This bug was fixed in the package metacity - 1:2.34.3-3ubuntu1 --------------- metacity (1:2.34.3-3ubuntu1) quantal-proposed; urgency=low * Resync with Debian & refresh patches. (LP: #1032120, LP: #1035261) Remaining changes: * debian/control: - Suggest gnome-themes-standard instead of recommend - Add Vcs-Bzr link * debian/metacity-common.gsettings-override: - Set Ubuntu default button layout order for Classic session - Drop previous gconf overrides as obsolete * debian/patches/04_support_drag_drop_with_alt_tab.patch: - Support alt-tab during drag and drop. * debian/patches/05_raise_on_click_for_click_mode.patch: - Use raise on click option. * debian/patches/06_Add_UXD_shadows_and_borders.patch: - patch for a new key in the ubuntu theme for shows and borders * debian/patches/10_no-ws-switcher.patch: - Don't show the workspace switcher if we only have one. * debian/patches/12_dont-show-as-user.patch: - Don't show "as user" in title bar. * debian/patches/13_better_support_for_button_layout.patch: - Corrected support for buttons backgrounds with transparency * debian/patches/14_wrong_colormap.patch: - Use correct colormap to avoid crash with client side decorations * debian/patches/20_do-not-place-windows-over-the-launcher.patch: - Try to avoid an already visible launcher in intellihide mode when initially positioning new windows. * debian/patches/21_fix_compositing_startup.patch: Fix some weird rendering effect at startup with compositing activated * debian/patches/100_fade_on_long_title.patch: - Fade on the end if the title is too long. * debian/patches/102_workarea.patch, debian/patches/103_struts_in_the_middle.patch, debian/patches/104_workarea_union.patch: - Add barriers and multimonitor strut support for unity-2d * debian/patches/104_workarea_union.patch: - Ensure each screen_region generated by meta_rectangle_get_minimal_spanning_set_for_region is not outside the xinerama screens * Dropped patch: - 11_hide_tooltip_on_decorator.patch: Obsolete * debian/patches/03_strict_focus.patch: - Disabled. This needs gsettings-desktop-schemas to be patched if we want to bring this back * Disabled Unity 2D-related patches that need porting to gsettings: - 15_show_maximized_titlebars.patch - 16-capture-before-unmap.patch - 17-workspace-switcher-cycle.patch - 18-auto-maximize-windows.patch - 19_add_unity_hud_configuration.patch - 101_override_gconf_settings.patch metacity (1:2.34.3-3) unstable; urgency=low [ Josselin Mouette ] * 01_focus_new_window.patch: new patch from upstream bugzilla. Correctly focus new windows even when they appear behind an ?^?^?always on top?^?^? window. Closes: #515577. [ Michael Biebl ] * Rebuild with xz compression for binary packages. metacity (1:2.34.3-2) unstable; urgency=low * Upload to unstable. * Replace Suggests: gnome-themes with Recommends: gnome-themes-standard since Adwaita is the preferred window manager theme and we want it to be installed by default. * Use strict dependency between metacity/libmetacity-private0a and metacity-common to ensure we have the correct version of metacity-common providing the org.gnome.metacity gsettings schema. metacity (1:2.34.3-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Bump Build-Depends on libgtk2.0-dev to (>= 2.24.0) and libglib2.0-dev to (>= 2.25.10). * Replace libgconf2-dev Build-Depends with gsettings-desktop-schemas-dev (>= 3.3.0). * Replace libgnome2-common Depends with gsettings-desktop-schemas (>= 3.3.0). * Bump Suggests gnome-control-center to (>= 1:3.4.0). * Install GSettings schemas and GConf conversion script. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3. * Update Vcs-* URLs. metacity (1:2.34.1-2) unstable; urgency=low [ Josselin Mouette ] * Depend on gnome-icon-theme. Closes: #638141. [ Michael Biebl ] * Use a strict dependency between metacity and libmetacity-private. * Due to incompatible changes in libmetacity-private, which broke reverse dependencies like compiz, rename the library package to libmetacity-private0a. Closes: #629310 * Add Breaks/Replaces: libmetacity-private0 to libmetacity-private0a. * Add a lintian override for the package-name-doesnt-match-sonames warning. * debian/watch: Track .xz tarballs. -- Jeremy Bicha