I created a test OVAL file to dig into this a little bit more. $ cat com.ubuntu.test.cve.oval.xml Canonical CVE OVAL Generator 1.1 5.11.1 2020-03-03T10:37:20 CVE-1970-0200 on Ubuntu - high. OVAL TEST To simulate a vunlerable package with no available patch being installed on the system. Checks for the 'linux-doesnotexist-base' package to be installed on the system. There is no 'linux-doesnotexist-base' package so it will never be installed. This test should always return false (not vulnerable) and appear green in the report. Ubuntu High Copyright (C) 2018 Canonical Ltd. 2018-01-24 10:29:00 UTC CVE-1970-0300 on Ubuntu - high. OVAL TEST This is the opposite of the previous test, just to confirm that oscap correct detects the installed package Checks for the 'linux-base' package to be installed on the system. There should always be a 'linux-base' package installed. This test should always return true (vulnerable) and appear red/orange in the report. Ubuntu High Copyright (C) 2018 Canonical Ltd. 2018-01-24 10:29:00 UTC CVE-1907-0400 on Ubuntu - high. OVAL TEST To simulate an installed package that is vulnerable when there is an available version to fix the CVE. Checks for version less than '99:99.9.9+dfsg-9ubuntu9.9' of the 'linux-base' package to be installed on the system. There should always be a 'linux-base' package installed and the version will be less than '99:99.9.9+dfsg-9ubuntu9.9'. This test should always return true (vulnerable) and appear red/orange in the report. Ubuntu High Copyright (C) 2017 Canonical Ltd. 2017-03-27 17:59:00 UTC 2017-03-27 CVE-1907-0500 on Ubuntu - high. OVAL TEST To simulate an installed package that is updated to a patched version and not vulnerable to CVE. Checks for version less than '00:00.0.0+dfsg-0ubuntu0.0' of the 'linux-base' package to be installed on the system. There should always be a 'linux-base' package installed and the version will be greater than '00:00.0.0+dfsg-0ubuntu0.0'. This test should always return false (not vulnerable) and appear green in the report. Ubuntu High Copyright (C) 2017 Canonical Ltd. 2017-03-27 17:59:00 UTC 2017-03-27 99:99.9.9p9+dfsg-9ubuntu9.9 0:00.0.0p0+dfsg-0ubuntu0.0 linux-doesnotexist-base linux-base linux-base linux-base I can run oscap against that test oval file successfully on trusty, xenial and bionic VMs with the same results: markmorlino@sec-bionic-amd64:~$ oscap oval eval --report report.html com.ubuntu.test.cve.oval.xml Definition oval:com.ubuntu.test:def:500: false Definition oval:com.ubuntu.test:def:400: true Definition oval:com.ubuntu.test:def:300: true Definition oval:com.ubuntu.test:def:200: false Evaluation done. I see very similar looking errors when I attempt to run the same oscap command on eoan and focal: markmorlino@sec-eoan-amd64:~$ oscap oval eval --report report.html com.ubuntu.test.cve.oval.xml W: oscap: Can't receive message: 103, Software caused connection abort. Definition oval:com.ubuntu.test:def:500: error W: oscap: Can't receive message: 103, Software caused connection abort. Definition oval:com.ubuntu.test:def:400: error W: oscap: Can't receive message: 103, Software caused connection abort. Definition oval:com.ubuntu.test:def:300: error Definition oval:com.ubuntu.test:def:200: false OpenSCAP Error: Probe with PID=21031 has been killed with signal 11 [../../../../../src/OVAL/probes/SEAP/sch_pipe.c:178] Probe with PID=21031 has core dumped. [../../../../../src/OVAL/probes/SEAP/sch_pipe.c:182] Item corresponding to object 'oval:com.ubuntu.test:obj:500' from test 'oval:com.ubuntu.test:tst:500' has an unknown flag. This may indicate a bug in OpenSCAP. [../../../../src/OVAL/results/oval_resultTest.c:914] Probe with PID=21047 has been killed with signal 11 [../../../../../src/OVAL/probes/SEAP/sch_pipe.c:178] Probe with PID=21047 has core dumped. [../../../../../src/OVAL/probes/SEAP/sch_pipe.c:182] Item corresponding to object 'oval:com.ubuntu.test:obj:400' from test 'oval:com.ubuntu.test:tst:400' has an unknown flag. This may indicate a bug in OpenSCAP. [../../../../src/OVAL/results/oval_resultTest.c:914] Probe with PID=21062 has been killed with signal 11 [../../../../../src/OVAL/probes/SEAP/sch_pipe.c:178] Probe with PID=21062 has core dumped. [../../../../../src/OVAL/probes/SEAP/sch_pipe.c:182] Item corresponding to object 'oval:com.ubuntu.test:obj:300' from test 'oval:com.ubuntu.test:tst:300' has an unknown flag. This may indicate a bug in OpenSCAP. [../../../../src/OVAL/results/oval_resultTest.c:914] I also see these in /var/log/syslog: Mar 4 09:13:50 sec-eoan-amd64 kernel: [12899.335657] traps: probe_worker[21104] general protection fault ip:7f44012cdc31 sp:7f43f9443138 error:0 in libc-2.30.so[7f44011f4000+178000] Mar 4 09:13:51 sec-eoan-amd64 kernel: [12899.427120] traps: probe_worker[21114] general protection fault ip:7fb6b97f0c31 sp:7fb6b1966138 error:0 in libc-2.30.so[7fb6b9717000+178000] Mar 4 09:13:51 sec-eoan-amd64 kernel: [12899.519719] traps: probe_worker[21124] general protection fault ip:7effa7110c31 sp:7eff9f286138 error:0 in libc-2.30.so[7effa7037000+178000] My test