Disregard previous comment, I had removed the xorg xonf file to debug and forgotten to add rotate in xorg.conf. The following is the correct output of ltrace: ltrace xrandr -o left __libc_start_main(0x804bc40, 3, 0xbfd74354, 0x80511c0, 0x8051220 strcmp("--rate", "-o") = -1 strcmp("--refresh", "-o") = -1 strcmp("--version", "-o") = -1 strcmp("--screen", "-o") = -1 strcmp("--query", "-o") = -1 strtol(0xbfd7539f, 0xbfd74204, 10, 0xb77cbc85, 5) = 0 strcmp("normal", "left") = 1 strcmp("left", "left") = 0 XOpenDisplay(NULL) = 0x0999e008 XRRQueryExtension(0x999e008, 0xbfd7421c, 0xbfd74218, 0xb77cbc85, 5) = 1 XRRQueryVersion(0x999e008, 0xbfd7420c, 0xbfd74208, 0xb77cbc85, 5) = 1 XRRGetScreenInfo(0x999e008, 637, 0xbfd74208, 0xb77cbc85, 5) = 0x99ab140 XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration(0x99ab140, 0xbfd7422a, 0xbfd74208, 0xb77cbc85, 5) = 0 XRRConfigSizes(0x99ab140, 0xbfd74224, 0xbfd74208, 0xb77cbc85, 5) = 0x99ab16c XRRConfigCurrentRate(0x99ab140, 0xbfd74224, 0xbfd74208, 0xb77cbc85, 5) = 50 XRRConfigRotations(0x99ab140, 0xbfd7422a, 0xbfd74208, 0xb77cbc85, 5) = 15 XSelectInput(0x999e008, 637, 131072, 0xb77cbc85, 5) = 1 XRRSelectInput(0x999e008, 637, 1, 0xb77cbc85, 5) = 0 XRRSetScreenConfigAndRate(0x999e008, 0x99ab140, 637, 0, 2X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) Major opcode of failed request: 154 (RANDR) Minor opcode of failed request: 2 (RRSetScreenConfig) Value in failed request: 0x4b0 Serial number of failed request: 14 Current serial number in output stream: 14 +++ exited (status 1) +++