I am mostly a user of pkg-config, my experience as a developer using it directly is somewhat limited. So please understand that I may be lacking information on pkg-config's scope and usage. That said, I understand your request (plus the requests made before on those mailing lists) and what it is expected to achieve. Previously I quoted a few comments on the other bug which seem to indicate that pkg-config is not the right tool: "Basically, it's wrong for fedora packages to link against a specific JVM. We use alternatives and JAVA_HOME to allow users to select the right VM at runtime. Linking directly against a VM runs against this. Individual programs needs to be fixed to use dlopen() on the appropriate JVM and use that." "Which still leaves the burden of locating the shared library location on the application. If pkg-config is not suitable solution, another locator should be provided." @ https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=740762#c27 On Ubuntu we also allow users to select their VM using alternatives, thus linking directly against a VM through pkg-config will be problematic as well. If you disagree, could you explain why and provide some pointers so I can start looking? Unless there is a way to use pkg-config such as it does not violate this, we would required another solution. What this "locator" would be or how it would work is unclear at the moment. Please let me know if you might have a proposal for this. On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 9:08 AM, sjgcit