quote: "you can use the standard button to browse in the previous path folders and backspace key on the keyboard" Firstly, I dont understand what you meen with "[..] use the standard button to browse in the previous path folders[..]". which standard button? As far as I know, I can use the "open parent" function in nautilus to reopen a folder, but thats very unintuative, and probably even a bit idiotic. The expected thing when opening a new folder is *not* for the already open one to close. Is there some system on this planet that behave like that? Not that something cant be created unless its already done by some one else, for me this very bad and if no one else does it this way, I might suggest that its becaus its kind of.. bad design. Its sort of as expected as introducing a dancing cow on the bottom panel. Introducing something like this is not the same as not having a treeview by default in the filemanager (old nautilus vs spatial naut.). I like the spatial view that has been in nautilus, its just this new "feature" that dont make any sense at all. And as for the backspace, even though im unsure of what you, Seb, meen by "[..] to browse in the previous path folders and backspace key on the keyboard"; do you think any new user would dare to use backspace when handeling their private data? For example, I have a large collection of photos taken by my digital camera. First of all, I would not guess that backspace is for browsing folders, and secondly, is it not so that some application uses it to erase, delete etc? It might be some old memory of some old application, but still, thats what i remember and thats why i *never* would use that key, not even if I read on bugzilla, irc or whatever that I should. I meen, I actually dont understand what you meen by using backspace to browse the previous folder. Any normal sane person would rahter suspect the backspace to delete things, not to reopen the folder they was supprised to see go away. Another example of why this is bad: I have a large collection of music. Given that I want to listen to some music, and dont know which. Id like to browse the Music-folder to look for some files. I would open /home/kent/Documents/Music (I have it in a bookmark in Places). Then, as im in the mood for Nick Cave, I open the Nick Cave folder. The Music (folder) window goes away. I dont find a file I like, reopens Music, Goes to Nirvana, Music closes, etc.. etc, ad irritatum ;) Browsing files gets irritating. *I* want to close a folder of choise and open specific folders of choise. I cant understand why the parent should get closed everytime a new folder is opened, it makes no sense. It makes even less sense, since there is no exposed way of reopening the parent. I meen, "open parent" is not a sentence that every one would understand (not minding this time the two extra clicks and that its irritating). Its not obvius to all people that they should relate to their folders on the harddrive as if it was their family and that each folder is the parent to its subfolders. Its a terminology thats not so intuative to understand. I figured it out, but Im not sure im so representive for normal (and for the new) users.