pymongo 4.7.3-2ubuntu2 source package in Ubuntu


pymongo (4.7.3-2ubuntu2) plucky; urgency=medium

  * SRU: #2083480: No-change rebuild to add support for Python 3.13.

 -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Wed, 13 Nov 2024 10:03:24 +0100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Matthias Klose
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Original maintainer:
Ubuntu Developers
any all
Medium Urgency

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Series Pocket Published Component Section


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
pymongo_4.7.3.orig.tar.gz 1.5 MiB 4fd2d390c2f9d8aa6291ce2bfeeeebc9f6e8a360adb0e7b238e730874011e27a
pymongo_4.7.3-2ubuntu2.debian.tar.xz 10.0 KiB b1748e8030515b3e74b6498aa58f72da4263a1f2b4089b132a3f7b3f3906d803
pymongo_4.7.3-2ubuntu2.dsc 2.4 KiB 96833f2ad28cd379fc19121dcb743348aa52fab92e294bda4c15a77667523e7b

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Binary packages built by this source

python-pymongo-doc: Python interface to the MongoDB document-oriented database (documentation)

 MongoDB is a high-performance, open source, schema-free
 document-oriented data store. Pymongo provides an interface
 to easily access it from Python.
 This package contains the HTML documentation.

python3-bson: Python3 implementation of BSON for MongoDB

 BSON Python3 module contains all of the Binary JSON encoding and decoding
 logic for MongoDB.

python3-bson-ext: C-coded extension to the python3-bson package

 BSON Python 3 module contains all of the Binary JSON encoding and decoding
 logic for MongoDB.
 This package contains an extension written in C for higher performance.

python3-bson-ext-dbgsym: debug symbols for python3-bson-ext
python3-gridfs: Python3 implementation of GridFS for MongoDB

 GridFS is a storage specification for large objects in MongoDB.
 The Python3 gridfs module is an implementation based
 on the pymongo module. It provides a file-like interface.

python3-pymongo: Python3 interface to the MongoDB document-oriented database

 MongoDB is a high-performance, open source, schema-free
 document-oriented data store. Pymongo provides an interface
 to easily access it from Python3.
 Consider installing the python3-pymongo-ext C extension to improve performance.

python3-pymongo-ext: C-coded extension to the python3-pymongo package

 Pymongo provides an interface to easily access MongoDB from Python 3.
 This package contains an extension written in C for higher performance.

python3-pymongo-ext-dbgsym: debug symbols for python3-pymongo-ext