; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Template source file generated by piklab #include ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Configuration bits: adapt to your setup and needs __CONFIG _IntRC_OSC & _WDT_ON & _CP_OFF & _MCLRE_ON porta equ 0x05 ncount equ 0x0d mcount equ 0x0e f equ 1 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; relocatable code PROG CODE ;startpoint in memory org 0x000 ;program start start movlw 0x00 tris porta clrf porta ;loop start go bsf porta,0 call delay call delay call delay bcf porta,0 call delay goto go ;loop end ;delay loop delay movlw 0xff movwf mcount loadn movlw 0xff movwf ncount repeat decfsz ncount,f goto repeat decfsz mcount,f goto loadn return end END