update breaks linux mint mintMenu button

Bug #517348 reported by narnie
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
pyinotify (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

After an update on python-pyinotify using the ubuntuone-ppa, it breaks the mintMenu button with the error below.

Not sure if it is the mintMenu at fault or python-pyinotify. Reporting here but also reported on linux mint's lauchpad.

Linux Mint 7/ ubuntu intrepid

This is the upgrade from synaptic history:

python-pyinotify (0.7.1-1build1) to 0.8.6-2ubuntu3

Tried running mintMenu.py and applications.py in a terminal, but no errors thrown there. The below error appears when the button is pressed where the applications should be seen.

Couldn't load plugin: Applications

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintMenu/mintMenu.py", line 249, in PopulatePlugins
    MyPlugin = X.pluginclass( self, self.toggle )

  File "/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintMenu/plugins/applications.py", line 255, in __init__
    self.menuFileMonitors.append( filemonitor.addMonitor(f, self.onMenuChanged, mymenu.directory.Filename ) )

  File "/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintMenu/plugins/filemonitor.py", line 27, in addMonitor
    mask = pyinotify.EventsCodes.IN_DELETE | pyinotify.EventsCodes.IN_CREATE | pyinotify.EventsCodes.IN_MODIFY

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