pybik 1.0.1 debug flags: msg rotate Qt args: ['/usr/games/pybik'] Importing PySide Qt modules: PySide PySide.QtCore PySide.QtGui PySide.QtOpenGL Importing module: pybiklib._gldraw from package: pybiklib compiled: True Importing module: pybiklib._glarea from package: pybiklib compiled: True OpenGL format: accum: False -1 alpha: False -1 rgb: 8 8 8 (-1 -1 -1) depth: True 24 (True -1) directRendering: True doubleBuffer: True hasOverlay: False version: 1.0 0x7f plane: 0 profile: PySide.QtOpenGL.QGLFormat.OpenGLContextProfile.NoProfile rgba: True samples: False 8 (True 8) stencil: True 8 (True -1) stereo: False swapInterval: 0 (-1) GL Version: 2.1 Mesa 9.0.3 Unknown settings key changed: window.size Loading Plugins from /usr/share/pybik/plugins algorithm: 01-challenges.algorithm skip Path: () Path: (u'Challenges', u'Solve random cube') Path: (u'Challenges', u'Solve in 1 move') Path: (u'Challenges', u'Solve in 2 moves') Path: (u'Challenges', u'Solve in 3 moves') Path: (u'Challenges', u'Solve in 4 moves') Path: (u'Challenges', u'Solve in 5 moves') Path: (u'Challenges', u'Solve in 6 moves') Path: (u'Challenges', u'Solve in 7 moves') Path: (u'Challenges', u'Solve in 8 moves') Path: (u'Challenges', u'Solve in 9 moves') Path: (u'Challenges', u'Solve in 10 moves') algorithm: 10-spiegel.algorithm skip Path: () Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel', u'Top edges') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel', u'Top corners') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel', u'Middle slice') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel', u'Bottom edge place') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel', u'Bottom edge orient') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel', u'Bottom corner place') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel', u'Bottom corner orient') algorithm: 11-spiegel-improved.algorithm skip Path: () Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel improved') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel improved', u'Top edges') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel improved', u'Top corners') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel improved', u'Middle slice') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel improved', u'Bottom edge place') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel improved', u'Bottom edge orient') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel improved', u'Bottom corner place') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Spiegel improved', u'Bottom corner orient') algorithm: 12-lbl-leyan.algorithm skip Path: () Path: (u'Solvers', u'Layer Method (Leyan Lo)') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Layer Method (Leyan Lo)', u'Top edges') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Layer Method (Leyan Lo)', u'Top corners') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Layer Method (Leyan Lo)', u'Middle slice') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Layer Method (Leyan Lo)', u'Bottom edge orient') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Layer Method (Leyan Lo)', u'Bottom corner place') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Layer Method (Leyan Lo)', u'Bottom corner orient') Path: (u'Solvers', u'Layer Method (Leyan Lo)', u'Bottom edge place') algorithm: 20-2x2x2.algorithm skip Path: () Path: (u'Solvers', u'2\xd72\xd72') Path: (u'Solvers', u'2\xd72\xd72', u'Top slice') Path: (u'Solvers', u'2\xd72\xd72', u'Bottom corner place') Path: (u'Solvers/2\xd72\xd72/Bottom corner orient',) Path: (u'Solvers', u'2\xd72\xd72', u'Bottom corner orient') algorithm: 80-pretty-patterns.algorithm skip Path: () Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Stripes') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Stripes') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Stripes') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Stripes') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Stripes') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Stripes') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Stripes') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Criss-Cross') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Criss-Cross') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Fried Eggs') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Big Fried Eggs') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'4 Fried Eggs') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Chessboard') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Cross') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Zig Zag') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'T-Time') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'T-Time') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'T-Time') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'T-Time') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'T-Time') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'T-Time') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'C') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Cube in a Cube') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Striped Cube in a Cube') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Six Square Cuboids') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Superflip') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Superflip easy') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Green Mamba') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Anaconda') Path: (u'Pretty patterns', u'Duck Feet') algorithm: 90-library.algorithm skip Path: () Path: (u'Library', u'Middle Layer', u'Front to Right') Path: (u'Library', u'Middle Layer', u'Front to Left') Path: (u'Library', u'Last Layer', u'Swap Edges') Path: (u'Library', u'Last Layer', u'Flip Edges') Path: (u'Library', u'Last Layer', u'Swap Corners') Path: (u'Library', u'Last Layer', u'Rotate Corners') Path: (u'Library', u'Rotate Center', u'2\xd7Up') Path: (u'Library', u'Rotate Center', u'Up and Front') Path: (u'Library', u'Rotate Center', u'Up and Down') Path: (u'Library', u'Misc', u'Back without Back') Path: (u'Library', u'Misc', u'2\xd7Back without Back') Plugins path does not exist: /home/nerd/.local/share/pybik/plugins found 68 rotate axis=1 slice=1 dir=1 blocks: 3:21LL-3LLU 7:5F-23LF 10:4LB-14B 12:14LDD-22LD 13:13LBB-13DB 14:12LBB-4DB 15:23LD-21L 16:22LF-12LLF 25:3BU-5LLB rotate axis=1 slice=1 dir=1 blocks: 3:3LLU-5BB 7:23LF-21LLF 10:14B-22BU 12:22LD-12L 13:13DB-13R 14:4DB-14R 15:21L-3LU 16:12LLF-4DR 25:5LLB-23LB rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:20DD-26LLF 1:25LL-21LLB 6:26LF-24L 7:21LLF-19LL 10:22BU-22LDD 18:18-20B 20:24RU-18U 21:19B-23BB 25:23LB-25LBB rotate axis=1 slice=1 dir=1 blocks: 1:21LLB-3LB 3:5BB-23LLD 10:22LDD-12LD 12:12L-4LU 13:13R-13RU 14:14R-22RU 15:3LU-5LDD 16:4DR-14F 21:23BB-21LLD rotate axis=1 slice=1 dir=1 blocks: 1:3LB-5B 3:23LLD-21LL 10:12LD-4L 12:4LU-14LDD 13:13RU-13LBB 14:22RU-12LBB 15:5LDD-23LD 16:14F-22LF 21:21LLD-3LL rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:26LLF-24DR 1:5B-23BU 2:6LB-8B 3:21LL-3LLU 4:10RU-10LBB 5:1DB-11R 6:24L-6LU 7:19LL-9LLU 8:0DB-2R 9:7LF-17LLF 10:4L-14LU 11:11LLF-19DR 12:14LDD-22LD 13:13LBB-13DB 14:12LBB-4DB 15:23LD-21L 16:22LF-12LLF 17:15B-7BU 18:20B-18BU 19:17DB-25R 20:18U-0DD 21:3LL-5LLU 22:16R-16RU 23:9LF-1LLF 24:8RU-26LBB 25:25LBB-15DB 26:2DR-20F rotate axis=1 slice=1 dir=1 blocks: 1:23BU-21LLB 3:3LLU-5BB 10:14LU-22LDD 12:22LD-12L 13:13DB-13R 14:4DB-14R 15:21L-3LU 16:12LLF-4DR 21:5LLU-23BB rotate axis=1 slice=1 dir=1 blocks: 1:21LLB-3LB 3:5BB-23LLD 10:22LDD-12LD 12:12L-4LU 13:13R-13RU 14:14R-22RU 15:3LU-5LDD 16:4DR-14F 21:23BB-21LLD rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:24DR-26LDD 3:23LLD-19DB 11:19DR-21LDD 14:22RU-22LLU 18:18BU-24R 19:25R-23DR 21:21LLD-25DB 24:26LBB-20LB 26:20F-18BB rotate axis=1 slice=1 dir=1 blocks: 1:3LB-5B 10:12LD-4L 11:21LDD-3LD 12:4LU-14LDD 13:13RU-13LBB 14:22LLU-12BB 15:5LDD-23LD 16:14F-22LF 19:23DR-21F rotate axis=1 slice=1 dir=1 blocks: 1:5B-23BU 10:4L-14LU 11:3LD-5L 12:14LDD-22LD 13:13LBB-13DB 14:12BB-4LLD 15:23LD-21L 16:22LF-12LLF 19:21F-3LF rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:26LDD-24LD 1:23BU-21LLB 2:8B-26BU 3:19DB-9R 4:10LBB-10DB 5:11R-19RU 6:6LU-8LDD 7:9LLU-1BB 8:2R-20RU 9:17LLF-25DR 10:14LU-22LDD 11:5L-23LU 12:22LD-12L 13:13DB-13R 14:4LLD-14LL 15:21L-3LU 16:12LLF-4DR 17:7BU-17LLB 18:24R-6RU 19:3LF-5LLF 20:0DD-2D 21:25DB-15R 22:16RU-16LBB 23:1LLF-11DR 24:20LB-18B 25:15DB-7R 26:18BB-0LLD rotate axis=1 slice=1 dir=1 blocks: 1:21LLB-3LB 10:22LDD-12LD 11:23LU-21LDD 12:12L-4LU 13:13R-13RU 14:14LL-22LLU 15:3LU-5LDD 16:4DR-14F 19:5LLF-23DR rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:24LD-18D 2:26BU-24LDD 5:19RU-23U 8:20RU-26U 9:25DR-21R 11:21LDD-19DR 14:22LLU-22RU 19:23DR-25R 24:18B-20BB rotate axis=1 slice=1 dir=0 blocks: 1:3LB-21LLB 5:23U-5 9:21R-23DB 10:12LD-22LDD 12:4LU-12L 13:13RU-13R 14:22RU-14R 15:5LDD-3LU 16:14F-4DR rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:18D-0 1:21LLB-3LB 2:24LDD-6LD 3:9R-1RU 4:10DB-10R 5:5-23U 6:8LDD-26LD 7:1BB-11LLD 8:26U-24DD 9:23DB-21R 10:22LDD-12LD 11:19DR-9F 12:12L-4LU 13:13R-13RU 14:14R-22RU 15:3LU-5LDD 16:4DR-14F 17:17LLB-25LB 18:6RU-8LBB 19:25R-15RU 20:2D-20 21:15R-7RU 22:16LBB-16DB 23:11DR-19F 24:20BB-18LLD 25:7R-17RU 26:0LLD-2LL rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:0-18D 3:1RU-9R 4:10R-10DB 7:11LLD-1BB 11:9F-19DR 20:20-2D 23:19F-11DR 24:18LLD-20BB 26:2LL-0LLD rotate axis=0 slice=1 dir=0 blocks: 4:10DB-4B 7:1BB-7LDD 11:19DR-1D 12:4LU-16LLF 13:13RU-13F 14:22RU-10F 17:25LB-19LLU 21:7RU-25F 22:16DB-22B rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:18D-0 3:9R-1RU 11:1D-11 14:10F-10LF 17:19LLU-9BB 20:2D-20 23:11DR-19F 24:20BB-18LLD 26:0LLD-2LL rotate axis=0 slice=1 dir=1 blocks: 3:1RU-19LLB 4:4B-10DB 7:7LDD-1BB 12:16LLF-4LU 13:13F-13RU 14:10LF-22U 21:25F-7RU 22:22B-16DB 23:19F-25RU rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:0-18D 3:19LLB-11BU 4:10DB-10LBB 7:1BB-9LLU 11:11-1D 17:9BB-19LLU 20:20-2D 24:18LLD-20BB 26:2LL-0LLD rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:18D-20DD 3:11BU-1B 4:10LBB-10RU 7:9LLU-19LL 11:1D-9DD 17:19LLU-11LL 20:2D-0DD 24:20BB-2LLU 26:0LLD-18BB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:20DD-2U 3:1B-9LB 4:10RU-10R 7:19LL-11LLD 11:9DD-19U 17:11LL-1LLD 20:0DD-18U 24:2LLU-0LL 26:18BB-20LLU rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:2U-0 3:9LB-19LLB 4:10R-10DB 7:11LLD-1BB 11:19U-11 17:1LLD-9BB 20:18U-20 24:0LL-18LLD 26:20LLU-2LL rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 3:19LLB-21LL 5:23U-19RU 6:26LD-20LLD 8:24DD-26LLB 9:21R-25DR 14:22U-22RU 20:20-18F 23:25RU-23LLU 24:18LLD-24DB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:0-2U 4:10DB-10R 5:19RU-9LBB 6:20LLD-18LL 7:1BB-11LLD 11:11-19U 17:9BB-1LLD 20:18F-0LF 26:2LL-20LLU rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 3:21LL-19LLB 6:18LL-20LLB 8:26LLB-24DD 9:25DR-21R 11:19U-23LU 14:22RU-22U 23:23LLU-25RU 24:24DB-18LLD 26:20LLU-26RU rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:2U-20DD 1:3LB-5B 2:6LD-8L 3:19LLB-9LB 4:10R-10RU 5:9LBB-1DB 6:20LLB-18LB 7:11LLD-19LL 8:24DD-6D 9:21R-3RU 10:12LD-4L 11:23LU-21LDD 12:4LU-14LDD 13:13RU-13LBB 14:22U-12DD 15:5LDD-23LD 16:14F-22LF 17:1LLD-11LL 18:8LBB-26DB 19:15RU-7LBB 20:0LF-2LLF 21:7RU-17LBB 22:16DB-16R 23:25RU-15LBB 24:18LLD-0LL 25:17RU-25LBB 26:26RU-24LBB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:20DD-2U 3:9LB-19LLB 4:10RU-10R 5:1DB-9LBB 6:18LB-20LLB 7:19LL-11LLD 17:11LL-1LLD 20:2LLF-0LF 24:0LL-18LLD rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:2U-8LF 1:5B-17LU 2:8L-26LL 6:20LLB-2RU 7:11LLD-5BU 12:14LDD-14DD 15:23LD-11LLB 18:26DB-20B 21:17LBB-23BB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 3:19LLB-11BU 4:10R-10DB 5:9LBB-19RU 6:2RU-0R 15:11LLB-1BU 17:1LLD-9BB 18:20B-2LB 20:0LF-18F 24:18LLD-20BB rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:8LF-2U 1:17LU-5B 2:26LL-8L 3:11BU-23LLD 7:5BU-11LLD 12:14DD-14LDD 18:2LB-20D 21:23BB-17LBB 24:20BB-26LBB rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:2U-20DD 1:5B-23BU 2:8L-26LU 3:23LLD-21LL 4:10DB-10R 5:19RU-9LBB 6:0R-2RU 7:11LLD-19LL 8:6D-8 9:3RU-5LBB 10:4L-14LU 11:21LDD-3LD 12:14LDD-22LD 13:13LBB-13DB 14:12DD-4D 15:1BU-11LLB 16:22LF-12LLF 17:9BB-1LLD 18:20D-18 19:7LBB-17DB 20:18F-0LF 21:17LBB-25DB 22:16R-16RU 23:15LBB-7DB 24:26LBB-24DB 25:25LBB-15DB 26:24LBB-6DB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:20DD-2U 4:10R-10DB 5:9LBB-19RU 6:2RU-0R 7:19LL-11LLD 15:11LLB-1BU 17:1LLD-9BB 18:18-20D 20:0LF-18F rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:2U-0 4:10DB-10LBB 5:19RU-11R 6:0R-18DB 7:11LLD-1BB 15:1BU-9B 17:9BB-19LLU 18:20D-2DD 20:18F-20DR rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 1:23BU-19R 2:26LU-20U 3:21LL-25LLF 6:18DB-24D 12:22LD-22LLD 17:19LLU-21LU 20:20DR-18LDD 21:25DB-23D 24:24DB-26D rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:0-2U 1:19R-9RU 2:20U-18DD 4:10LBB-10DB 5:11R-19RU 7:1BB-11LLD 15:9B-1BU 18:2DD-20D 20:18LDD-0LD rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 2:18DD-20LLF 3:25LLF-21LL 5:19RU-23U 6:24D-18DB 12:22LLD-22LD 17:21LU-19LLU 18:20D-26DB 21:23D-25DB 24:26D-24DB rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:2U-20DD 1:9RU-1LBB 2:20LLF-18DR 3:21LL-3LLU 4:10DB-10R 5:23U-21DD 6:18DB-0R 7:11LLD-19LL 8:8-26U 9:5LBB-23DB 10:14LU-22LDD 11:3LD-5L 12:22LD-12L 13:13DB-13R 14:4D-14 15:1BU-11LLB 16:12LLF-4DR 17:19LLU-9BB 18:26DB-24R 19:17DB-25R 20:0LD-2L 21:25DB-15R 22:16RU-16LBB 23:7DB-17R 24:24DB-6R 25:15DB-7R 26:6DB-8R rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:20DD-2U 1:1LBB-9RU 2:18DR-20LLF 4:10R-10DB 6:0R-18DB 7:19LL-11LLD 15:11LLB-1BU 17:9BB-19LLU 20:2L-0LD rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:2U-0 1:9RU-19R 2:20LLF-2LF 4:10DB-10LBB 6:18DB-20LBB 7:11LLD-1BB 15:1BU-9B 17:19LLU-11LL 20:0LD-18LDD rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:0-18D 1:19R-11DB 2:2LF-0F 4:10LBB-10RU 6:20LBB-2RU 7:1BB-9LLU 15:9B-19LB 17:11LL-1LLD 20:18LDD-20LU rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 1:11DB-5B 6:2RU-8F 8:26U-20LF 9:23DB-11B 11:5L-17LL 14:14-14L 20:20LU-2LLF 23:17R-23 26:8R-26 rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:18D-20DD 2:0F-18DR 4:10RU-10R 7:9LLU-19LL 8:20LF-2F 9:11B-1LB 15:19LB-11LLB 17:1LLD-9BB 20:2LLF-0LF rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:20DD-26LDD 1:5B-11DB 6:8F-2RU 8:2F-20RU 11:17LL-5L 14:14L-14 15:11LLB-23LD 23:23-17R 26:26-8R rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:26LDD-20BU 2:18DR-24LDD 5:21DD-25LLB 7:19LL-21LLF 8:20RU-18LLU 10:22LDD-22BU 15:23LD-19LLD 18:24R-26DR 19:25R-23DR rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:20BU-18LLB 1:11DB-19R 4:10R-10RU 6:2RU-20LBB 8:18LLU-0BB 9:1LB-11B 15:19LLD-9LL 17:9BB-1LLD 20:0LF-2LLF rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:18LLB-0LB 1:19R-9RU 4:10RU-10LBB 6:20LBB-18DB 8:0BB-2LLD 9:11B-19BU 15:9LL-1LLU 17:1LLD-11LL 20:2LLF-20DR rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 2:24LDD-18DR 5:25LLB-21DD 6:18DB-20LLD 7:21LLF-19LL 9:19BU-23LDD 10:22BU-22LDD 18:26DR-24R 19:23DR-25R 20:20DR-26R rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:0LB-2B 1:9RU-1LBB 2:18DR-0F 3:3LLU-5BB 4:10LBB-10DB 5:21DD-3D 6:20LLD-18LL 7:19LL-9LLU 8:2LLD-20LL 9:23LDD-21LD 10:22LDD-12LD 11:5L-23LU 12:12L-4LU 13:13R-13RU 14:14-22U 15:1LLU-11BB 16:4DR-14F 17:11LL-19LLU 18:24R-6RU 19:25R-15RU 20:26R-24RU 21:15R-7RU 22:16LBB-16DB 23:17R-25RU 24:6R-8RU 25:7R-17RU 26:8R-26RU rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:2B-20BU 1:1LBB-11DB 2:0F-2LF 4:10DB-10R 6:18LL-0LLU 7:9LLU-1BB 8:20LL-18LLU 15:11BB-19LLD 17:19LLU-9BB rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:20BU-2U 1:11DB-5B 2:2LF-8LLD 3:5BB-17LDD 11:23LU-11LLF 16:14F-14LD 24:8RU-26F 25:17RU-23F 26:26RU-20F rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:2U-0 4:10R-10DB 6:0LLU-18LL 7:1BB-9LLU 8:18LLU-20LL 11:11LLF-1LF 15:19LLD-11BB 17:9BB-19LLU 26:20F-2DR rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 1:5B-11DB 2:8LLD-2LF 3:17LDD-5BB 8:20LL-26L 15:11BB-23LBB 16:14LD-14F 24:26F-8RU 25:23F-17RU 26:2DR-20LLU rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:0-18D 1:11DB-1LBB 2:2LF-0F 4:10DB-10LBB 6:18LL-20LLD 7:9LLU-19LL 11:1LF-9F 17:19LLU-11LL 26:20LLU-2LL rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:18D-24LD 6:20LLD-18DB 7:19LL-21LLF 8:26L-20LF 9:21LD-25LLD 14:22U-22RU 15:23LBB-19LB 20:24RU-26LLU 23:25RU-23LLU rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 1:1LBB-11DB 2:0F-2LF 4:10LBB-10DB 6:18DB-0R 8:20LF-18LLF 11:9F-1LF 15:19LB-9B 17:11LL-19LLU 26:2LL-20LLU rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:24LD-18D 7:21LLF-19LL 8:18LLF-20LL 9:25LLD-21LD 14:22RU-22U 17:19LLU-23RU 20:26LLU-24RU 23:23LLU-25RU 26:20LLU-26RU rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:18D-0 1:11DB-19R 2:2LF-20LLF 3:5BB-23LLD 4:10DB-10R 5:3D-5 6:0R-2RU 7:19LL-9LLU 8:20LL-18LLU 9:21LD-3L 10:12LD-4L 11:1LF-11LLF 12:4LU-14LDD 13:13RU-13LBB 14:22U-12DD 15:9B-1BU 16:14F-22LF 17:23RU-21LBB 18:6RU-8LBB 19:15RU-7LBB 20:24RU-6LBB 21:7RU-17LBB 22:16DB-16R 23:25RU-15LBB 24:8RU-26LBB 25:17RU-25LBB 26:26RU-24LBB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:0-2U 1:19R-9RU 2:20LLF-18DR 4:10R-10RU 6:2RU-20LBB 7:9LLU-1BB 8:18LLU-0BB 11:11LLF-19DR 15:1BU-11LLB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:2U-20DD 1:9RU-1LBB 2:18DR-0F 4:10RU-10LBB 6:20LBB-18DB 7:1BB-11LLD 8:0BB-2LLD 11:19DR-9F 15:11LLB-19LB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:20DD-18D 1:1LBB-11DB 2:0F-2LF 4:10LBB-10DB 6:18DB-0R 7:11LLD-19LL 8:2LLD-20LL 11:9F-1LF 15:19LB-9B rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 1:11DB-5B 2:2LF-8LLD 3:23LLD-11BU 5:5-17L 8:20LL-2R 12:14LDD-14DD 18:8LBB-26BB 21:17LBB-23BB 24:26LBB-20BB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:18D-20DD 3:11BU-1B 4:10DB-10LBB 6:0R-18DB 7:19LL-11LLD 8:2R-0DB 11:1LF-9F 15:9B-19LB 24:20BB-2LLU rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:20DD-26LDD 1:5B-11DB 2:8LLD-2LF 5:17L-5 7:11LLD-23LF 12:14DD-14LDD 18:26BB-8LBB 21:23BB-17LBB 24:2LLU-20LB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 1:11DB-1LBB 2:2LF-0F 3:1B-9LB 4:10LBB-10RU 6:18DB-20LBB 8:0DB-18LBB 11:9F-19DR 15:19LB-11LLB 24:20LB-2LLB rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:26LDD-20BU 6:20LBB-18LB 7:23LF-19LBB 8:18LBB-24LB 11:19DR-21LDD 16:22LF-22LBB 17:21LBB-25LB 25:25LBB-23LB 26:24LBB-26LB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:20BU-18LLB 1:1LBB-11DB 2:0F-2LF 3:9LB-1B 4:10RU-10LBB 6:18LB-0B 7:19LBB-9DB 15:11LLB-19LB 24:2LLB-20LB rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:18LLB-20DD 8:24LB-18LBB 11:21LDD-19DR 15:19LB-23LBB 16:22LBB-22LF 17:25LB-21LBB 24:20LB-26LBB 25:23LB-25LBB 26:26LB-24LBB rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:20DD-18D 1:11DB-19R 2:2LF-20LLF 3:1B-11BU 4:10LBB-10DB 5:5-23U 6:0B-2BU 7:9DB-1R 8:18LBB-0DB 9:3L-5LU 10:4L-14LU 11:19DR-9F 12:14LDD-22LD 13:13LBB-13DB 14:12DD-4D 15:23LBB-21DB 16:22LF-12LLF 17:21LBB-3DB 18:8LBB-26DB 19:7LBB-17DB 20:6LBB-8DB 21:17LBB-25DB 22:16R-16RU 23:15LBB-7DB 24:26LBB-24DB 25:25LBB-15DB 26:24LBB-6DB rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:18D-0 1:19R-9RU 2:20LLF-18DR 3:11BU-19LLB 4:10DB-10R 5:23U-21DD 6:2BU-20LLB 7:1R-11RU 8:0DB-2R 9:5LU-23LDD 10:14LU-22LDD 11:9F-1LF 12:22LD-12L 13:13DB-13R 14:4D-14 15:21DB-3R 16:12LLF-4DR 17:3DB-5R 18:26DB-24R 19:17DB-25R 20:8DB-26R 21:25DB-15R 22:16RU-16LBB 23:7DB-17R 24:24DB-6R 25:15DB-7R 26:6DB-8R rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:0-2U 1:9RU-1LBB 2:18DR-0F 3:19LLB-9LB 4:10R-10RU 6:20LLB-18LB 7:11RU-19LBB 8:2R-20RU 11:1LF-11LLF rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:2U-20DD 1:1LBB-11DB 2:0F-2LF 3:9LB-1B 4:10RU-10LBB 6:18LB-0B 7:19LBB-9DB 8:20RU-18LBB 11:11LLF-19DR rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:20DD-18D 1:11DB-19R 2:2LF-20LLF 3:1B-11BU 4:10LBB-10DB 6:0B-2BU 7:9DB-1R 8:18LBB-0DB 11:19DR-9F rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 2:20LLF-2DB 3:11BU-5U 6:2BU-8U 9:23LDD-11DD 14:14-14L 17:5R-17 20:26R-20 23:17R-23 26:8R-26 rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:18D-20DD 1:19R-11DB 2:2DB-0LBB 4:10DB-10LBB 7:1R-9DB 8:0DB-18LBB 9:11DD-1U 11:9F-19DR 20:20-2D rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:20DD-26LDD 1:11DB-23LLF 3:5U-11BU 6:8U-2BU 14:14L-14 17:17-5R 20:2D-20DR 23:23-17R 26:26-8R rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 2:0LBB-18RU 3:11BU-1B 4:10LBB-10RU 6:2BU-0B 7:9DB-19LBB 8:18LBB-20RU 9:1U-9 11:19DR-11LLF 20:20DR-2LLF rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:26LDD-20BU 1:23LLF-19DD 2:18RU-24LLU 5:21DD-25LLB 7:19LBB-21LB 8:20RU-18LLU 10:22LDD-22BU 18:24R-26DR 19:25R-23DR rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:20BU-18LLB 1:19DD-9D 3:1B-11BU 4:10RU-10LBB 6:0B-2BU 8:18LLU-0BB 9:9-1U 11:11LLF-19DR 20:2LLF-20DR rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:18LLB-20DD 2:24LLU-18RU 5:25LLB-21DD 7:21LB-19LBB 10:22BU-22LDD 11:19DR-23R 18:26DR-24R 19:23DR-25R 20:20DR-26R rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:20DD-18D 1:9D-1 2:18RU-0LBB 3:11BU-19LLB 4:10LBB-10DB 5:21DD-3D 6:2BU-20LLB 7:19LBB-9DB 8:0BB-2LLD 9:1U-11DD 10:22LDD-12LD 11:23R-21RU 12:12L-4LU 13:13R-13RU 14:14-22U 15:3R-5RU 16:4DR-14F 17:5R-23RU 18:24R-6RU 19:25R-15RU 20:26R-24RU 21:15R-7RU 22:16LBB-16DB 23:17R-25RU 24:6R-8RU 25:7R-17RU 26:8R-26RU rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:18D-0 1:1-11U 2:0LBB-2DB 3:19LLB-9LB 4:10DB-10R 5:3D-5 6:20LLB-18LB 7:9DB-1R 8:2LLD-20LL 9:11DD-19D 10:12LD-4L 11:21RU-3LBB 12:4LU-14LDD 13:13RU-13LBB 14:22U-12DD 15:5RU-23LBB 16:14F-22LF 17:23RU-21LBB 18:6RU-8LBB 19:15RU-7LBB 20:24RU-6LBB 21:7RU-17LBB 22:16DB-16R 23:25RU-15LBB 24:8RU-26LBB 25:17RU-25LBB 26:26RU-24LBB rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:0-2U 1:11U-19DD 2:2DB-20R 3:9LB-1B 4:10R-10RU 5:5-23U 6:18LB-0B 7:1R-11RU 8:20LL-18LLU 9:19D-9 10:4L-14LU 11:3LBB-5DB 12:14LDD-22LD 13:13LBB-13DB 14:12DD-4D 15:23LBB-21DB 16:22LF-12LLF 17:21LBB-3DB 18:8LBB-26DB 19:7LBB-17DB 20:6LBB-8DB 21:17LBB-25DB 22:16R-16RU 23:15LBB-7DB 24:26LBB-24DB 25:25LBB-15DB 26:24LBB-6DB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:2U-0 1:19DD-11U 2:20R-2DB 3:1B-9LB 4:10RU-10R 6:0B-18LB 7:11RU-1R 8:18LLU-20LL 9:9-19D rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:0-2U 1:11U-19DD 2:2DB-20R 3:9LB-1B 4:10R-10RU 6:18LB-0B 7:1R-11RU 8:20LL-18LLU 9:19D-9 rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:2U-8LF 2:20R-2 5:23U-11LF 7:11RU-5F 10:14LU-14LLF 11:5DB-17B 18:26DB-20B 19:17DB-23B 20:8DB-26B rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 1:19DD-11U 2:2-0D 3:1B-9LB 4:10RU-10R 5:11LF-1F 6:0B-18LB 8:18LLU-20LL 9:9-19D 18:20B-2LB rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:8LF-2U 1:11U-23BU 7:5F-11RU 8:20LL-26L 10:14LLF-14LU 11:17B-5DB 18:2LB-20D 19:23B-17DB 20:26B-8DB rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:2U-0 2:0D-18DD 3:9LB-19LLB 4:10R-10DB 5:1F-9DR 6:18LB-20LLB 7:11RU-1R 9:19D-11DD 18:20D-2DD rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 1:23BU-19R 2:18DD-24LLB 3:19LLB-21LL 6:20LLB-18LL 8:26L-20LF 12:22LD-22LLD 15:21DB-25D 21:25DB-23D 24:24DB-26D rotate axis=1 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 0:0-2U 1:19R-9RU 4:10DB-10R 5:9DR-1F 6:18LL-0LLU 7:1R-11RU 8:20LF-18LLF 9:11DD-19D 18:2DD-20D rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 2:24LLB-18DD 3:21LL-19LLB 8:18LLF-20LL 9:19D-23DB 12:22LLD-22LD 15:25D-21DB 18:20D-26DB 21:23D-25DB 24:26D-24DB rotate axis=2 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:2U-0RU 1:9RU-15LLU 2:18DD-24LLB 3:19LLB-21LL 4:10R-12DR 5:1F-3BB 6:0LLU-6LU 7:11RU-9LLU 8:20LL-18LLF 9:23DB-19D 10:14LU-10U 11:5DB-1D 12:22LD-22LLD 13:13DB-13D 14:4D-4LD 15:21DB-25D 16:12LLF-16DD 17:3DB-7D 18:26DB-20D 19:17DB-11D 20:8DB-2D 21:25DB-23D 22:16RU-14LLU 23:7DB-5D 24:24DB-26D 25:15DB-17D 26:6DB-8D rotate axis=2 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:0RU-6LLU 1:15LLU-17LU 2:24LLB-26LL 3:21LL-25LLF 4:12DR-16LDD 5:3BB-7B 6:6LU-8U 7:9LLU-15LU 8:18LLF-24DD 9:19D-21LD 10:10U-12RU 11:1D-3LD 12:22LLD-22DB 13:13D-13LD 14:4LD-4LLD 15:25D-23LD 16:16DD-14LLB 17:7D-5LD 18:20D-18LD 19:11D-9LD 20:2D-0LD 21:23D-19LD 22:14LLU-10LU 23:5D-1LD 24:26D-20LD 25:17D-11LD 26:8D-2LD rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 2:26LL-20LLF 3:25LLF-23DD 8:24DD-26LLB 9:21LD-25LLD 12:22DB-22D 15:23LD-19LLD 18:18LD-24LLD 21:19LD-21LLD 24:20LD-18LLD rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 1:17LU-5B 2:20LLF-26LU 3:23DD-17LDD 6:8U-2BU 8:26LLB-8LD 16:14LLB-14LD 17:5LD-11F 25:11LD-23F 26:2LD-20F rotate axis=1 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:6LLU-8BB 2:26LU-24LDD 3:17LDD-25LD 4:16LDD-16LD 5:7B-17BU 7:15LU-7LDD 8:8LD-26L 9:25LLD-15LL 18:24LLD-6LL rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:8BB-26LDD 1:5B-17LU 5:17BU-23U 6:2BU-8U 8:26L-20LL 16:14LD-14LLB 17:11F-5LD 25:23F-11LD 26:20F-2LD rotate axis=1 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:26LDD-8LU 1:17LU-7L 2:24LDD-26LU 3:25LD-17LDD 4:16LD-16LDD 6:8U-6 7:7LDD-15LU 9:15LL-25LLD 18:6LL-24LLD rotate axis=2 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 2:26LU-24LLU 5:23U-25LU 8:20LL-26LLB 9:25LLD-21LD 12:22D-22DB 15:19LLD-23LD 18:24LLD-18LD 21:21LLD-19LD 24:18LLD-20LD rotate axis=1 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:8LU-6L 1:7L-15LD 2:24LLU-26LL 3:17LDD-7LU 4:16LDD-16LU 5:25LU-17L 6:6-24D 7:15LU-25L 8:26LLB-8BU rotate axis=1 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:6L-24LD 1:15LD-25LDD 2:26LL-8LLD 3:7LU-15L 4:16LU-16L 5:17L-7LD 6:24D-26DD 7:25L-17LD 8:8BU-6B rotate axis=1 slice=-1 dir=1 blocks: 0:24LD-6L 1:25LDD-15LD 2:8LLD-26LL 3:15L-7LU 4:16L-16LU 5:7LD-17L 6:26DD-24D 7:17LD-25L 8:6B-8BU 9:21LD-3L 10:12RU-4LBB 11:3LD-5L 12:22DB-12R 13:13LD-13L 14:4LLD-14LL 15:23LD-21L 16:14LLB-22LB 17:5LD-23L 18:18LD-0L 19:9LD-1L 20:0LD-2L 21:19LD-9L 22:10LU-10LDD 23:1LD-11L 24:20LD-18L 25:11LD-19L 26:2LD-20L rotate axis=0 slice=0 dir=0 blocks: 0:6L-24LL 1:15LD-21LLB 6:24D-18LB 9:3L-15LL 12:12R-12 15:21L-9LL 18:0L-6LL 21:9L-3LL 24:18L-0LL rotate axis=1 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:24LL-26LLD 2:26LL-8LLD 3:7LU-15L 4:16LU-16L 5:17L-7LD 7:25L-17LD 8:8BU-6B 9:15LL-25LLD 18:6LL-24LLD rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 0:26LLD-20BU 2:8LLD-26BU 7:17LD-23LLB 11:5L-17LL 14:14LL-14R 17:23L-11LL 20:2L-8LL 23:11L-5LL 26:20L-2LL rotate axis=1 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 2:26BU-24LLB 3:15L-7LU 4:16L-16LU 5:7LD-17L 8:6B-8BU 9:25LLD-15LL 11:17LL-25LLU 18:24LLD-6LL 20:8LL-26LLU rotate axis=0 slice=0 dir=1 blocks: 1:21LLB-15LD 2:24LLB-6LD 6:18LB-24D 9:15LL-3L 12:12-12R 15:9LL-21L 18:6LL-0L 21:3LL-9L 24:0LL-18L rotate axis=1 slice=2 dir=0 blocks: 1:15LD-25LDD 2:6LD-24LDD 3:7LU-15L 4:16LU-16L 5:17L-7LD 6:24D-26DD 8:8BU-6B 11:25LLU-17LL 20:26LLU-8LL rotate axis=0 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:20BU-26LLD 6:26DD-8LDD 7:23LLB-17LD 11:17LL-5L 14:14R-14LL 17:11LL-23L 20:8LL-2L 23:5LL-11L 26:2LL-20L rotate axis=1 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:26LLD-24LL 1:25LDD-15LD 2:24LDD-6LD 3:15L-7LU 4:16L-16LU 5:7LD-17L 6:8LDD-26LD 7:17LD-25L 8:6B-8BU rotate axis=1 slice=2 dir=1 blocks: 0:24LL-6LLU 1:15LD-7L 2:6LD-8L 3:7LU-17LDD 4:16LU-16LDD 5:17L-25LU 6:26LD-24L 7:25L-15LU 8:8BU-26LLB rotate axis=2 slice=0 dir=True blocks: 0:6LLU-8LU 1:7L-5LF 2:8L-2LF 9:3L-7LF 10:4LBB-4LB 11:5L-1LF 18:0L-6LF 19:1L-3LF 20:2L-0LF rotate axis=2 slice=0 dir=True blocks: 0:8LU-2U 1:5LF-1LBB 2:2LF-0LBB 9:7LF-5LBB 10:4LB-4L 11:1LF-3LBB 18:6LF-8LBB 19:3LF-7LBB 20:0LF-6LBB rotate axis=2 slice=0 dir=True blocks: 0:2U-0RU 1:1LBB-3LB 2:0LBB-6LB 9:5LBB-1LB 10:4L-4LF 11:3LBB-7LB 18:8LBB-2LB 19:7LBB-5LB 20:6LBB-8LB rotate axis=2 slice=0 dir=True blocks: 0:0RU-6LLU 1:3LB-7L 2:6LB-8L 9:1LB-3L 10:4LF-4LBB 11:7LB-5L 18:2LB-0L 19:5LB-1L 20:8LB-2L rotate axis=2 slice=0 dir=True blocks: 0:6LLU-8LU 1:7L-5LF 2:8L-2LF 9:3L-7LF 10:4LBB-4LB 11:5L-1LF 18:0L-6LF 19:1L-3LF 20:2L-0LF rotate axis=2 slice=0 dir=True blocks: 0:8LU-2U 1:5LF-1LBB 2:2LF-0LBB 9:7LF-5LBB 10:4LB-4L 11:1LF-3LBB 18:6LF-8LBB 19:3LF-7LBB 20:0LF-6LBB rotate axis=2 slice=0 dir=True blocks: 0:2U-0RU 1:1LBB-3LB 2:0LBB-6LB 9:5LBB-1LB 10:4L-4LF 11:3LBB-7LB 18:8LBB-2LB 19:7LBB-5LB 20:6LBB-8LB rotate axis=2 slice=0 dir=True blocks: 0:0RU-6LLU 1:3LB-7L 2:6LB-8L 9:1LB-3L 10:4LF-4LBB 11:7LB-5L 18:2LB-0L 19:5LB-1L 20:8LB-2L rotate axis=2 slice=0 dir=True blocks: 0:6LLU-8LU 1:7L-5LF 2:8L-2LF 9:3L-7LF 10:4LBB-4LB 11:5L-1LF 18:0L-6LF 19:1L-3LF 20:2L-0LF rotate axis=2 slice=0 dir=True blocks: 0:8LU-2U 1:5LF-1LBB 2:2LF-0LBB 9:7LF-5LBB 10:4LB-4L 11:1LF-3LBB 18:6LF-8LBB 19:3LF-7LBB 20:0LF-6LBB