Hi Martin, Everything goes alright now with "sudo pg_createcluster 8.3 main --start". I've seen other people that the same problem as me (http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=197108) Seemed to be a problem during installation : (extract from syslog) Mar 24 04:27:30 in-target: Paramétrage de postgresql-client-common (86) ... Mar 24 04:27:30 in-target: Paramétrage de postgresql-client-8.3 (8.3.0-1) ... Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Paramétrage de postgresql-common (86) ... Mar 24 04:27:31 debconf: Obsolete command TITLE Configuration de postgresql-common called Mar 24 05:27:31 groupadd[7337]: new group: name=postgres, GID=115 Mar 24 05:27:31 useradd[7338]: new user: name=postgres, UID=107, GID=115, home=/var/lib/postgresql, shell=/bin/bash Mar 24 05:27:31 usermod[7339]: change user `postgres' password Mar 24 05:27:31 chage[7340]: changed password expiry for postgres Mar 24 05:27:31 chfn[7341]: changed user `postgres' information Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Adding user postgres to group ssl-cert Mar 24 05:27:31 gpasswd[7353]: add member postgres to group ssl-cert by root Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Paramétrage de postgresql-8.3 (8.3.0-1) ... Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Creating new cluster (configuration: /etc/postgresql/8.3/main, data: /var/lib/postgresql/8.3/main)... Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: sh: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: fgets failure: Success Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: The program "postgres" is needed by initdb but was not found in the Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: same directory as "/usr/lib/postgresql/8.3/bin/initdb". Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Check your installation. Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Error: Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: initdb failed Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Error: could not create default cluster. Please create it manually with Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: pg_createcluster 8.3 main --start Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: Mar 24 04:27:31 in-target: or a similar command (see 'man pg_createcluster'). Mar 24 04:27:32 in-target: Mar 24 04:27:32 in-target: Paramétrage de postgresql (8.3.0-1) ... Mar 24 04:27:32 in-target: Paramétrage de postgresql-client (8.3.0-1) ... Mar 24 04:27:32 in-target: Paramétrage de postgresql-contrib-8.3 (8.3.0-1) ... Mar 24 04:27:32 in-target: Mar 24 04:27:32 in-target: Paramétrage de postgresql-contrib (8.3.0-1) ... Mar 24 04:27:32 in-target: Paramétrage de postgresql-doc-8.3 (8.3.0-1) ... Mar 24 04:27:32 in-target: Mar 24 04:27:32 in-target: Paramétrage de postgresql-doc (8.3.0-1) ... This error is somehow strange, I installed the server on formatted partitions except the /home partition. Thank you very much for your help. Kane. ---------------------------------------- > From: