I paste here some informations. Those files are located in /etc/dbus-1/system.d/ : NetworkManager.conf : 512 nm-applet.conf 512 nm-openvpn-service.conf The other nm-[vpnc-service|ppp-starter] are like the latest one. According to the error reported by nm-applet when launching it through nm-applet in a shell : ** (nm-applet:13017): WARNING **: nma_dbus_init(): could not acquire its service. dbus_bus_acquire_service() says: 'Connection ":1.44" is not allowed to own the service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo" due to security policies in the configuration file' there's an error in the rights defined for "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo"; I'm going to try to change rules in NetworkManager.conf and nm-applet.conf, allowing ALL in "default" section. Maybe it's unsecure, ugly and so on... but if it works, my Boss will be really pleased. The really strange thing is, I installed a laptop (dell latitude d620) 2 days ago, under gutsy, but this one doesn't have this problem. I can say it's NOT a problem only on my Boss' laptop, as a workstation do have it too (but this one is upgraded to Hardy now). I'm also going to read configurations on the old d620, maybe there will be a hint in it.... I'll post results here when I have them. Regards C.