[23.10 FEAT] Upgrade qclib to latest version (2.4.0)

Bug #2027670 reported by bugproxy
This bug affects 2 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Ubuntu on IBM z Systems
Fix Released
Skipper Bug Screeners
qclib (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
Alexandre Erwin Ittner

Bug Description

bugproxy (bugproxy)
tags: added: architecture-s39064 bugnameltc-202900 severity-high targetmilestone-inin2310
Changed in ubuntu:
assignee: nobody → Skipper Bug Screeners (skipper-screen-team)
affects: ubuntu → linux (Ubuntu)
Frank Heimes (fheimes)
affects: linux (Ubuntu) → qclib (Ubuntu)
Changed in ubuntu-z-systems:
assignee: nobody → Skipper Bug Screeners (skipper-screen-team)
Changed in qclib (Ubuntu):
assignee: Skipper Bug Screeners (skipper-screen-team) → nobody
importance: Undecided → High
Changed in ubuntu-z-systems:
importance: Undecided → Medium
information type: Private → Public
Changed in qclib (Ubuntu):
assignee: nobody → Alexandre Erwin Ittner (aittner)
Revision history for this message
Alexandre Erwin Ittner (aittner) wrote :
Download full text (5.9 KiB)

Version bump done, build successfully in https://launchpad.net/~aittner/+archive/ubuntu/tests/+sourcepub/15051974/+listing-archive-extra , debdiff attached


--- Quick test on a mantic container ---

ubuntu@mantic1:~/qclib-mantic$ qc_test

We are running 2 layer(s)

  ===== Layer 0: CEC =============================================
                         qc_layer_type [n/a]: CEC
                     qc_layer_category [n/a]: HOST
                     qc_layer_type_num [n/a]: 1
                 qc_layer_category_num [n/a]: 2
                         qc_layer_name [F V]: P00B8F67
                       qc_manufacturer [S V]: IBM
                               qc_type [S V]: 2964
                          qc_type_name [S ]: IBM z13
                        qc_type_family [S ]: 0
                     qc_model_capacity [S ]: 400
                              qc_model [S ]: N63
                      qc_sequence_code [S V]: 00000000000B8F67
                     qc_lic_identifier [S ]: <undefined>
                              qc_plant [S V]: 02

                     qc_num_core_total [S ]: 63
                qc_num_core_configured [S ]: 0
                   qc_num_core_standby [S ]: 0
                  qc_num_core_reserved [S ]: 63
                 qc_num_core_dedicated [ hV]: 4
                    qc_num_core_shared [ hV]: 59

                       qc_num_cp_total [ HV]: 0
                   qc_num_cp_dedicated [ hV]: 0
                      qc_num_cp_shared [ hV]: 0
                      qc_num_ifl_total [ HV]: 63
                  qc_num_ifl_dedicated [ hV]: 4
                     qc_num_ifl_shared [ hV]: 59
                     qc_num_ziip_total [ HV]: <undefined>
                 qc_num_ziip_dedicated [ hV]: <undefined>
                    qc_num_ziip_shared [ hV]: <undefined>

                     qc_num_cp_threads [S ]: 1
                    qc_num_ifl_threads [S ]: 2
                   qc_num_ziip_threads [S ]: <undefined>

                         qc_capability [S ]: 3296.000000
               qc_secondary_capability [S ]: 492.000000
     qc_capacity_adjustment_indication [S ]: 100
             qc_capacity_change_reason [S ]: 0

    ===== Layer 1: LPAR =============================================
                           qc_layer_type [n/a]: LPAR
                       qc_layer_category [n/a]: GUEST
                       qc_layer_type_num [n/a]: 2
                   qc_layer_category_num [n/a]: 1
                           qc_layer_name [S V]: S1LPD
                  qc_layer_extended_name [S ]: <undefined>
                           qc_layer_uuid [S ]: <undefined>
                     qc_partition_number [S V]: 29
                       qc_partition_char [S ]: Shared
                   qc_partition_char_num [S ]: 2
                           qc_adjustment [S ]: 126
                           qc_has_secure [F ]: 0
                               qc_secure [F ]: 0

                       qc_num_core_total [S ]: 8
                  qc_num_core_configured [S ]: 8
                     qc_num_core_standby [S ]: 0
                    qc_num_core_reserved [S ]: 0
                   qc_num_core_dedicated [...


Changed in qclib (Ubuntu):
status: New → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Alexandre Erwin Ittner (aittner) wrote :

New debdiff fixing a few issues:

- Correct Ubuntu release (-0ubuntu1);
- Upgrade DH compat level to 13;
- Also add the static library to the -dev package (thanks v13 to not let me forget it)

Frank Heimes (fheimes)
Changed in ubuntu-z-systems:
status: New → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Frank Heimes (fheimes) wrote :

Thx for the updated debdiff - looks good.
I've only slightly updated the changelog, so that it specifies the modified files under /debian and that it reflects all changes (even minor ones).

I've just uploaded it.

Thanks for your contribution!

Revision history for this message
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot (crichton) wrote :

The attachment "qclib_2.3.2-0ubuntu1_2.4.0-0ubuntu1.diff" seems to be a debdiff. The ubuntu-sponsors team has been subscribed to the bug report so that they can review and hopefully sponsor the debdiff. If the attachment isn't a patch, please remove the "patch" flag from the attachment, remove the "patch" tag, and if you are member of the ~ubuntu-sponsors, unsubscribe the team.

[This is an automated message performed by a Launchpad user owned by ~brian-murray, for any issue please contact him.]

tags: added: patch
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package qclib - 2.4.0-0ubuntu1

qclib (2.4.0-0ubuntu1) mantic; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release 2.4.0 LP: #2027670
  * d/control: Upgrade Standards-Version to 4.6.2.
  * d/control: Upgrade debhelper-compat 13.
  * d/rules: Removed obsolete trailing space.
  * d/libqc2.symbols: Updated.
  * d//qclib-dev.install: Add static library.

 -- Alexandre Erwin Ittner <email address hidden> Wed, 02 Aug 2023 16:23:15 +0000

Changed in qclib (Ubuntu):
status: In Progress → Fix Released
Frank Heimes (fheimes)
Changed in ubuntu-z-systems:
status: In Progress → Fix Released
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