#0 IA__g_slice_alloc (mem_size=12) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gslice.c:474 tmem = (ThreadMemory *) 0x8177f28 ix = 1 chunk_size = mem = acat = #1 0xb74910e6 in IA__g_list_prepend (list=0x0, data=0x8244e20) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/glist.c:95 No locals. #2 0xb748c898 in g_key_file_init (key_file=0x823f780) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gkeyfile.c:205 No locals. #3 0xb748c8ea in IA__g_key_file_new () at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gkeyfile.c:253 No locals. #4 0x080e2aae in nautilus_debug_log_dump (filename=0x81cc600 "/home/daniel/nautilus-debug-log.txt", error=0x0) at nautilus-debug-log.c:417 file = (FILE *) 0x8454468 success = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "nautilus_debug_log_dump" #5 0x0807e776 in dump_debug_log () at nautilus-main.c:213 No locals. #6 0x0807e7bf in sigfatal_handler (sig=11) at nautilus-main.c:258 func = #7 #8 0xb74ae097 in magazine_cache_push_magazine (ix=1, magazine_chunks=, count=51) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gslice.c:579 current = (ChunkLink *) 0x81cc2b0 next = prev = (ChunkLink *) 0x843f520 #9 0xb74ae305 in thread_memory_magazine2_unload (tmem=, ix=352157891) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gslice.c:744 mag = (Magazine *) 0x8178330 #10 0xb74afee0 in IA__g_slice_free_chain_with_offset (mem_size=12, mem_chain=0x81aa880, next_offset=4) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/gslice.c:928 current = slice = (gpointer) 0x0 chunk_size = 16 acat = #11 0xb74913a1 in IA__g_list_free (list=0x81aa880) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/glist.c:53 No locals. #12 0xb7e5aa1f in eel_enumeration_free (enumeration=0x81ab090) at eel-enumeration.c:90 No locals. #13 0xb7e5aa7a in enumeration_table_free_one_node (key=0x81ab078, value=0x81ab1f0, callback_data=0x0) at eel-enumeration.c:421 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "enumeration_table_free_one_node" #14 0xb7485e96 in IA__g_hash_table_foreach (hash_table=0x8179800, func=0xb7e5aa40 , user_data=0x0) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.14.1/glib/ghash.c:680 node = (GHashNode *) 0x81aa8a0 i = 6 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "IA__g_hash_table_foreach" #15 0xb7e59646 in enumeration_table_free () at eel-enumeration.c:429 No locals. #16 0xb7e5193c in eel_debug_shut_down () at eel-debug.c:110 f = (ShutdownFunction *) 0x81aa300 #17 0x0807f253 in main (argc=4, argv=0xbff142e4) at nautilus-main.c:563 kill_shell = 0 restart_shell = 0 no_default_window = 1 browser_window = 0 no_desktop = 0 startup_id = startup_id_copy = 0x81a8888 "\030u:\b" session_to_load = 0x0 geometry = (gchar *) 0x0 remaining = (const gchar **) 0x0 perform_self_check = 0 context = application = (NautilusApplication *) 0x81a3d90 program = (GnomeProgram *) 0x8181c10 options = {{long_name = 0x81477b6 "check", short_name = 99 'c', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xbff141b0, description = 0x8147828 "Perform a quick set of self-check tests.", arg_description = 0x0}, { long_name = 0x814a8c4 "geometry", short_name = 103 'g', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, arg_data = 0xbff141b8, description = 0x8147854 "Create the initial window with the given geometry.", arg_description = 0x8147625 "GEOMETRY"}, {long_name = 0x814762e "no-default-window", short_name = 110 'n', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xbff141c8, description = 0x8147888 "Only create windows for explicitly specified URIs.", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x8147640 "no-desktop", short_name = 0 '\0', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xbff141c0, description = 0x81478bc "Do not manage the desktop (ignore the preference set in the preferences dialog).", arg_description = 0x0}, {long_name = 0x814997b "browser", short_name = 0 '\0', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xbff141c4, description = 0x814764b "open a browser window.", arg_description = 0x0}, { long_name = 0x81477be "quit", short_name = 113 'q', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xbff141d0, description = 0x8147662 "Quit Nautilus.", arg_description = 0x0}, { long_name = 0x81477c5 "restart", short_name = 0 '\0', flags = 1, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0xbff141cc, description = 0x8147671 "Restart Nautilus.", arg_description = 0x0}, { long_name = 0x814bbdc "", short_name = 0 '\0', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY, arg_data = 0xbff141b4, description = 0x0, arg_description = 0x8147683 "[URI...]"}, { long_name = 0x8143d1c "load-session", short_name = 108 'l', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, arg_data = 0xbff141bc, description = 0x8147910 "Load a saved session from the specified file. Implies \"--no-default-window\".", arg_description = 0x814768c "FILENAME"}, {long_name = 0x0, short_name = 0 '\0', flags = 0, arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, arg_data = 0x0, description = 0x0, arg_description = 0x0}} #18 0xb71b8050 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 #19 0x08069441 in _start ()