Some more packages with incorrect version strings: automoc libsearchclient0 [0.5.11-1ubuntu0~hardy0~ppa1 (now) -> 0.5.11-1 (intrepid)] libstreamanalyzer-dev [0.5.11-1ubuntu0~hardy0~ppa1 (now) -> 0.5.11-1 (intrepid)] libstreamanalyzer0 [0.5.11-1ubuntu0~hardy0~ppa1 (now) -> 0.5.11-1 (intrepid)] libstreams-dev [0.5.11-1ubuntu0~hardy0~ppa1 (now) -> 0.5.11-1 (intrepid)] libstreams0 [0.5.11-1ubuntu0~hardy0~ppa1 (now) -> 0.5.11-1 (intrepid)] libstrigihtmlgui0 [0.5.11-1ubuntu0~hardy0~ppa1 (now) -> 0.5.11-1 (intrepid)] libstrigiqtdbusclient0 [0.5.11-1ubuntu0~hardy0~ppa1 (now) -> 0.5.11-1 (intrepid)] strigi-client [0.5.11-1ubuntu0~hardy0~ppa1 (now) -> 0.5.11-1 (intrepid)] strigi-daemon [0.5.11-1ubuntu0~hardy0~ppa1 (now) -> 0.5.11-1 (intrepid)] strigi-utils [0.5.11-1ubuntu0~hardy0~ppa1 (now) -> 0.5.11-1 (intrepid)] Also, i executed the following command on my system to find packages with 'hardy' in the version: aptitude search ?installed?version'(hardy)' i kbstate - a keyboard status applet for KDE i kdeadmin-kfile-plugins - KDE file metainfo plugins for deb and rpm files i kdegraphics-kfile-plugins - KDE metainfo plugins for graphic files i kdemultimedia-kfile-plugins - au/avi/m3u/mp3/ogg/wav plugins for kfile i kdenetwork-kfile-plugins - torrent metainfo plugin for KDE i A kdepimlibs-data - core shared data for KDE PIM 4 applications i A kdepimlibs5 - core libraries for KDE PIM 4 applications i kdepimlibs5-dev - development files for the KDE 4 PIM libraries i kdnssd - Zeroconf support for KDE i kghostview - PostScript viewer for KDE i kooka - scanner program for KDE i kpdf - PDF viewer for KDE i kpf - public fileserver for KDE i ksvg - SVG viewer for KDE i libarts1-akode - akode plugin for aRts i A libkcal2b - KDE calendaring library i A libkcddb1 - CDDB library for KDE i A libkdepim1a - KDE PIM library i libkleopatra1 - KDE GnuPG interface libraries i A libkmime2 - KDE MIME interface library i A libkonq4 - core libraries for Konqueror i libkpimexchange1 - KDE PIM Exchange library i libkpimidentities1 - KDE PIM user identity information library i libkscan1 - scanner library for KDE i A libktnef1 - Library for handling KTNEF email attachments i libphonon-dev - development files for the Phonon multimedia framework i A libphonon4 - Phonon multimedia framework for Qt 4 i networkstatus - KDE network status monitor i A phonon-backend-gstreamer - Phonon GStreamer 0.10.x backend i A python-kde4 - Python bindings for the KDE 4 libraries