
Here is the steps that I did:
1/ Verify that /etc/samba/sbm.conf has the line: security=user
2/ Create a share on my folder /home/myname/Public. I right licked on the folder and select Sharing Options and then check the box "Share this folder"
3/ Go to another computer that has Hardy desktop installed. Open Nautilus and hit Ctrl-L to enter smb://samba-host-ip
4/ I will get a password dialog and after entering proper username and password, I will get access to the Public share as expected.
5/ Now unmount this samba share.
6/ Go to the samba server computer and edit the smb.conf file to change to "security = share", then "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart"
7/ Go back to the Hardy desktop computer and enter the same "smb://samba-host-ip" this time you will get an empty window, no share listed. But if you enter "smb://samba-host-ip/Public" then you will get the password dialog.
8/ Enter the proper password dialog here and you will get the "Failed to mount..." error dialog.

Hope this help you recreate the problem. I am sure hope to have this bug resolved soon! Let me know if you need more info.


On Wed, 2008-05-28 at 17:38 +0000, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
again the authentification issue is different of the "unable to mount"
issue which is described there and is bug #207072

I tried to set security=share yes and to connect to user directories
using the password set using smbpassword and that work correctly,
setting security=share doesn't set any share though and I'm not sure how
to define a share and set a password then, could somebody who knows that
describe how to set up a share clearly?