Mike, Thank you for the slight clarification (I admit I didn't read the whole thread). It seems like your real problem is not what this bug is described as. Would you change the description of your bug? Or, did you already file one for the breaking of ubuntu-desktop? In my dealings with Ubuntu, I have found several other similar instances - such as when attempting to remove totem after installing mplayer/vlc or removing ekiga to install an svn version of ekiga (I just lived with it and even upgraded [seemingly] fine). Nowadays, it seems to me that Ubuntu changed them from dependencies to recommendations and started to "Consider recommended packages as dependancies" at the same time; since, I can now safely remove both of them without damaging ubuntu-desktop. [Personally, I never ran into problems without ubuntu-desktop installed, but I am just one case.] I fully agree that notify-osd should not be a true dependency. At the least have an | attached to it. Mark(?) believes differently. I also don't believe that pulseaudio should be a dependency, nor cups, nor evince. Hell, personally, everything should be recommended. However, all of those have a simple method to disable them (or not use them), while still keeping them installed. Is there no simple way to do the same with notify-osd? Since I still have notification-daemon installed (from 8.10 I assume), I can't even find where it would have loaded, 'ls /etc/rc*.d /etc/init.d/ | grep not' returns nothing. They really did a good job of obfuscating it, huh? Are they started by d-bus? Thunderbird puts new mail notifications on the bottom-right of my screen, how did they bypass the all-seeing-all-knowing-eye of Mark S. and not abide by his rules - did the ubuntu thunderbird team get lashed after release? :) (Thunderbird's notifications are horrid - they don't even follow theme changes, text is all washed out. I wish they used notify-osd!) Indicator Applet - indicates something needs attention on desktop; Notification Area - place for notification icons...does no one else see the inherent problems with those two? I sure hope they fix it. I'm guessing that's part of the fun stuff yet to come! Is the indicator applet useless now? (relegated to a waste of 1px on the panel) Further problems of Ubuntu: Rolling release would fix many issues [PCLOS seems to do it fine, as well as many others], but unfortunately it doesn't fit into Canonical's business model. You can't support a version for 3 years if your constantly rolling up the same version. [Unless I understood you wrong on comment 39.] About the hard-of-sight (from The Ubuntu Promise): "Ubuntu includes the very best translations and accessibility infrastructure that the free software community has to offer." Isn't this bug about accessibility? I hope they live up to their promises in comment 23. Un-Related: I still would really like to know the answers to my previously posted questions...maybe I will take my own advice and move them to answers.launchpad.com...a more fitting place. From MPT: "In future versions of Ubuntu, there will be fewer and fewer icons in the notification area that are related to notification bubbles." Does that mean I am losing my volume icon (it causes the display of bubbles)? My network icon, too? Rhythmbox sits up there, it's related to bubbles too! I guess he's talking about things like the update icon [not really serious, I've just been up too long]. Some gems that need re-iterated: "Maybe we should file a bug report (or series of them) on how bugs are handled in Launchpad for the Ubuntu project. Or maybe that'd be just a large a waste of time." "Your message as well as most of the other @canonical.com messages in this bug, and in other bugs elsewhere for things like regressions and packaging errors show this quite well. Ubuntu has a problem, and it's _far_ bigger than notify-osd." --Perfect!