In Ubuntu 8.10, PPTP Neetwork Manager does not launch PPTP VPN (if save your password VPN)

Bug #291895 reported by unihorn
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
network-manager-pptp (Ubuntu)
Fix Released

Bug Description

Sorry for bad English. I use a program translator. In any case, in addition to the English text, I give the text in Russian.

Distribution Ubuntu 8.10. The package of network-manager-pptp.

PPTP Neetwork Manager does not launch PPTP VPN (if save your password VPN).

If the password has been saved, it accounted remove (the only way VPN connection starts).

If you create a system-wide VPN connection, if not save your password, Network Manager does not require a password (unlike the local VPN connection).

Best regards.


Простите за плохой английский язык. Я использую программу переводчик. На всякий случай, в дополнение к английскому тексту, я предоставляю текст на русском языке.

Дистрибутив Ubuntu 8.10. Пакет network-manager-pptp.

PPTP Neetwork Мanager не запускает PPTP VPN (если сохранить пароль VPN).

Если пароль сохранен, то его приходится удалять (только так VPN соединение запускается).

Если создать общесистемное VPN подключение, то если не сохранить пароль, Network Manager не требует пароль (в отличии от локального VPN подключения).

С Уважением.

Revision history for this message
Alexander Sack (asac) wrote :

try the latest network-manager-pptp packages for intrepid from the NM PPA:

anyway, since you translate your text using some translation program, I dont think that we can have proper conversation and invalidate this bug. Sorry and Thanks! for your contributions.

Changed in network-manager-pptp:
status: New → Invalid
Revision history for this message
unihorn (unihorn) wrote :

>try the latest network-manager-pptp packages for intrepid from the NM PPA:

These packages behave exactly the same. :(

>I dont think that we can have proper conversation and invalidate this bug.

Let's try. Maybe we can talk to each other? :) The English language knows, not all users of Ubuntu, but to ignore such people, at least not worth... IMHO...


>try the latest network-manager-pptp packages for intrepid from the NM PPA:

Эти пакеты ведут себя точно так же. :(

>I dont think that we can have proper conversation and invalidate this bug.

Давайте попробуем. Вдруг мы сможем поговорить друг с другом? :) Английский язык знают далеко не все пользователи Ubuntu, и игнорировать таких людей, по меньшей мере, не хорошо... Имхо...

peabody (ebnasos)
Changed in network-manager-pptp:
status: Invalid → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
Alexander Sack (asac) wrote :

i do not even understand what you mean in your bug. I really have no time ... if someone else wants to drive this forward, go ahead. We need a proper bug report with proper step by step instructions how to reproduce.

Changed in network-manager-pptp:
status: Confirmed → Incomplete
Revision history for this message
unihorn (unihorn) wrote :

1. Create a new PPTP VPN connection.
2. Enter your PPTP VPN login and password (directly in the wizard creation).
3. Save PPTP VPN login and password ..
4. Select this VPN connection.
5. We see the error: VPN connection does not start (the message: "Do not found valid secrets VPN" (or something like that)).
6. Remove the VPN password.
7. Again select this VPN connection.
8. A dialog box for entering a password.
9. Enter your password VPN.
10. Now the VPN connection is working.
11. Turn off the PPTP VPN connection (VPN password is automatically saved).
12. Again choose this VPN connection.
13 Again we see the error: VPN connection does not start (the message: "Do not found valid secrets VPN" (or something like that)).

CONCLUSION: If you save PPTP VPN password, PPTP VPN connection does not start.

If you create (in the Network Manager) global PPTP VPN connection with a blank password, then when you start such a PPTP VPN connection dialog box for entering the password does not appear: just happens unsuccessful launch.



1. Создайте новое PPTP VPN соединение.
2. Введите свой PPTP VPN логин и пароль (прямо в мастере создания).
3. Сохраните PPTP VPN логин и пароль ..
4. Выберете это VPN соединение.
5. Мы видим ошибку: VPN соединение не запускается (сообщение: "Не найдено действительных секретов VPN" (или, чтото вроде этого)).
6. Удалите VPN пароль.
7. Опять выберете это VPN соединение.
8. Появится диалоговое окно для ввода пароля.
9. Введите свой пароль VPN.
10. Теперь VPN соединение работает.
11. Отключите PPTP VPN соединение (VPN пароль, автоматически спасется).
12. Опять выберете этот VPN соединения.
13 Опять мы видим ошибку: VPN соединение не запускается (сообщение: "Не найдено действительных секретов VPN" (или, чтото вроде этого)).

ВЫВОД: Если сохранить PPTP VPN пароль, то PPTP VPN соединение не запускается.

Если создать (в Network Manager) глобальное PPTP VPN соединение с пустым паролем, то при запуске такого PPTP VPN соединения, диалоговое окно для ввода пароля не появится: сразу произойдет неудачный запуск.


Revision history for this message
Alexander Sack (asac) wrote :

isnt this the same as bug 284212 ?

Revision history for this message
unihorn (unihorn) wrote :

It seems that yes...

I, however, added that:

>If you create (in the Network Manager) global PPTP VPN connection with a blank password, then when you start such a PPTP VPN connection dialog box for entering the password does not appear: just happens unsuccessful launch.


Похоже, что да...

Я, правда, добавил это:

>If you create (in the Network Manager) global PPTP VPN connection with a blank password, then when you start such a PPTP VPN connection dialog box for entering the password does not appear: just happens unsuccessful launch.

Revision history for this message
Alexander Sack (asac) wrote :

latest package in network-manager ppa should fix this.

Changed in network-manager-pptp:
importance: Undecided → Medium
status: Incomplete → Fix Committed
Revision history for this message
unihorn (unihorn) wrote :

On the local PPTP VPN connection, now all OK. If you save your password local PPTP VPN connection, Network Manager works.

Thank you.

But with global PPTP VPN connection is still the problem...

Password global PPTP VPN connection is not saved (in the Wizard of establishing VPN (can you?)). But in the event of did not save passwords global PPTP VPN connections, if you choose a global PPTP VPN connection, no dialog box appears enter the password (just happens unsuccessful launch).


С локальным PPTP VPN подключением, теперь все ОK. Если сохранить пароль локального PPTP VPN подключения, Network Manager работает.


Но с глобальным PPTP VPN подключением по прежнему проблемы...

Пароль глобального PPTP VPN подключения не сохраняется (в мастере создания VPN (может ли?)). Но в случае не сохранения пароля глобального PPTP VPN подключения, при выборе этого глобальное PPTP VPN подключение, не появится диалоговое окно ввода пароля (просто происходит неудачный запуск).

Revision history for this message
Alexander Sack (asac) wrote :

i dont understand what you mean with global vs. local. please rephrase.

(btw, why do you paste this russian stuff here? i think its unlikely that someone from russia will take over ... and even if we only want english text here as thats our primary language here).

Revision history for this message
unihorn (unihorn) wrote :

> i dont understand what you mean with global vs. local. please rephrase.

Dialog wizard creation PPTP VPN -> tab "VPN" -> checkbox "System setting" (under the checkbox "Connect automatically").

This option "global", only users "local".

> btw, why do you paste this russian stuff here? i think its unlikely that someone from russia will take over ... and even if we only want english text here as thats our primary language here


Option text in Russian, in the event if there are a number of English-speaking Russian people (they would be clarified translation).

If such an opportunity you do not, I cease to text in Russian.

Best regards.

Revision history for this message
Alexander Sack (asac) wrote :

yes. thats ok. there are other bugs about problems with system settings open too.

Revision history for this message
unihorn (unihorn) wrote :

>checkbox "Connect automatically"

Incidentally, this also does not work (at least for local PPTP VPN connections)... Or I do not understand the appointment of this feature...

Revision history for this message
Dmytro Korzhevin (korg) wrote :


Where i can find patched package or so?

Revision history for this message
unihorn (unihorn) wrote :

If I correctly understood the question, here: (this link has already been in this topic).

Revision history for this message
Mark Stosberg (markstos) wrote :

This seems to be fixed in Karmic. After saving a PPTP VPN password, the connections still work fine.

Changed in network-manager-pptp (Ubuntu):
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
Revision history for this message
knorr (a-sokolov) wrote :

Bug isn't fixed in Karmic.

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