Activity log for bug #1937988

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2021-07-26 05:26:03 jeremyszu bug added bug
2021-07-26 05:26:46 jeremyszu bug added subscriber OEM Solutions Group: Engineers
2021-07-26 05:26:50 jeremyszu tags oem-priority originate-from-1931050 sutton
2021-07-26 05:26:54 jeremyszu tags oem-priority originate-from-1931050 sutton oem-priority originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 sutton
2021-07-26 05:26:58 jeremyszu tags oem-priority originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 sutton oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 somerville sutton
2021-07-26 05:27:11 jeremyszu oem-priority: assignee Shengyao Xue (xueshengyao)
2021-07-26 05:27:13 jeremyszu oem-priority: importance Undecided Critical
2021-07-26 05:27:15 jeremyszu oem-priority: status New In Progress
2021-07-29 04:38:06 jeremyszu tags oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 somerville sutton fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 somerville sutton
2021-07-29 05:04:29 jeremyszu bug watch added
2021-08-02 08:53:34 Shengyao Xue nominated for series oem-priority/focal
2021-08-02 08:53:34 Shengyao Xue bug task added oem-priority/focal
2021-08-03 07:25:56 jeremyszu summary The image is distrorted while use iGPU rendering and output via AMD GPU The image is distorted while use iGPU rendering and output via AMD GPU
2021-08-03 08:37:48 Shengyao Xue attachment added mesa_20.2.6-0ubuntu0.20.04.1to2.debdiff
2021-08-03 10:22:51 Timo Aaltonen nominated for series Ubuntu Hirsute
2021-08-03 10:22:51 Timo Aaltonen bug task added mesa (Ubuntu Hirsute)
2021-08-03 10:22:51 Timo Aaltonen nominated for series Ubuntu Focal
2021-08-03 10:22:51 Timo Aaltonen bug task added mesa (Ubuntu Focal)
2021-08-03 11:28:13 Shengyao Xue bug task deleted oem-priority/focal
2021-08-03 12:29:07 Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot tags fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 somerville sutton fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 patch somerville sutton
2021-08-03 12:29:18 Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot bug added subscriber Ubuntu Sponsors Team
2021-08-03 18:04:04 Shengyao Xue attachment added mesa_21.0.3-0ubuntu0.2~20.04.1.dsc-to-mesa_21.0.3-0ubuntu0.3~20.04.1.debdiff
2021-08-03 18:05:20 Shengyao Xue attachment added mesa_21.0.3-0ubuntu0.2.dsc-to-mesa_21.0.3-0ubuntu0.3.dsc.debdiff
2021-08-06 06:54:03 Timo Aaltonen description [Steps to reproduce] 1. Connect a monitor on the AMD GPU. 2. Power on the system and boot into OS. 3. Run below command to launch glxgear Cmd> DRI_PRIME=1 glxgears -info [Expected result] The image is not distrorted while running the glxgears [Actual result] The image is distrorted while running the glxgears --- Here is the upstream bug for tracking this issue. [Impact] Image is distorted with PRIME, caused by mismatch in stride alignment between intel and amdgpu/nvidia after intel bumped the alignment to 256 bytes. [Fix] Upstream fixed it in 21.2-series, and backport to 21.0.x needs four commits in total. [Test case] 1. Connect a monitor on the AMD GPU. 2. Power on the system and boot into OS. 3. Run below command to launch glxgears Cmd> DRI_PRIME=1 glxgears -info * Expected result The image is not distorted while running the glxgears * Actual result The image is distorted while running the glxgears [Where things might go wrong] This is a regression caused by the intel driver, so the backports merely fix what got broken. Regressions would only manifest on hybrid graphics platforms. --- Here is the upstream bug for tracking this issue.
2021-08-09 09:06:48 Timo Aaltonen mesa (Ubuntu): status New Fix Committed
2021-08-09 14:06:01 Łukasz Zemczak mesa (Ubuntu Hirsute): status New Fix Committed
2021-08-09 14:06:03 Łukasz Zemczak bug added subscriber Ubuntu Stable Release Updates Team
2021-08-09 14:06:05 Łukasz Zemczak bug added subscriber SRU Verification
2021-08-09 14:06:09 Łukasz Zemczak tags fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 patch somerville sutton fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 patch somerville sutton verification-needed verification-needed-hirsute
2021-08-09 14:14:41 Łukasz Zemczak mesa (Ubuntu Focal): status New Fix Committed
2021-08-09 14:14:46 Łukasz Zemczak tags fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 patch somerville sutton verification-needed verification-needed-hirsute fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 patch somerville sutton verification-needed verification-needed-focal verification-needed-hirsute
2021-08-09 14:16:39 Łukasz Zemczak removed subscriber Ubuntu Sponsors Team
2021-08-11 05:08:50 Bin Li tags fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 patch somerville sutton verification-needed verification-needed-focal verification-needed-hirsute fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 patch somerville sutton verification-done-focal verification-needed verification-needed-hirsute
2021-08-11 05:09:04 Bin Li oem-priority: status In Progress Fix Committed
2021-08-11 06:02:39 Bin Li tags fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 patch somerville sutton verification-done-focal verification-needed verification-needed-hirsute fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 patch somerville sutton verification-done verification-done-focal verification-done-hirsute
2021-08-11 06:12:55 Bin Li tags fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 patch somerville sutton verification-done verification-done-focal verification-done-hirsute fossa-edge-staging oem-priority originate-from-1904984 originate-from-1917700 originate-from-1931050 originate-from-1935587 patch somerville sutton verification-done verification-done-focal verification-done-hirsute
2021-08-11 15:34:46 Neal Fultz bug added subscriber Neal Fultz
2021-08-16 08:40:13 Łukasz Zemczak removed subscriber Ubuntu Stable Release Updates Team
2021-08-16 08:40:11 Launchpad Janitor mesa (Ubuntu Hirsute): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2021-08-16 08:45:53 Launchpad Janitor mesa (Ubuntu Focal): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2021-08-23 01:37:23 Shengyao Xue oem-priority: status Fix Committed Fix Released
2021-09-16 11:08:36 Launchpad Janitor mesa (Ubuntu): status Fix Committed Fix Released