Hey Jorge, Thanks for the bug report, SRU template, and debdiffs! I just reviewed those; please find the comments below. I'll keep the points detailed in case they might help other readers preparing for submitting SRUs in Ubuntu. Thanks! Mauricio ... SRU template: --- - Added [Impact] section title [0]. - Added more steps/commands to clarify the reproducer. Fix: --- - Added nomination for kinetic (please attach debdiff). It's still supported for ~3 months :) $ ubuntu-distro-info --series=kinetic --days=eol 174 ... Checking the provided link for fix commit title. https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/pull/4897 Checking the versions the commit was introduced, and the stable branches with backports (nice!). $ git clone https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server.git $ cd rabbitmq-server $ git log --oneline -G 'when is_number' origin/main -- deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/information_unit.ex 9dc9b92a94f3 Fix `rabbitmqctl status` when the disk_free cannot be determined $ git describe --contains 9dc9b92a94f3 v3.11.0-beta.1~288^2~1 $ rmadison -a source rabbitmq-server rabbitmq-server | 3.2.4-1 | trusty | source rabbitmq-server | 3.2.4-1ubuntu0.1 | trusty-security | source rabbitmq-server | 3.2.4-1ubuntu0.1 | trusty-updates | source rabbitmq-server | 3.5.7-1 | xenial | source rabbitmq-server | 3.5.7-1ubuntu0.16.04.2 | xenial-security | source rabbitmq-server | 3.5.7-1ubuntu0.16.04.4 | xenial-updates | source rabbitmq-server | 3.6.10-1 | bionic | source rabbitmq-server | 3.6.10-1ubuntu0.5 | bionic-security | source rabbitmq-server | 3.6.10-1ubuntu0.5 | bionic-updates | source rabbitmq-server | 3.8.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.04.1 | bionic-backports | source rabbitmq-server | 3.8.2-0ubuntu1 | focal | source rabbitmq-server | 3.8.2-0ubuntu1.3 | focal-security | source rabbitmq-server | 3.8.2-0ubuntu1.3 | focal-updates | source rabbitmq-server | 3.9.13-1 | jammy | source rabbitmq-server | 3.9.13-1 | kinetic | source rabbitmq-server | 3.10.8-1.1 | lunar | source 1) lunar: not needed. $ git log --oneline -G 'when is_number' origin/v3.10.x -- deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/information_unit.ex abb059610eac Fix `rabbitmqctl status` when the disk_free cannot be determined $ git describe --contains abb059610eac v3.10.3~19^2~1 2) kinetic/jammy: needed. [kinetic not nominated/debdiff] $ git log --oneline -G 'when is_number' origin/v3.9.x -- deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/information_unit.ex 17c9f6960724 Fix `rabbitmqctl status` when the disk_free cannot be determined $ git describe --contains 17c9f6960724 v3.9.19~10^2~1 3) focal: needed $ git log --oneline -G 'when is_number' origin/v3.8.x -- deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/information_unit.ex 7a5a467d4be4 Fix `rabbitmqctl status` when the disk_free cannot be determined $ git describe --contains 7a5a467d4be4 v3.8.33~2^2~1 1.1) lunar: double check $ pull-lp-source rabbitmq-server lunar $ grep 'def convert(' rabbitmq-server-*/deps/rabbitmq_cli/lib/rabbitmq/cli/information_unit.ex def convert(bytes, "bytes") when is_number(bytes) do def convert(bytes, unit) when is_number(bytes) do def convert(:unknown, _) do Debdiffs: --- d/changelog: - release name (unreleased) - version (see [2]): almost there, please use 'ubuntu0.22.04' on jammy and 'ubuntu0.22.10' on kinetic (the ubuntu +1 increments are usually used for the development release, and +0.1 for stable releases; although the strict requirement is just not to have a conflict with future versions; however, here we have the corner case of 2 stable releases with the same version number.) - mention d/p/file.patch - bug reference in "LP: #NNNNNNN" format (but you're "close" with "Closes:" ;-) it's used by Debian) - timezone seems unset? "+0000" (export TZ=America/Santiago, before `dch -r` iirc) d/control: - nice touch on running update-maintainers! d/p/fix_unknown.patch: - please rename it as lpNUMBER-commit-subject-or-summary.patch it's not a strict rule, but it goes a long way for reviewers and future maintenance. e.g., d/p/lp1999816-fix-rabbitmqctl-status-disk-free-timeout.patch - the DEP3 headers are incorrect; please refer to [3] for details. For git commits, it's easier if you just use `git format-patch` (instead of manually doing DEP3), as it gives correct authorship, subject/description outside fields; then you just need to add: 'Bug-Ubuntu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1999816' 'Origin: upstream/backport, ' [0] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template [1] Item 4 in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure [2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update_the_packaging [3] https://dep-team.pages.debian.net/deps/dep3/