This happens on 10.04.2 LTS (x86_64) linux 2.6.32-30-generic with OO 3.2.0 as well. Its not just OO Base.. general OO Basic macro execution in OO Calc spreadsheets execute 4 to 5 times slower than with previous JRE (22). As a test case - creating a JDBC database connection "datasource1" (be sure to install necessary java class files for particular databse) and use the following macro in a Calc spreadsheet: REM ***** BASIC ***** Global Pipe_connectedDatabase As Boolean ' Are we connected to the database? Global Pipe_dConn as Variant Global Pipe_dStat as Variant function pipe (f_s as string) as variant on error goto err_h Dim dataType As Long ' What type of data was returned by the database? dim url as String dim driver as String dim dBase as Variant dim oDB as Variant dim oManager as Variant dim oMetaData as Variant dim connArgs(0) As New ' These declarations below are for casting data types around in BASIC Dim tmpDouble As Double ' Temporary holder for a double datatype, for inserting into Any Dim tmpString As String ' Temporary holder for a string datatype, for inserting into Any ' Actual database query if Pipe_connectedDatabase = false then dBase = createUnoService("") oDB = dBase.getByName("datasource1") url = oDB.URL driver = oDB.Settings.JavaDriverClass oManager = createUnoService ("") connArgs(0).name = "JavaDriverClass" connArgs(0).value = driver Pipe_dConn = oManager.getConnectionWithInfo (url, connArgs) Pipe_connectedDatabase = true Pipe_dStat = Pipe_dConn.createStatement() end if oSet = Pipe_dStat.executeQuery (f_s) ' Datatype casting logic if () then ' Get a LONG representation of the type of data that was returned by the ' database dataType = oSet.getMetaData().getColumnType(1) Select Case dataType Case tmpString = RTrim(oSet.getString(1)) ret_val = tmpString Case tmpDouble = oSet.getDouble(1) ret_val = tmpDouble Case tmpDouble = oSet.getDouble(1) ret_val = tmpDouble Case tmpDouble = oSet.getDouble(1) ret_val = tmpDouble Case tmpString = RTrim(oSet.getString(1)) ret_val = tmpString Case tmpString = Trim(oSet.getString(1)) ret_val = tmpString Case Else ' Insert unknown types as string tmpString = RTrim(oSet.getString(1)) ret_val = tmpString End Select else ret_val = "##NULL##" end if pipe = ret_val exit function err_h: if Pipe_connectedDatabase = true then Pipe_dConn.close() Pipe_connectedDatabase = false endif pipe = "##ERROR##" exit function end function To test it.. in a cell enter: =pipe("select count(*) from sometable") (sometable being the name of actual database table) This should return the number of rows and insert it in the cell as a value (If you only get ##ERROR## - suspect jdbc connectivity issue/java class path issue). This alone doesn't reveal performance issue.. BUT.. copy and paste this to 1000 cells.. and compare the performance with 22 and 24.