2012-04-20 20:23:37.121458 log started bootstrap() Not bootstraping again, we have a cached BaseImage upgrade() Starting for upgrade Starting ['kvm', '-hda', '/home/upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-tester/test-image.server', '-monitor', 'stdio', '-localtime', '-no-reboot', '-net', 'nic,model=virtio', '-net', 'user', '-redir', 'tcp:54323::22', '-vnc', 'localhost:7', '-m', '1536'] QEMU 0.14.1 monitor - type 'help' for more information (qemu) Copying '/home/upgrade-tester/update-manager/AutoUpgradeTester/profile/server/DistUpgrade.cfg' to image overrides Copying '/home/upgrade-tester/update-manager/AutoUpgradeTester/profile/override.cfg.d/global.cfg' to image overrides Disabling ForceOverwrite Using do-release-upgrade for the upgrade Checking for a new ubuntu release 0% [Working] 0% [Working] 0% [Working] Get:1 Upgrade tool signature [198 B] 0% 99% [Working] 99% [Working] 99% [Working] Get:2 Upgrade tool [1550 kB] 0% 100% [Working] Fetched 1550 kB in 0s (0 B/s) authenticate 'precise.tar.gz' against 'precise.tar.gz.gpg' extracting 'precise.tar.gz' WARNING: Failed to read mirror file apport: unrecognized service Exception during pm.DoInstall(): E:This installation run will require temporarily removing the essential package python-minimal due to a Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop. This is often bad, but if you really want to do it, activate the APT::Force-LoopBreak option., E:Internal Error, Could not early remove python-minimal dist-upgrade.py returned: 1 coyping the result Shuting down the VM stop stop pid: waiting for qemu to shutdown poll() returned qemu stopped FAILED: upgrade for 'profile/server' Failed to upgrade profile/server Logs can be found here: /home/upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-tester/result/server/bootstrap.log /home/upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-tester/result/server/main.log /home/upgrade-tester/auto-upgrade-tester/result/server/apt.log 2012-04-20 20:24:59.451775 log ended. Duration: 0:01:22.330317