radare2 5.9.8+dfsg-2 source package in Ubuntu


radare2 (5.9.8+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload
  * Add patch to link with libatomic on armel, fixing FTBFS
    (Closes: #1091735)

 -- Hilko Bengen <email address hidden>  Mon, 13 Jan 2025 18:05:59 +0100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Debian Security Tools
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Original maintainer:
Debian Security Tools
any all
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Plucky release universe devel


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
radare2_5.9.8+dfsg-2.dsc 2.3 KiB 2f7a64e53e0d9aeda44c1420bbbf85693e4f1476d7f59d361bea9d815286b780
radare2_5.9.8+dfsg.orig.tar.xz 7.2 MiB 51cca443de9dfc5b1cdc14b9e1c889fee16facd31180ade35346d2af7c80ff5a
radare2_5.9.8+dfsg-2.debian.tar.xz 17.2 KiB b2783966a58bd4744e821e5c69778b26505a3b41425f5decfb6d485eddaf2278

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

libradare2-5.0.0t64: libraries from the radare2 suite

 The project aims to create a complete, portable, multi-architecture,
 unix-like toolchain for reverse engineering.
 It is composed by an hexadecimal editor (radare) with a wrapped IO
 layer supporting multiple backends for local/remote files, debugger
 (OS X, BSD, Linux, W32), stream analyzer, assembler/disassembler (rasm)
 for x86, ARM, PPC, m68k, Java, MSIL, SPARC, code analysis modules and
 scripting facilities. A bindiffer named radiff, base converter (rax),
 shellcode development helper (rasc), a binary information extractor
 supporting PE, mach0, ELF, class, etc. named rabin, and a block-based
 hash utility called rahash.
 This package provides the libraries from radare2.

libradare2-5.0.0t64-dbgsym: debug symbols for libradare2-5.0.0t64
libradare2-common: arch independent files from the radare2 suite

 The project aims to create a complete, portable, multi-architecture,
 unix-like toolchain for reverse engineering.
 It is composed by an hexadecimal editor (radare) with a wrapped IO
 layer supporting multiple backends for local/remote files, debugger
 (OS X, BSD, Linux, W32), stream analyzer, assembler/disassembler (rasm)
 for x86, ARM, PPC, m68k, Java, MSIL, SPARC, code analysis modules and
 scripting facilities. A bindiffer named radiff, base converter (rax),
 shellcode development helper (rasc), a binary information extractor
 supporting PE, mach0, ELF, class, etc. named rabin, and a block-based
 hash utility called rahash.
 This package provides the arch independent files from radare2.

libradare2-dev: devel files from the radare2 suite

 The project aims to create a complete, portable, multi-architecture,
 unix-like toolchain for reverse engineering.
 It is composed by an hexadecimal editor (radare) with a wrapped IO
 layer supporting multiple backends for local/remote files, debugger
 (OS X, BSD, Linux, W32), stream analyzer, assembler/disassembler (rasm)
 for x86, ARM, PPC, m68k, Java, MSIL, SPARC, code analysis modules and
 scripting facilities. A bindiffer named radiff, base converter (rax),
 shellcode development helper (rasc), a binary information extractor
 supporting PE, mach0, ELF, class, etc. named rabin, and a block-based
 hash utility called rahash.
 This package provides the devel files from radare2.

radare2: free and advanced command line hexadecimal editor

 The project aims to create a complete, portable, multi-architecture,
 unix-like toolchain for reverse engineering.
 It is composed by an hexadecimal editor (radare) with a wrapped IO
 layer supporting multiple backends for local/remote files, debugger
 (OS X, BSD, Linux, W32), stream analyzer, assembler/disassembler (rasm)
 for x86, ARM, PPC, m68k, Java, MSIL, SPARC, code analysis modules and
 scripting facilities. A bindiffer named radiff, base converter (rax),
 shellcode development helper (rasc), a binary information extractor
 supporting PE, mach0, ELF, class, etc. named rabin, and a block-based
 hash utility called rahash.

radare2-dbgsym: debug symbols for radare2