Description: resnapper FTBFS due to mismathing headers in linux-libc-dev The headers in linux-libc-dev are different in powerpc/ppc64el compared to other archs, they seems to be missing include clauses to the header under the asm-generic/ directory. This patch works around that by explicitly including both headers under asm-generic. Note that the include of arm/termbits.h had to be removed because it causes yet another conflict, this time due to the redefinition of types termios and ktermios, which also only affects powepc/ppc64el. Author: Tiago Stürmer Daitx Bug-Debian: Bug-Ubuntu: Forwarded: not-needed Last-Update: 2016-09-01 --- This patch header follows DEP-3: --- a/src/printer/custom_baud.cpp +++ b/src/printer/custom_baud.cpp @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include +#include #endif bool set_custom_baudrate( int device_fd, int baudrate ) {