ypeID = 3 failed because unable to open database file WARNING: sql query update ServiceTypes set KeyMetadata5 = 'Video:Duration' where TypeID = 3 failed because unable to open database file WARNING: sql query update ServiceTypes set KeyMetadata6 = 'Audio:Bitrate' where TypeID = 3 failed because unable to open database file ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTabularMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTabularMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTabularMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTabularMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTabularMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTabularMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTabularMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTileMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTileMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTileMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTileMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTileMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceTileMetadata failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertMimePrefixes failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 WARNING: sql query update FileMimePrefixes set ServiceTypeID = 3 where MimePrefix = 'video/' failed because unable to open database file WARNING: sql query update ServiceTypes set ShowServiceFiles = '1' where TypeID = 3 failed because unable to open database file WARNING: sql query update ServiceTypes set ShowServiceDirectories = '1' where TypeID = 3 failed because unable to open database file ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertServiceType failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 WARNING: sql query update ServiceTypes set DisplayName = 'Text' where TypeID = 3 failed because unable to open database file WARNING: sql query update ServiceTypes set Description = 'Text based files' where TypeID = 3 failed because unable to open database file WARNING: sql query update ServiceTypes set Parent = 'Files' where TypeID = 3 failed because unable to open database file WARNING: sql query update ServiceTypes set UIVisible = '1' where TypeID = 3 failed because unable to open database file WARNING: sql query update ServiceTypes set Icon = 'text-x-generic' where TypeID = 3 failed because unable to open database file WARNING: sql query update ServiceTypes set ContentMetadata = 'File:Contents' where TypeID = 3 failed because unable to open database file ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertMimes failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 WARNING: sql query update FileMimes set ServiceTypeID = 3 where Mime = 'text/plain' failed because unable to open database file ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertMimes failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 WARNING: sql query update FileMimes set ServiceTypeID = 3 where Mime = 'text/x-authors' failed because unable to open database file ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertMimes failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 WARNING: sql query update FileMimes set ServiceTypeID = 3 where Mime = 'text/x-changelog' failed because unable to open database file ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertMimes failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 WARNING: sql query update FileMimes set ServiceTypeID = 3 where Mime = 'text/x-copying' failed because unable to open database file ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertMimes failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 WARNING: sql query update FileMimes set ServiceTypeID = 3 where Mime = 'text/x-credits' failed because unable to open database file ERROR: execution of prepared query InsertMimes failed due to unable to open database file with return code 14 WARNING: sql query update FileMimes set ServiceTypeID = 3 where Mime = 'text/x-install' failed because unable to open database file