Comment 8 for bug 1572321

Revision history for this message
Carlo Zanella (zanella-carlo) wrote :

Until the issue is properly resolved and Ubuntu's Qt packages are updated, I have found that installing the Qt 5.6 libraries from the PPA here solves this problem.

The libraries are installed to /opt and so they shouldn't interfere with the rest of the system.

To use the Qt 5.6 libraries, owncloud can be started as follows:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/qt56/lib/ /usr/bin/owncloud

Note: I am not sure if Qt 5.6 is officially supported by owncloud (there are at least problems on OSX - see here for a discussion:, but for me everything seems to work. This also fixes the issue that the owncloud icon does not appear in the system tray.