PocketSphinx Segmentation Fault

Bug #863533 reported by Cerin
This bug affects 2 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
pocketsphinx (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

The ps_test.py file included in the python-pocketsphinx doesn't work out of the box since it refers to paths ../model/hmm/wsj1, ../test/data/wsj/wlist5o.nvp.lm.DMP, and ../model/lm/cmudict.0.6d, which don't seem to exist anywhere in the other pocketsphinx packages.

The most similar paths I could find, provided by the pocketsphinx-hmm-wsj1 and pocketsphinx-lm-wsj packages, are /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/wsj1, /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/lm/wsj/wlist5o.3e-7.vp.tg.lm.DMP, /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/lm/wsj/wlist5o.dic.

However, replacing the paths in ps_test.py with those results in the error:

INFO: cmd_ln.c(506): Parsing command line:
 -hmm /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/wsj1 \
 -fwdtree yes \
 -dict /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/lm/wsj/wlist5o.dic \
 -lm /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/lm/wsj/wlist5o.3e-7.vp.tg.lm.DMP \
 -fwdflat yes \
 -bestpath no

Current configuration:
-agc none none
-agcthresh 2.0 2.000000e+00
-alpha 0.97 9.700000e-01
-ascale 20.0 2.000000e+01
-backtrace no no
-beam 1e-48 1.000000e-48
-bestpath yes no
-bestpathlw 9.5 9.500000e+00
-cep2spec no no
-ceplen 13 13
-cmn current current
-cmninit 8.0 8.0
-compallsen no no
-dict /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/lm/wsj/wlist5o.dic
-dictcase no no
-dither no no
-doublebw no no
-ds 1 1
-feat 1s_c_d_dd 1s_c_d_dd
-fillprob 1e-8 1.000000e-08
-frate 100 100
-fsgusealtpron yes yes
-fsgusefiller yes yes
-fwdflat yes yes
-fwdflatbeam 1e-64 1.000000e-64
-fwdflatefwid 4 4
-fwdflatlw 8.5 8.500000e+00
-fwdflatsfwin 25 25
-fwdflatwbeam 7e-29 7.000000e-29
-fwdtree yes yes
-hmm /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/wsj1
-input_endian little little
-kdmaxbbi -1 -1
-kdmaxdepth 0 0
-latsize 5000 5000
-ldadim 0 0
-lifter 0 0
-lm /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/lm/wsj/wlist5o.3e-7.vp.tg.lm.DMP
-lmname default default
-logbase 1.0001 1.000100e+00
-logspec no no
-lowerf 133.33334 1.333333e+02
-lpbeam 1e-40 1.000000e-40
-lponlybeam 7e-29 7.000000e-29
-lw 6.5 6.500000e+00
-maxhistpf 100 100
-maxhmmpf -1 -1
-maxnewoov 20 20
-maxwpf -1 -1
-mixwfloor 0.0000001 1.000000e-07
-mmap yes yes
-ncep 13 13
-nfft 512 512
-nfilt 40 40
-nwpen 1.0 1.000000e+00
-pbeam 1e-48 1.000000e-48
-pip 1.0 1.000000e+00
-remove_dc no no
-round_filters yes yes
-samprate 16000 1.600000e+04
-seed -1 -1
-silprob 0.005 5.000000e-03
-smoothspec no no
-spec2cep no no
-tmatfloor 0.0001 1.000000e-04
-topn 4 4
-transform legacy legacy
-unit_area yes yes
-upperf 6855.4976 6.855498e+03
-usewdphones no no
-uw 1.0 1.000000e+00
-varfloor 0.0001 1.000000e-04
-varnorm no no
-verbose no no
-warp_type inverse_linear inverse_linear
-wbeam 7e-29 7.000000e-29
-wip 0.65 6.500000e-01
-wlen 0.025625 2.562500e-02

INFO: cmd_ln.c(506): Parsing command line:
 -lowerf 1 \
 -upperf 4000 \
 -nfilt 20 \
 -transform dct \
 -round_filters no \
 -remove_dc yes \
 -feat s2_4x

Current configuration:
-agc none none
-agcthresh 2.0 2.000000e+00
-alpha 0.97 9.700000e-01
-cep2spec no no
-ceplen 13 13
-cmn current current
-cmninit 8.0 8.0
-dither no no
-doublebw no no
-feat 1s_c_d_dd s2_4x
-frate 100 100
-input_endian little little
-ldadim 0 0
-lifter 0 0
-logspec no no
-lowerf 133.33334 1.000000e+00
-ncep 13 13
-nfft 512 512
-nfilt 40 20
-remove_dc no yes
-round_filters yes no
-samprate 16000 1.600000e+04
-seed -1 -1
-smoothspec no no
-spec2cep no no
-transform legacy dct
-unit_area yes yes
-upperf 6855.4976 4.000000e+03
-varnorm no no
-verbose no no
-warp_type inverse_linear inverse_linear
-wlen 0.025625 2.562500e-02

INFO: acmod.c(82): Parsed model-specific feature parameters from /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/wsj1/feat.params
INFO: mdef.c(520): Reading model definition: /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/wsj1/mdef
INFO: mdef.c(531): Found byte-order mark BMDF, assuming this is a binary mdef file
INFO: bin_mdef.c(301): Reading binary model definition: /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/wsj1/mdef
INFO: bin_mdef.c(480): 44 CI-phone, 66516 CD-phone, 5 emitstate/phone, 220 CI-sen, 5220 Sen, 18660 Sen-Seq
INFO: tmat.c(204): Reading HMM transition probability matrices: /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/wsj1/transition_matrices
INFO: acmod.c(114): Attempting to use SCGMM computation module
INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(981): Reading S3 mixture gaussian file '/usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/wsj1/means'
INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(1080): 1 mixture Gaussians, 256 components, 4 feature streams, veclen 51
INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(981): Reading S3 mixture gaussian file '/usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/wsj1/variances'
INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(1080): 1 mixture Gaussians, 256 components, 4 feature streams, veclen 51
INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(748): Loading senones from dump file /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/wsj1/sendump
INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(793): Rows: 256, Columns: 5220
INFO: s2_semi_mgau.c(801): Using memory-mapped I/O for senones
INFO: kdtree.c(231): Reading tree for feature 0
INFO: kdtree.c(249): n_density 256 n_comp 12 n_level 8 threshold 0.200000
INFO: kdtree.c(186): Read 255 nodes
INFO: kdtree.c(231): Reading tree for feature 1
INFO: kdtree.c(249): n_density 256 n_comp 24 n_level 8 threshold 0.200000
INFO: kdtree.c(186): Read 255 nodes
INFO: kdtree.c(231): Reading tree for feature 2
INFO: kdtree.c(249): n_density 256 n_comp 3 n_level 8 threshold 0.200000
INFO: kdtree.c(186): Read 255 nodes
INFO: kdtree.c(231): Reading tree for feature 3
INFO: kdtree.c(249): n_density 256 n_comp 12 n_level 8 threshold 0.200000
INFO: kdtree.c(186): Read 255 nodes
INFO: feat.c(849): Initializing feature stream to type: 's2_4x', ceplen=13, CMN='current', VARNORM='no', AGC='none'
INFO: cmn.c(142): mean[0]= 12.00, mean[1..12]= 0.0
INFO: dict.c(232): Allocating 20 placeholders for new OOVs
INFO: dict.c(494): 6270 = words in file [/usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/lm/wsj/wlist5o.dic]
WARNING: "dict.c", line 435: Skipping duplicate definition of <s>
WARNING: "dict.c", line 435: Skipping duplicate definition of </s>
WARNING: "dict.c", line 435: Skipping duplicate definition of <sil>
INFO: dict.c(494): 3 = words in file [/usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/wsj1/noisedict]
INFO: dict.c(1013): Entry Context table contains
    450 entries
INFO: dict.c(1014): 19800 possible cross word triphones.
INFO: dict.c(1052): 17920 triphones
   1792 pseudo diphones
     88 uniphones
INFO: dict.c(1099): Exit Context table contains
    450 entries
INFO: dict.c(1100): 19800 possible cross word triphones.
INFO: dict.c(1166): 17920 triphones
   1792 pseudo diphones
     88 uniphones
INFO: dict.c(1168): 7653 right context entries
INFO: dict.c(1169): 17 ave entries per exit context
INFO: dict.c(1013): Entry Context table contains
    416 entries
INFO: dict.c(1014): 18304 possible cross word triphones.
INFO: dict.c(1052): 17388 triphones
    828 pseudo diphones
     88 uniphones
INFO: dict.c(1099): Exit Context table contains
    416 entries
INFO: dict.c(1100): 18304 possible cross word triphones.
INFO: dict.c(1166): 17388 triphones
    828 pseudo diphones
     88 uniphones
INFO: dict.c(1168): 8753 right context entries
INFO: dict.c(1169): 21 ave entries per exit context
WARNING: "listelem_alloc.c", line 89: List item size (20) not multiple of sizeof(void *), rounding to 24
ERROR: "ngram_model_arpa.c", line 155: No \data\ mark in LM file
INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(141): Will use memory-mapped I/O for LM file
INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(190): ngrams 1=5002, 2=338656, 3=291318
INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(236): 5002 = LM.unigrams(+trailer) read
INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(286): 338656 = LM.bigrams(+trailer) read
INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(313): 291318 = LM.trigrams read
INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(338): 32470 = LM.prob2 entries read
INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(358): 13795 = LM.bo_wt2 entries read
INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(379): 31136 = LM.prob3 entries read
INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(408): 662 = LM.tseg_base entries read
INFO: ngram_model_dmp.c(467): 5002 = ascii word strings read
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(156): 0 root, 0 non-root channels, 37 single-phone words
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(195): Creating search tree
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(203): 0 root, 0 non-root channels, 37 single-phone words
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(325): max nonroot chan increased to 13871
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(334): 443 root, 13743 non-root channels, 17 single-phone words
INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(95): fwdflat: min_ef_width = 4, max_sf_win = 25
INFO: cmn.c(175): CMN: 87.45 -9.97 -1.50 -0.31 -1.01 0.31 -0.82 -0.39 0.49 0.36 -0.31 0.12 0.02
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1450): 139 words recognized (9/fr)
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1452): 32996 senones evaluated (2200/fr)
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1454): 37127 channels searched (2475/fr), 4873 1st, 3959 last
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1458): 343 words for which last channels evaluated (22/fr)
INFO: ngram_search_fwdtree.c(1461): 4385 candidate words for entering last phone (292/fr)
INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(840): 72 words recognized (5/fr)
INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(842): 2094 senones evaluated (140/fr)
INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(844): 961 channels searched (64/fr)
INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(846): 113 words searched (7/fr)
INFO: ngram_search_fwdflat.c(848): 70 word transitions (4/fr)
WARNING: "ngram_search.c", line 1000: </s> not found in last frame, using <s> instead
INFO: ngram_search.c(1046): lattice start node <s>.0 end node <s>.0
INFO: ps_lattice.c(1225): Normalizer P(O) = alpha(<s>:0:13) = -537122112
Segmentation fault

ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 10.04
Package: python-pocketsphinx 0.5.1+dfsg1-0ubuntu1
Uname: Linux 2.6.32-020632-generic x86_64
NonfreeKernelModules: nvidia wl
Architecture: amd64
Date: Fri Sep 30 12:21:04 2011
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" - Release amd64 (20091027)
 PATH=(custom, user)
SourcePackage: pocketsphinx

Revision history for this message
Cerin (chrisspen) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

Status changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users.

Changed in pocketsphinx (Ubuntu):
status: New → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
Gianfranco Costamagna (costamagnagianfranco) wrote :

The package in eoan is now Python3, please try again and set back to "new" if you still have this issue

Changed in pocketsphinx (Ubuntu):
status: Confirmed → Incomplete
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

[Expired for pocketsphinx (Ubuntu) because there has been no activity for 60 days.]

Changed in pocketsphinx (Ubuntu):
status: Incomplete → Expired
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