#!/usr/bin/python import apt import locale import datetime import os import subprocess import gettext from apt.utils import * from gettext import gettext as _ from optparse import OptionParser from UpdateManager.Core.utils import twrap CODENAME = subprocess.Popen(["lsb_release","-c","-s"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() def get_maintenance_status(cache, pkgname, supported_tag): if supported_tag.endswith("y"): supported_for_n_month = 12*int(supported_tag.rstrip("y")) elif supported_tag.endswith("m"): supported_for_n_month = int(supported_tag.rstrip("m")) else: raise Exception("Unsupported tag '%s'" % supported_tag) # try to figure out the support dates of the release and make # sure to look only for stuff in "Ubuntu" and "distro_codename" # (to exclude stuff in ubuntu-updates for the support time # calculation because the "Release" file time for that gets # updated regularly) releasef = get_release_filename_for_pkg(cache, pkgname, "Ubuntu", CODENAME) if not releasef: releasef = get_release_filename_for_pkg(cache, pkgname, "Ubuntu", CODENAME + "-updates") time_t = get_release_date_from_release_file(releasef) # check the release date and show support information # based on this if not time_t: raise Exception("No date tag found for %s" % releasef) release_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time_t) now = datetime.datetime.now() # mvo: we do not define the end date very precisely # currently this is why it will just display a end # range (support_end_year, support_end_month) = get_maintenance_end_date(release_date, supported_for_n_month) support_end_month_str = locale.nl_langinfo(getattr(locale,"MON_%d" % support_end_month)) # check if the support has ended support_ended = (now.year >= support_end_year and now.month > support_end_month) # build dict for the argument string d = { 'support_tag' : supported_tag, 'support_end_month_str' : support_end_month_str, 'support_end_year' : support_end_year } if support_ended: (False, "%(support_end_month_str)s %(support_end_year)s (%(support_tag)s)" % d) return (True, "%(support_end_month_str)s %(support_end_year)s (%(support_tag)s)" % d) if __name__ == "__main__": gettext.bindtextdomain("update-manager", "/usr/share/locale") gettext.textdomain("update-manager") try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") except: pass parser = OptionParser() #FIXME: Workaround a bug in optparser which doesn't handle unicode/str # correctly, see http://bugs.python.org/issue4391 # Should be resolved by Python3 enc = locale.getpreferredencoding() parser.add_option("", "--show-unsupported", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("Show unsupported packages on this machine").decode(enc)) parser.add_option("", "--show-supported", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("Show supported packages on this machine").decode(enc)) parser.add_option("", "--show-all", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("Show all packages with their status").decode(enc)) parser.add_option("", "--list", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("Show all packages in a list").decode(enc)) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # packages that are not downloadable no_candidate = set() # packages that we have no support information unsupported = set() # dict with pkgname : support time supported_time_for_pkgname = {} # dict with supporttime : set of packagenames supported_by_time = {} # total count, for statistics total = 0 # analyize cache = apt.Cache() for pkg in cache: if pkg.is_installed: total += 1 if not pkg.candidate or not pkg.candidate.downloadable: no_candidate.add(pkg.name) continue if not "Supported" in pkg.candidate.record: unsupported.add(pkg.name) continue # get support time support_tag = pkg.candidate.record["Supported"] (still_supported, support_str) = get_maintenance_status(cache, pkg.name, support_tag) if not still_supported: unsupported.add(pkg.name) continue supported_time_for_pkgname[pkg.name] = support_tag if not support_str in supported_by_time: supported_by_time[support_str] = set() supported_by_time[support_str].add(pkg.name) # output print _("Support status summary of '%s':") % os.uname()[1] print for (time, tset) in supported_by_time.iteritems(): print _("You have %(num)s packages (%(percent).1f%%) supported until %(time)s") % { 'num' : len(tset), 'percent' : len(tset) * 100.0 / total, 'time' : time} print print _("You have %(num)s packages (%(percent).1f%%) that can not/no-longer be downloaded") % { 'num' : len(no_candidate), 'percent' : len(no_candidate) * 100.0 / total} print _("You have %(num)s packages (%(percent).1f%%) that are unsupported") % { 'num' : len(unsupported), 'percent' : len(unsupported) * 100.0 / total} # provide the support status info as well if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/hwe-support-status"): print("") subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/hwe-support-status"]) if not (options.show_unsupported or options.show_supported or options.show_all): print print _("Run with --show-unsupported, --show-supported or --show-all to see more details") if options.show_unsupported or options.show_all: print print _("No longer downloadable:") print twrap(" ".join(sorted(no_candidate))) print _("Unsupported: ") print twrap(" ".join(sorted(unsupported))) if options.show_supported or options.show_all: for (time, tset) in supported_by_time.iteritems(): print _("Supported until %s:") % time print twrap(" ".join(sorted(tset))) if options.list: pkg = max(cache, key=lambda pkg: pkg.is_installed and len(pkg.name)) field_width = len(pkg.name) format_str = "%-"+str(field_width)+"s %s" for pkg in sorted(cache, cmp=lambda a,b: cmp(a.name, b.name)): if pkg.is_installed: support = supported_time_for_pkgname.get(pkg.name, _("Unsupported")) print format_str % (pkg.name, support)