Andrew> To think that the desktop should look significantly different between releases is a side effect of having used Windows too long! Linux is a progressive development and many of the tools I use have fixed issues I had in previous releases or added new functions that I now use. Balaji> I'm not expecting a significant change in the desktop. In fact between Feisty and Gutsy there IS a change in the desktop - Compiz. But I don't care about it. What I'm looking for is: 1. Better driver support for different printer, scanner models etc. 2. Better support of Wireless. My wireless connection setup is still a very complex procedure. 3. Bettter VPN support 4. POWER MANAGEMENT - This was promised to have improved in Gutsy. I see NO improvement at all. 5. Better Bluetooth support - I still can't send stuff to my laptop from my mobile. I don't know when I will send SMSes from my laptop. I know each one of them have a different software now, like vpnc or kbluetoothd etc. The thing is I want to use the GNOME version of these and reduce the disk space involved in installing multiple software. GNOME promised better work on this. Power management is a matter of the kernel. In the Gutsy release notes they said that the use of the new kernel improves power management. BULLSHIT. Driver support is dependent on their relationship with the community of programmers writing drivers like SANE or ALSA etc. I don't think they have good contacts anymore. Almost everything is broken once you migrate from Feisty. In migrating from one version of OS to the next, I don't want to keep redoing all the setup activities to work on every software and driver. Even restricted drivers was a problem. They don't have a generic kernel based driver from my laptop modem, but a 386 kernel based driver for the same modem is there! This is bad support indeed. There is no significant work for which UBUNTU charges for the services. I'm sure their services suck as much as Gutsy. Till Feisty I was a string supported of Ubuntu and loved it better than ANY OS. Gutsy is a gross disappointment indeed. They'll lose patrons at the rate they are rushing to ruin Linux. -Balaji On Nov 29, 2007 2:48 AM, anibal