root@adrien-laptop:/home/adrien# pulseaudio --dump-modules module-alsa-sink ALSA Sink module-alsa-source ALSA Source module-always-sink Always keeps at least one sink loaded even if it's a null one E: modinfo.c: Failed to open module "/usr/lib/pulse-0.9/modules/module-bluetooth-device": file not found E: modinfo.c: Failed to open module "/usr/lib/pulse-0.9/modules/module-bluetooth-discover": file not found E: modinfo.c: Failed to open module "/usr/lib/pulse-0.9/modules/module-bluetooth-proximity": file not found module-cli Command line interface module-cli-protocol-tcp Command line interface protocol (TCP sockets) module-cli-protocol-unix Command line interface protocol (UNIX sockets) module-combine Combine multiple sinks to one E: modinfo.c: Failed to open module "/usr/lib/pulse-0.9/modules/module-console-kit": file not found module-default-device-restore Automatically restore the default sink and source module-detect Detect available audio hardware and load matching drivers module-device-restore Automatically restore the volume/mute state of devices module-esound-sink ESOUND Sink module-http-protocol-tcp HTTP (TCP sockets) module-http-protocol-unix HTTP (UNIX sockets) module-ladspa-sink Virtual LADSPA sink module-match Playback stream expression matching module module-mmkbd-evdev Multimedia keyboard support via Linux evdev module-native-protocol-fd Native protocol autospawn helper module-native-protocol-tcp Native protocol (TCP sockets) module-native-protocol-unix Native protocol (UNIX sockets) module-null-sink Clocked NULL sink module-oss OSS Sink/Source module-pipe-sink UNIX pipe sink module-pipe-source UNIX pipe source module-position-event-sounds Position event sounds between L and R depending on the position on screen of the widget triggering them. module-remap-sink Virtual channel remapping sink module-rescue-streams When a sink/source is removed, try to move their streams to the default sink/source module-rtp-recv Recieve data from a network via RTP/SAP/SDP module-rtp-send Read data from source and send it to the network via RTP/SAP/SDP module-simple-protocol-tcp Simple protocol (TCP sockets) module-simple-protocol-unix Simple protocol (UNIX sockets) module-sine Sine wave generator module-stream-restore Automatically restore the volume/mute/device state of streams module-suspend-on-idle When a sink/source is idle for too long, suspend it module-tunnel-sink Tunnel module for sinks module-tunnel-source Tunnel module for sources module-volume-restore Automatically restore the volume and the devices of streams root@adrien-laptop:/home/adrien# pulseaudio W: main.c: This program is not intended to be run as root (unless --system is specified). E: module.c: Failed to open module "module-console-kit": file not found E: main.c: Module load failed. E: main.c: Failed to initialize daemon. root@adrien-laptop:/home/adrien# pulseaudio -k E: main.c: Failed to kill daemon: Aucun processus de ce type root@adrien-laptop:/home/adrien# /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop * PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions root@adrien-laptop:/home/adrien# pulseaudio -k E: main.c: Failed to kill daemon: Aucun processus de ce type root@adrien-laptop:/home/adrien# pulseaudio --system W: main.c: Running in system mode, but --disallow-exit not set! W: main.c: Running in system mode, but --disallow-module-loading not set! N: main.c: Running in system mode, forcibly disabling SHM mode! N: main.c: Running in system mode, forcibly disabling exit idle time! E: pid.c: Daemon already running. E: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.