q2-metadata 2021.8.0-1 source package in Ubuntu


q2-metadata (2021.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.

  [ Étienne Mollier ]
  * d/control: update uploader address
  * d/watch: fix broken url to github
  * d/salsa-ci.yml: disable build test on i386, due to missing python3-skbio

  [ Steffen Moeller ]
  * New upstream version.
  * Added myself to uploaders
  * d/u/metadata: cosmetics, added ref to conda
  * Standards-Version: 4.6.0 (routine-update)

  [ Andreas Tille ]
  * Versioned (Build-)Depends qiime and q2 modules (>= 2021.8.0)

 -- Andreas Tille <email address hidden>  Wed, 29 Sep 2021 18:05:43 +0200

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Debian Med
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Debian Med
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Jammy release universe misc


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
q2-metadata_2021.8.0-1.dsc 2.3 KiB cc11b20e3b1cbfb898160892c1b73b01eed59ea873076080b0522d6a85d800c6
q2-metadata_2021.8.0.orig.tar.xz 220.8 KiB e2c59724f12f086feb41e7a0e0377d80c3bb0147abcd7f00e968c45d88473f0b
q2-metadata_2021.8.0-1.debian.tar.xz 6.0 KiB 4f8a20f17771f9026aeda704b0237319422cca3376ec3182f1c65758e10897fb

Available diffs

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

q2-metadata: QIIME 2 plugin for working with and visualizing Metadata

 QIIME 2 is a powerful, extensible, and decentralized microbiome analysis
 package with a focus on data and analysis transparency. QIIME 2 enables
 researchers to start an analysis with raw DNA sequence data and finish with
 publication-quality figures and statistical results.
 Key features:
  * Integrated and automatic tracking of data provenance
  * Semantic type system
  * Plugin system for extending microbiome analysis functionality
  * Support for multiple types of user interfaces (e.g. API, command line,
 QIIME 2 is a complete redesign and rewrite of the QIIME 1 microbiome analysis
 pipeline. QIIME 2 will address many of the limitations of QIIME 1, while
 retaining the features that makes QIIME 1 a powerful and widely-used analysis
 QIIME 2 currently supports an initial end-to-end microbiome analysis pipeline.
 New functionality will regularly become available through QIIME 2 plugins. You
 can view a list of plugins that are currently available on the QIIME 2 plugin
 availability page. The future plugins page lists plugins that are being