Some games (Seen people have this problem with Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Warsow, and a few other games) don't run at all on Ubuntu 9.04 with the Radeon driver (Might concern other drivers for Radeon cards too). When trying to Enemy Territory it didn't launch at all, instead screen went black for a second or so and my resolution was set to 800x600. Running through console printed this: ET 2.60b linux-i386 May 8 2006 ----- FS_Startup ----- Current search path: /home/burneddi/.etwolf/etmain /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak2.pk3 (22 files) /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak1.pk3 (10 files) /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/pak0.pk3 (3725 files) /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/mp_bin.pk3 (6 files) /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain ---------------------- 3763 files in pk3 files execing default.cfg couldn't exec language.cfg execing autoexec.cfg execing valenickcrap.cfg execing class.cfg Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok ------- Input Initialization ------- Joystick is not active. ------------------------------------ Bypassing CD checks ----- Client Initialization ----- ----- Initializing Renderer ---- ------------------------------- ----- Client Initialization Complete ----- ----- R_Init ----- ...loading Initializing OpenGL display ...setting mode 4: 800 600 Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 2.2 XF86DGA Mouse (Version 2.0) initialized XFree86-VidModeExtension Activated at 800x600 Using 8/8/8 Color bits, 24 depth, 0 stencil display. X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) Major opcode of failed request: 1 Minor opcode of failed request: 0 Serial number of failed request: 41 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 18 Minor opcode of failed request: 0 Serial number of failed request: 42 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 18 Minor opcode of failed request: 0 Serial number of failed request: 43 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 8 Minor opcode of failed request: 0 Serial number of failed request: 44 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 12 Minor opcode of failed request: 0 Serial number of failed request: 45 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 18 Minor opcode of failed request: 0 Serial number of failed request: 48 X Error of failed request: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 136 Minor opcode of failed request: 7 Serial number of failed request: 53 X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) Major opcode of failed request: 154 Minor opcode of failed request: 26 Serial number of failed request: 53 Received signal 11, exiting... Muistialueen ylitys (<-- Sorry, my Ubuntu locale is finnish, in english that'd be something like "exceeded memory area") The game ran fine on 8.10 with my ATI Radeon 8500 card using the "radeon" driver. Same driver on 9.04 didn't work. glxinfo | grep render said that direct rendering is on. "Fixed" this by reinstalling to 8.10, would be nice to have this working in 9.04.