Log file created at: 2015/09/04 10:17:10 Running on machine: ubuntu-phablet Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg E0904 10:17:10.653188 3704 android_hardware_abstraction_layer.cpp:157] Error downloading GPS Xtra data: Timeout was reached: Operation timed out after 1499 milliseconds with 84941 out of 276480 bytes received E0904 10:18:55.453871 3704 android_hardware_abstraction_layer.cpp:157] Error downloading GPS Xtra data: Timeout was reached: Operation timed out after 1499 milliseconds with 35709 out of 276480 bytes received E0904 10:20:49.998421 3704 android_hardware_abstraction_layer.cpp:157] Error downloading GPS Xtra data: Timeout was reached: Operation timed out after 1015 milliseconds with 40053 out of 276480 bytes received E0904 10:23:01.133419 3704 android_hardware_abstraction_layer.cpp:157] Error downloading GPS Xtra data: Timeout was reached: Operation timed out after 1496 milliseconds with 47293 out of 276480 bytes received E0904 10:24:43.012439 3704 android_hardware_abstraction_layer.cpp:157] Error downloading GPS Xtra data: Timeout was reached: Operation timed out after 1494 milliseconds with 40053 out of 276480 bytes received E0904 10:30:03.957231 3704 android_hardware_abstraction_layer.cpp:157] Error downloading GPS Xtra data: Timeout was reached: Operation timed out after 1296 milliseconds with 18333 out of 276480 bytes received E0904 10:32:23.736616 3704 android_hardware_abstraction_layer.cpp:157] Error downloading GPS Xtra data: Timeout was reached: Resolving timed out after 1510 milliseconds