#This is the command given at initialization: recordmydesktop -o /home/iddo/out.ogv --fps 15 -x 1600 --width 1584 --height 880 --channels 1 --freq 22050 --v_quality 63 --s_quality 10 --quick-subsampling --workdir /tmp --on-the-fly-encoding --compress-cache #recordMyDesktop stderror output: Initial recording window is set to: X:1600 Y:0 Width:1584 Height:880 Adjusted recording window is set to: X:1600 Y:0 Width:1584 Height:880 Your window manager appears to be Compiz Detected compositing window manager. Reverting to full screen capture at every frame. To disable this check run with --no-wm-check (though that is not advised, since it will probably produce faulty results). Initializing... Buffer size adjusted to 4096 from 4096 frames. Opened PCM device default Recording on device default is set to: 1 channels at 22050Hz Output file: /home/iddo/out.ogv Capturing! X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) Bad Access on XGrabKey. Shortcut already assigned. X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) Bad Access on XGrabKey. Shortcut already assigned. X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) Bad Access on XGrabKey. Shortcut already assigned. X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) Bad Access on XGrabKey. Shortcut already assigned. X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)