Hi, I have done the research by myself later and found out that the guilty is precisely what ianorlin pointed to: the program "Default Applications for LXSession" which is in the "Menu > Preferences" menus. Or rather should I say, the default choices done there, and the default choices done times before it exists. Here are the explanations: What I already knew, is that nm-applet is usually started from a desktop file which is located under /etc/xdg/autostart : all desktop files located in that directory contain the "Exec=" line which is executed at the start of a session using Openbox (it can be lxde-openbox, gnome-openbox, or kde-openbox), provided that python-xdg is installed, and provided that another script, located in Ubuntu under /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/, the openbox-xdg-autostart python script is called (from another file located nearby or somewhere else in the system, I spare you this part). So what we have in Lubuntu Trusty is simply a nm-applet which is started once by openbox-xdg-autostart, and once again by "/usr/bin/lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE" (seen, not in the TV, but inside htop started in the console). Maybe you wonder what that is about? I have done in console "lxsession --help" and found that the option '-s' is for the name of the session, and the '-e' is for the desktop environment. What else was missing my dear Watson? :p The name of the guilty file of course. To find it, I went into Synaptic, sought for all lubuntu packages name and descriptions and thought oh, a lubuntu-default-settings package! What's in there? I had a look at the list of files and from there, found the file which is under /home/melodie/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu, opened the file "desktop.conf" in Leafpad, and I could admire all the entries especially the ones default configured to be started at same time as the user session. I did a copy of the file, removed the line related to nm-applet, did a logout/login: only one icon left. Then I remember what ianorlin found about the "Default Applications for LXSession" gui, and I changed from "nothing" to "nm-applet", the nm-applet line re appeared in the ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/desktop.conf file. The last thing I retried which phillw had already tried while we were talking about this on IRC, was removing the python-xdg package which is supposed to be what is needed for openbox-xdg-autostart to work: but well, removing it does not prevent the 2 icons from appearing, if the nm-applet.desktop file is still in the $PATH, and if the Lubuntu desktop.conf file still has instructions to start it. But if I remove nm-applet.desktop from the way, and leave just the one configured by the "Default Applications for LXSession" gui, then the icon appears once only. One mystery is still there: who can tell me what is the process which starts the programs whose desktop files are in /etc/xdg/autostart? The winner will earn the right to test the next Lubuntu Trusty Beta! \o/ ! All this can also lead further to the applications default started with openbox-xdg-autostart : other desktop files can be found in /etc/xdg/autostart, such as gnome-polkit-authentication-agent-1.desktop. And indeed it is started. And also lxpolkit is started : what is the need for two authentication agents in the same running system? None usually. And the other files there might need to be checked by someone having some knowledge about what is default needed and what is not. Conclusion: I don't have one. nm-applet.desktop has long been provided in /etc/xdg/autostart as well as in /usr/share/applications. Lubuntu brings new ways of dealing with the startup of apps chosen by the user, which is a good thing. I wouldn't know very well what to do under the circumstance. Perhaps would I suggest the main Lubuntu team leader to contact the persons in charge of packaging network-manager-gnome, and see if considering to withdraw the nm-applet.desktop from the /etc/xdg/autostart could be an option?