I don't know if this is related to the to using the Fn key with numeric numbers? I know there was a discussion of having the patch for that being rolled out to a 'deb' source? phillw@lubuntu-rc:~/.config/autostart$ cat numlock.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=Numlock Fixer Exec=xmodmap /home/phillw/Fn-mod-map.txt Version=1.0 Comment=Fix that little problem with the numeric keypad on laptops Comment[es]=Arregla el problemilla con el teclado numérico en los portátiles Type=Application X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true StartupNotify=true Categories=Utility;phillw@lubuntu-rc:~/.config/autostart$ ^C phillw@lubuntu-rc:~/.config/autostart$ cat /home/phillw/Fn-mod-map.txt keysym KP_Insert = KP_0 keysym KP_End = KP_1 keysym KP_Down = KP_2 keysym KP_Next = KP_3 keysym KP_Left = KP_4 keysym KP_Begin = KP_5 keysym KP_Right = KP_6 keysym KP_Home = KP_7 keysym KP_Up = KP_8 keysym KP_Prior = KP_9 Is this on the same Fn mapping area that we had previously discussed? Regards, Phill. On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 8:54 PM, Mikael Hjelm