Default configuration: - network-admin says "Location: [empty box]" - Connections tab: - Wired connection is listed as 'roaming mode'. - General tab: - I have a host-name ("deacon"), but no domain name - DNS tab: - I have a DHCP-allocated DNS server, but no search domains. - Hosts tab: - "" - The usual loopback entries. "time xterm -e ls" reports 10 seconds elapsed. I edit the configuration: - General tab: - I fill in the hostname "" - Hosts tab: - I change the aliases for to " deacon" - I save these settings as a new location, "home-test" and click Apply. "time xterm -e ls" reports 0.1 seconds elapsed. I open network-admin again: - "Location:" has reverted to an empty box. - Hosts tab: - has reverted to "" "time xterm -e ls" still reports 0.1 seconds elapsed. I reboot the laptop. "time xterm -e ls" reports 10 seconds elapsed again. I open network-admin again: - "Location:" has reverted to an empty box. - General tab: - Domain name has reverted to an empty box. - Hosts tab: - has reverted to "" I choose "home-test" from the location drop-down, and click Apply. "time xterm -e ls" reports 0.1 seconds elapsed. On the Connections tab, I select "Wired connection", click Properties, disable Roaming Mode and set the configuration to DHCP. I set up the General and Hosts tabs, then re-save this as the "home-test" location and restart the laptop.