group) can even GET to the same folder... Having it world readable means you should NOW never allow shell access on the machine (because people can now go into the folder and read other's PHP scripts and pull things out like passwords or look for exploitable bugs). I really dislike being told the new cold is more restrictive and requires a change in permission and after looking at the changes.. it's really less secure. --Doug ---------------------------------------- > From: