debian type: testing package: php5-gd version: 5.2.3-1+lenny1 problem-description: the debian package of gd is missing some functions, which are present in the php bundled version of this library. for example the imagerotate() and imagefilter() function. in addition to bug #321237 i do not want to have the debian-package using the bundled library, but i want to indicate, that the version is not fully featured and so not fully usable. this should be fixed an the missing functions should be added to the debian library-package. this is the output of the featured functions in this package-version: php --re gd | grep "Function" Function [ function gd_info ] { Function [ function imagearc ] { Function [ function imageellipse ] { Function [ function imagechar ] { Function [ function imagecharup ] { Function [ function imagecolorat ] { Function [ function imagecolorallocate ] { Function [ function imagepalettecopy ] { Function [ function imagecreatefromstring ] { Function [ function imagecolorclosest ] { Function [ function imagecolorclosesthwb ] { Function [ function imagecolordeallocate ] { Function [ function imagecolorresolve ] { Function [ function imagecolorexact ] { Function [ function imagecolorset ] { Function [ function imagecolortransparent ] { Function [ function imagecolorstotal ] { Function [ function imagecolorsforindex ] { Function [ function imagecopy ] { Function [ function imagecopymerge ] { Function [ function imagecopymergegray ] { Function [ function imagecopyresized ] { Function [ function imagecreate ] { Function [ function imagecreatetruecolor ] { Function [ function imageistruecolor ] { Function [ function imagetruecolortopalette ] { Function [ function imagesetthickness ] { Function [ function imagefilledarc ] { Function [ function imagefilledellipse ] { Function [ function imagealphablending ] { Function [ function imagesavealpha ] { Function [ function imagecolorallocatealpha ] { Function [ function imagecolorresolvealpha ] { Function [ function imagecolorclosestalpha ] { Function [ function imagecolorexactalpha ] { Function [ function imagecopyresampled ] { Function [ function imagesettile ] { Function [ function imagesetbrush ] { Function [ function imagesetstyle ] { Function [ function imagecreatefrompng ] { Function [ function imagecreatefromgif ] { Function [ function imagecreatefromjpeg ] { Function [ function imagecreatefromwbmp ] { Function [ function imagecreatefromgd ] { Function [ function imagecreatefromgd2 ] { Function [ function imagecreatefromgd2part ] { Function [ function imagepng ] { Function [ function imagegif ] { Function [ function imagejpeg ] { Function [ function imagewbmp ] { Function [ function imagegd ] { Function [ function imagegd2 ] { Function [ function imagedestroy ] { Function [ function imagegammacorrect ] { Function [ function imagefill ] { Function [ function imagefilledpolygon ] { Function [ function imagefilledrectangle ] { Function [ function imagefilltoborder ] { Function [ function imagefontwidth ] { Function [ function imagefontheight ] { Function [ function imageinterlace ] { Function [ function imageline ] { Function [ function imageloadfont ] { Function [ function imagepolygon ] { Function [ function imagerectangle ] { Function [ function imagesetpixel ] { Function [ function imagestring ] { Function [ function imagestringup ] { Function [ function imagesx ] { Function [ function imagesy ] { Function [ function imagedashedline ] { Function [ function imagettfbbox ] { Function [ function imagettftext ] { Function [ function imageftbbox ] { Function [ function imagefttext ] { Function [ function imagepsloadfont ] { Function [ function imagepsfreefont ] { Function [ function imagepsencodefont ] { Function [ function imagepsextendfont ] { Function [ function imagepsslantfont ] { Function [ function imagepstext ] { Function [ function imagepsbbox ] { Function [ function imagetypes ] { Function [ function jpeg2wbmp ] { Function [ function png2wbmp ] { Function [ function image2wbmp ] { best regards, steffen ille