This bug was fixed in the package rhythmbox - 3.4.2-1ubuntu1 --------------- rhythmbox (3.4.2-1ubuntu1) bionic; urgency=medium [ Jeremy Bicha ] * Merge with Debian (LP: #1734953). Remaining changes: + Split out mozilla and zeitgeist plugins + debian/ - Allow unity-control-center as alternate dependency - Suggest instead of recommend gst-plugins-ugly - Suggest rhythmbox-plugin-zeitgeist - Recommends rhythmbox-plugin-alternative-toolbar. It improves the user interface and makes it fit better with GNOME. + debian/rhythmbox-plugins.install, debian/control{,.in}: Drop context plugin - it's mostly broken and would need porting to webkit2 anyway. + debian/patches/02_use_escaped_podcast_uri.patch - Handle podcasts that have sound files with the same basename + debian/patches/03_magnatune_partner.patch: - Change magnatune partner ID to 'ubuntu'. + debian/patches/05_hide_on_quit.patch - Hide (not quit) if RB is playing when closed. + debian/patches/07_quicklists.patch - Add quicklists. + debian/patches/08_stop_quit.patch: - Add a "Stop & Quit"-option to the quickmenu (via .desktop) - Add new symbol to librhythmbox-core10.symbols + debian/patches/make-shuffle-repeat-proper-toggle-actions.patch, debian/patches/restore-traditional-menubar.patch: Add a traditional menubar back when we want it, and fix the shuffle/repeat actions so they work correctly there. + debian/patches/0002-grilo-container-max-tracks.patch: increase CONTAINER_MAX_TRACKS to 15000 + debian/patches/10_encoding_use_ubuntu_profiles.patch, debian/*.prs, debian/rhythmbox-data.install: - Add Ubuntu encoding presets and use them by default. + debian/ Add an apport hook. + Add breaks/replaces since we moved plugins from rhythmbox and rhythmbox- plugins-magnatune back to rhythmbox-plugins [ Simon McVittie ] * gir1.2-rb-3.0 Provides gir1.2-mpid-3.0, since it also contains MPID-3.0.typelib rhythmbox (3.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * debian/librhythmbox-core10.symbols: - Remove marshal symbols. Not a problem as they were internal. * debian/ - Bump glib requirement. - Move packages needed for the documentation build to Build-Depends-Indep. - Drop obsolete build dependencies: libneon27-dev, libdiscid-dev, zlib1g-dev, libxt-dev. * debian/, debian/rules: - The visualization plugin is gone. * debian/compat, debian/, debian/rules: - Bump debhelper compat to 10. autoreconf is now enabled automatically. rhythmbox (3.4.1-3) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/ - Remove gir1.2-gnomekeyring-1.0 dependency, libgnome-keyring has been replaced by libsecret for quite some time already - Bump Standards-Version to 4.0.0 (no further changes) * d/rhythmbox-dev.lintian-overrides: Override gir-missing-typelib-dependency, rhythmbox-dev already depend against gir1.2-rb-3.0 * d/gir1.2-rb-3.0.lintian-overrides: O: typelib-package-name-does-not-match -- Jeremy Bicha